鎬濊矾锛�鐢╯hell缂栫▼.(Linux閫氬父鏄痓ash鑰學indows鏄壒澶勭悊鑴氭湰).渚嬪,鍦╓indows涓婄敤ping ip 鐨勫懡浠や緷娆℃祴璇曞悇涓満鍣ㄥ苟寰楀埌鎺у埗鍙拌緭鍑�.鐢变簬ping閫氱殑鏃跺�欐帶鍒跺彴鏂囨湰閫氬父鏄�"Reply from ... " 鑰屼笉閫氱殑鏃跺�欐枃鏈槸"time out ... " ,鎵�浠�,鍦ㄧ粨鏋滀腑杩涜瀛楃涓叉煡鎵�,鍗冲彲鐭ラ亾璇ユ満鍣ㄦ槸鍚﹁繛閫�.
String cmd="cmd.exe ping ";
String ipprefix="192.168.10.";
int begin=101;
int end=200;
Process p=null;
for(int i=begin;i 聽 聽 p= Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd+i); 聽 聽 String line = null; 聽 聽 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); 聽 聽 while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) 聽 聽 { 聽 聽 聽 聽 //Handling line , may logs it. 聽 聽 } 聽 聽 reader.close(); 聽 聽 p.destroy(); } 杩欐浠g爜杩愯寰楀緢濂�,闂鏄负浜嗚繍琛岃繖娈典唬鐮�,浣犺繕闇�瑕佸仛涓�浜涢澶栫殑宸ヤ綔.杩欎簺棰濆鐨勫伐浣滃寘鎷� 缂栧啓涓�涓被鏂囦欢 缂栧啓涓�涓猰ain鏂规硶 灏嗕箣缂栬瘧鎴愬瓧鑺備唬鐮� 鐢变簬瀛楄妭浠g爜涓嶈兘鐩存帴杩愯,浣犻渶瑕佸啀鍐欎釜灏忓皬鐨刡at鎴栬�卋ash鑴氭湰鏉ヨ繍琛�. 褰撶劧,鐢–/C++鍚屾牱鑳藉畬鎴愯繖椤瑰伐浣�.浣咰/C++涓嶆槸璺ㄥ钩鍙拌瑷�.鍦ㄨ繖涓冻澶熺畝鍗曠殑渚嬪瓙涓篃璁哥湅涓嶅嚭C/C++鍜孞ava瀹炵幇鐨勫尯鍒�,浣嗗湪涓�浜涙洿涓哄鏉傜殑鍦烘櫙,姣斿瑕佸皢杩為�氫笌鍚︾殑淇℃伅璁板綍鍒扮綉缁滄暟鎹簱.鐢变簬Linux鍜學indows鐨勭綉缁滄帴鍙e疄鐜版柟寮忎笉鍚�,浣犱笉寰椾笉鍐欎袱涓嚱鏁扮殑鐗堟湰.鐢↗ava灏辨病鏈夎繖鏍风殑椤捐檻. 鍚屾牱鐨勫伐浣滅敤Python瀹炵幇濡備笅锛� import subprocess cmd="cmd.exe" begin=101 end=200 while begin 聽 聽 p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 stderr=subprocess.PIPE) 聽 聽 p.stdin.write("ping 192.168.1."+str(begin)+"\n") 聽 聽 p.stdin.close() 聽 聽 p.wait() 聽 聽 print "execution result: %s"%p.stdout.read() 瀵规瘮Java,Python鐨勫疄鐜版洿涓虹畝娲�,浣犵紪鍐欑殑鏃堕棿鏇村揩.浣犱笉闇�瑕佸啓main鍑芥暟,骞朵笖杩欎釜绋嬪簭淇濆瓨涔嬪悗鍙互鐩存帴杩愯.鍙﹀,鍜孞ava涓�鏍�,Python涔熸槸璺ㄥ钩鍙扮殑. 鏈夌粡楠岀殑C/Java绋嬪簭鍛樺彲鑳戒細浜夎璇寸敤C/Java鍐欎細姣擯ython鍐欏緱蹇�.杩欎釜瑙傜偣瑙佷粊瑙佹櫤.鎴戠殑鎯虫硶鏄綋浣犲悓鏃舵帉鎻ava鍜孭ython涔嬪悗,浣犱細鍙戠幇鐢≒ython鍐欒繖绫荤▼搴忕殑閫熷害浼氭瘮Java蹇笂璁稿.渚嬪鎿嶄綔鏈湴鏂囦欢鏃朵綘浠呴渶瑕佷竴琛屼唬鐮佽�屼笉闇�瑕丣ava鐨勮澶氭祦鍖呰绫�.鍚勭璇█鏈夊叾澶╃劧鐨勯�傚悎鐨勫簲鐢ㄨ寖鍥�.鐢≒ython澶勭悊涓�浜涚畝鐭▼搴忕被浼间笌鎿嶄綔绯荤粺鐨勪氦浜掔紪绋嬪伐浣滄渶鐪佹椂鐪佸姏. Python搴旂敤鍦哄悎 瓒冲绠�鍗曠殑浠诲姟,渚嬪涓�浜泂hell缂栫▼.濡傛灉浣犲枩娆㈢敤Python璁捐澶у瀷鍟嗕笟缃戠珯鎴栬�呰璁″鏉傜殑娓告垙. 2銆佸揩閫熷叆闂� 2.1 Hello world 瀹夎瀹孭ython涔嬪悗(鎴戞湰鏈虹殑鐗堟湰鏄�2.5.4),鎵撳紑IDLE(Python GUI) , 璇ョ▼搴忔槸Python璇█瑙i噴鍣�,浣犲啓鐨勮鍙ヨ兘澶熺珛鍗宠繍琛�.鎴戜滑鍐欎笅涓�鍙ヨ憲鍚嶇殑绋嬪簭璇彞: print "Hello,world!" 骞舵寜鍥炶溅.浣犲氨鑳界湅鍒拌繖鍙ヨK&R寮曞叆鍒扮▼搴忎笘鐣岀殑鍚嶈█. 鍦ㄨВ閲婂櫒涓�夋嫨"File"--"New Window" 鎴栧揩鎹烽敭 Ctrl+N , 鎵撳紑涓�涓柊鐨勭紪杈戝櫒.鍐欎笅濡備笅璇彞: print "Hello,world!" raw_input("Press enter key to close this window..."); 淇濆瓨涓篴.py鏂囦欢.鎸塅5,浣犲氨鍙互鐪嬪埌绋嬪簭鐨勮繍琛岀粨鏋滀簡.杩欐槸Python鐨勭浜岀杩愯鏂瑰紡. 鎵惧埌浣犱繚瀛樼殑a.py鏂囦欢,鍙屽嚮.涔熷彲浠ョ湅鍒扮▼搴忕粨鏋�.Python鐨勭▼搴忚兘澶熺洿鎺ヨ繍琛�,瀵规瘮Java,杩欐槸涓�涓紭鍔�. 2.2 鍥介檯鍖栨敮鎸� 鎴戜滑鎹竴绉嶆柟寮忔潵闂�欎笘鐣�.鏂板缓涓�涓紪杈戝櫒骞跺啓濡備笅浠g爜: print "娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌濂ヨ繍涓浗!" raw_input("Press enter key to close this window..."); 鍦ㄤ綘淇濆瓨浠g爜鐨勬椂鍊�,Python浼氭彁绀轰綘鏄惁鏀瑰彉鏂囦欢鐨勫瓧绗﹂泦,缁撴灉濡備笅: -*- coding: cp936 -*- print "娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌濂ヨ繍涓浗!" raw_input("Press enter key to close this window"); 灏嗚瀛楃闆嗘敼涓烘垜浠洿鐔熸倝鐨勫舰寮�: # -*- coding: GBK -*- print "娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌濂ヨ繍涓浗!" # 浣跨敤涓枃鐨勪緥瀛� raw_input("Press enter key to close this window"); 绋嬪簭涓�鏍疯繍琛岃壇濂�. 2.3 鏂逛究鏄撶敤鐨勮绠楀櫒 鐢ㄥ井杞檮甯︾殑璁$畻鍣ㄦ潵璁℃暟瀹炲湪澶夯鐑︿簡.鎵撳紑Python瑙i噴鍣�,鐩存帴杩涜璁$畻: a=100.0 b=201.1 c=2343 print (a+b+c)/c 2.4 瀛楃涓�,ASCII鍜孶NICODE 鍙互濡備笅鎵撳嵃鍑洪瀹氫箟杈撳嚭鏍煎紡鐨勫瓧绗︿覆: print """ Usage: thingy [OPTIONS] 聽 聽 -h聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 Display this usage message 聽 聽 -H hostname聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 Hostname to connect to """ 瀛楃涓叉槸鎬庝箞璁块棶鐨�?璇风湅杩欎釜渚嬪瓙: word="abcdefg" a=word[2] print "a is: "+a b=word[1:3] print "b is: "+b # index 1 and 2 elements of word. c=word[:2] print "c is: "+c # index 0 and 1 elements of word. d=word[0:] print "d is: "+d # All elements of word. e=word[:2]+word[2:] print "e is: "+e # All elements of word. f=word[-1] print "f is: "+f # The last elements of word. g=word[-4:-2] print "g is: "+g # index 3 and 4 elements of word. h=word[-2:] print "h is: "+h # The last two elements. i=word[:-2] print "i is: "+i # Everything except the last two characters l=len(word) print "Length of word is: "+ str(l) 璇锋敞鎰廇SCII鍜孶NICODE瀛楃涓茬殑鍖哄埆: print "Input your Chinese name:" s=raw_input("Press enter to be continued..."); print "Your name is ... : " +s; l=len(s) print "Length of your Chinese name in asc codes is:"+str(l); a=unicode(s,"GBK") l=len(a) print "I'm sorry we should use unicode char!Characters number of your Chinese \ name in unicode is:"+str(l); 2.5 浣跨敤List 绫讳技Java閲岀殑List,杩欐槸涓�绉嶆柟渚挎槗鐢ㄧ殑鏁版嵁绫诲瀷: word=['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] a=word[2] print "a is: "+a b=word[1:3] print "b is: " print b # index 1 and 2 elements of word. c=word[:2] print "c is: " print c # index 0 and 1 elements of word. d=word[0:] print "d is: " print d # All elements of word. e=word[:2]+word[2:] print "e is: " print e # All elements of word. f=word[-1] print "f is: " print f # The last elements of word. g=word[-4:-2] print "g is: " print g # index 3 and 4 elements of word. h=word[-2:] print "h is: " print h # The last two elements. i=word[:-2] print "i is: " print i # Everything except the last two characters l=len(word) print "Length of word is: "+ str(l) print "Adds new element..." word.append('h') print word 2.6 鏉′欢鍜屽惊鐜鍙� # Multi-way decision x=int(raw_input("Please enter an integer:")) if x<0: 聽 聽 x=0 聽 聽 print "Negative changed to zero" elif x==0: 聽 聽 print "Zero" else: 聽 聽 print "More" # Loops List a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] for x in a: 聽 聽 print x, len(x) 2.7 濡備綍瀹氫箟鍑芥暟 # Define and invoke function. def sum(a,b): 聽 聽 return a+b func = sum r = func(5,6) print r # Defines function with default argument def add(a,b=2): 聽 聽 return a+b r=add(1) print r r=add(1,5) print r 骞朵笖,浠嬬粛涓�涓柟渚垮ソ鐢ㄧ殑鍑芥暟: # The range() function a =range(5,10) print a a = range(-2,-7) print a a = range(-7,-2) print a a = range(-2,-11,-3) # The 3rd parameter stands for step print a 2.8 鏂囦欢I/O spath="D:/download/baa.txt" f=open(spath,"w") # Opens file for writing.Creates this file doesn't exist. f.write("First line 1.\n") f.writelines("First line 2.") f.close() f=open(spath,"r") # Opens file for reading for line in f: 聽 聽 print line f.close() 2.9 寮傚父澶勭悊 s=raw_input("Input your age:") if s =="": 聽 聽 raise Exception("Input must no be empty.") try: 聽 聽 i=int(s) except ValueError: 聽 聽 print "Could not convert data to an integer." except: 聽 聽 print "Unknown exception!" else: # It is useful for code that must be executed if the try clause does not raise an exception 聽 聽 print "You are %d" % i," years old" finally: # Clean up action 聽 聽 print "Goodbye!" 2.10 绫诲拰缁ф壙 class Base: 聽 聽 def __init__(self): 聽 聽 聽 聽 self.data = [] 聽 聽 def add(self, x): 聽 聽 聽 聽 self.data.append(x) 聽 聽 def addtwice(self, x): 聽 聽 聽 聽 self.add(x) 聽 聽 聽 聽 self.add(x) # Child extends Base class Child(Base): 聽 聽 def plus(self,a,b): 聽 聽 聽 聽 return a+b oChild =Child() oChild.add("str1") print oChild.data print oChild.plus(2,3) 2.11 鍖呮満鍒� 姣忎竴涓�.py鏂囦欢绉颁负涓�涓猰odule,module涔嬮棿鍙互浜掔浉瀵煎叆.璇峰弬鐪嬩互涓嬩緥瀛�: # a.py def add_func(a,b): 聽 聽 return a+b # b.py from a import add_func # Also can be : import a print "Import add_func from module a" print "Result of 1 plus 2 is: " print add_func(1,2)聽 聽 # If using "import a" , then here should be "a.add_func" module鍙互瀹氫箟鍦ㄥ寘閲岄潰.Python瀹氫箟鍖呯殑鏂瑰紡绋嶅井鏈夌偣鍙ゆ��,鍋囪鎴戜滑鏈変竴涓猵arent鏂囦欢澶�,璇ユ枃浠跺す鏈変竴涓猚hild瀛愭枃浠跺す.child涓湁涓�涓猰odule a.py . 濡備綍璁㏄ython鐭ラ亾杩欎釜鏂囦欢灞傛缁撴瀯?寰堢畝鍗�,姣忎釜鐩綍閮芥斁涓�涓悕涓篲init_.py 鐨勬枃浠�.璇ユ枃浠跺唴瀹瑰彲浠ヤ负绌�.杩欎釜灞傛缁撴瀯濡備笅鎵�绀�: parent 聽 --__init_.py 聽 --child 聽 聽 -- __init_.py 聽 聽 --a.py b.py 閭d箞Python濡備綍鎵惧埌鎴戜滑瀹氫箟鐨刴odule?鍦ㄦ爣鍑嗗寘sys涓�,path灞炴�ц褰曚簡Python鐨勫寘璺緞.浣犲彲浠ュ皢涔嬫墦鍗板嚭鏉�: import sys print sys.path 閫氬父鎴戜滑鍙互灏唌odule鐨勫寘璺緞鏀惧埌鐜鍙橀噺PYTHONPATH涓�,璇ョ幆澧冨彉閲忎細鑷姩娣诲姞鍒皊ys.path灞炴��.鍙︿竴绉嶆柟渚跨殑鏂规硶鏄紪绋嬩腑鐩存帴鎸囧畾鎴戜滑鐨刴odule璺緞鍒皊ys.path 涓�: import sys sys.path.append('D:\\download') from parent.child.a import add_func print sys.path print "Import add_func from module a" print "Result of 1 plus 2 is: " print add_func(1,2) 鎬荤粨 浣犱細鍙戠幇杩欎釜鏁欑▼鐩稿綋鐨勭畝鍗�.璁稿Python鐗规�у湪浠g爜涓互闅愬惈鏂瑰紡鎻愬嚭,杩欎簺鐗规�у寘鎷�:Python涓嶉渶瑕佹樉寮忓0鏄庢暟鎹被鍨�,鍏抽敭瀛楄鏄�,瀛楃涓插嚱鏁扮殑瑙i噴绛夌瓑.鎴戣涓轰竴涓啛缁冪殑绋嬪簭鍛樺簲璇ュ杩欎簺姒傚康鐩稿綋浜嗚В,杩欐牱鍦ㄤ綘鎸ゅ嚭瀹濊吹鐨勪竴灏忔椂闃呰杩欑瘒鐭煭鐨勬暀绋嬩箣鍚�,浣犺兘澶熼�氳繃宸叉湁鐭ヨ瘑鐨勮縼绉荤被姣斿敖蹇啛鎮塒ython,鐒跺悗灏藉揩鑳界敤瀹冨紑濮嬬紪绋�. 褰撶劧,1灏忔椂瀛︿細Python棰囨湁鍝椾紬鍙栧疇涔嬪珜.纭垏鐨勮,缂栫▼璇█鍖呮嫭璇硶鍜屾爣鍑嗗簱.璇硶鐩稿綋浜庢鏈嫑寮�,鑰屾爣鍑嗗簱搴旂敤瀹炶返缁忛獙鍒欑被浼间簬鍐呭姛,闇�瑕侀暱鏈熼敾鐐�.Python瀛︿範浜咼ava鐨勯暱澶�,鎻愪緵浜嗗ぇ閲忔瀬鏂逛究鏄撶敤鐨勬爣鍑嗗簱渚涚▼搴忓憳"鎷挎潵涓讳箟".(杩欎篃鏄疨ython鎴愬姛鐨勫師鍥�),鍦ㄥ紑绡囨垜浠湅鍒颁簡Python濡備綍璋冪敤Windows cmd鐨勪緥瀛�,浠ュ悗鎴戜細灏介噺鍐欎笂鍚勬爣鍑嗗簱鐨勭敤娉曞拰涓�浜涘簲鐢ㄦ妧宸�,璁╁ぇ瀹剁湡姝f帉鎻ython.