



Whatever platform you look at – iOS, OS X, Android, Windows, Linux – there is some form of software store available. Android users have been able to enjoy Google Play (under various guises) for some time, and Apple’s App Store is well known even outside of tech circles. Microsoft was a little slow to join the party, but Windows 8’s Store means everyone is now on the same page. But is the store that’s built into Windows 8 the best option?

无论您使用哪种平台(iOS,OS X,Android,Windows,Linux),都可以使用某种形式的软件存储。 Android用户已经能够享受Google Play(多种形式)了一段时间了,Apple的App Store甚至在科技界之外也广为人知。 微软参加聚会的速度有点慢,但是Windows 8的Store意味着每个人现在都在同一页面上。 但是Windows 8内置的商店是最好的选择吗?

If you want to access the Windows Store, at least through an app, you need to be running Windows 8. This makes sense to some extent, but it is slightly restrictive. What about when you’re using a second computer that’s still running Windows 7? Well, in this instance you can browse through the Store online, but there are still limitations to keep in mind.

如果要至少通过一个应用程序访问Windows应用商店,则需要运行Windows8。这在某种程度上是合理的,但它有一些限制。 当您使用第二台仍在运行Windows 7的计算机时该怎么办? 好了,在这种情况下,您可以在线浏览商店,但是要记住一些限制。


The most notable limitation of the Store is that you are only able to browse through apps that have been made available in your country. You can search for apps using your favorite search engine, but this can be something of a hit and miss affair.

该商店最明显的限制是您只能浏览所在国家/地区提供的应用。 您可以使用自己喜欢的搜索引擎来搜索应用程序,但这可能会引起轰动。


But there are other ways you can sate your app needs. Whether you’re looking for modern apps for Windows 8, or just want a way to track down interesting software, there are plenty of ways to go about it.

但是,还有其他方法可以满足您的应用程序需求。 无论您是要寻找适用于Windows 8的现代应用程序,还是只想找到一种有趣的软件的途径,都有很多方法可以解决。

MetroStore扫描仪 (MetroStore Scanner)

MetroScanner is a website that acts as a front end for the Store on the internet – something that Microsoft did not provide. You can search for apps just as you would with your web browser, but there are also filtering options to help you to home in on what you’re looking for.

MetroScanner是一个网站,充当Internet上Store的前端-Microsoft并未提供。 您可以像使用网络浏览器一样搜索应用程序,但是也有过滤选项可以帮助您找到所需的内容。


Drop down menus make it possible to limit the apps that are displayed to software that falls into a particular category, has been designed for particular platforms (32-bit, 64-bit and ARM) or is only available in specific countries.


Statistic fans will be pleased to see information provided about how many new apps have been added and how many have been updated. Graphs are available to illustrate historic data.

统计信息迷将很高兴看到所提供的有关已添加了多少新应用程序以及已更新了多少应用程序的信息。 可用图形来说明历史数据。


Allmyapps (Allmyapps)

It’s not just users of Windows 8 that are able to use an app store. Allmyapps is available to all versions of Windows and provides access to apps that have not had to go through the usual Microsoft vetting process.

能够使用应用商店的不仅仅是Windows 8用户。 Allmyapps可用于所有版本的Windows,并提供对不必经过通常的Microsoft审核过程的应用程序的访问。


You won’t find anything designed specifically for Windows 8 here, but the app serves as a great alternative to blindly hunting for apps, or relying on software download sites.

您在此处找不到专为Windows 8设计的任何内容,但是该应用程序可作为盲目寻找应用程序或依赖软件下载站点的绝佳选择。

As an added bonus, Allmyapps also keeps track of software updates and notifies you when there are new versions available, even if update checking is not a feature supported by a particular app. Install the program on more than one computer and you can synchronize your software between machines so you never have to worry about missing out on something you need.

作为一项额外的奖励,即使更新检查不是特定应用程序支持的功能,Allmyapps也会跟踪软件更新并在有可用的新版本时通知您。 将程序安装在多台计算机上,您可以在计算机之间同步软件,因此您不必担心会丢失所需的东西。

尼尼特 (Ninite)

For all the talk of choice, the vast majority of software downloads are users grabbing installers for a fairly limited number of apps. App stores with hundreds of thousands of apps to choose from are certainly useful, but Ninite concentrates on making it easier to get your core apps set up.

出于所有选择,绝大多数软件下载都是用户为相当有限的应用程序争取安装程序。 拥有数十万种应用程序供您选择的应用程序商店肯定有用,但是Ninite致力于简化设置核心应用程序的过程。


Rather than forcing you to visit countless web sites and download numerous installers for all of the software you need, Ninite enables you to select all of the apps you’re interested in and have custom installers made for you.


This means that you can install dozens of apps in just a few clicks, and should any of the programs you choose include bundled bloatware such as toolbars, the custom installer will automatically decline their installation.


便携式应用 (Portable Apps)

You don’t have to be running software from a USB drive to have an interest in portable software; there is a great deal to be said for programs that do not need to be installed. Grab yourself a copy of the PortableApps.com Platform and you can save yourself from having to hunt down portable versions of all the apps you use.

您不必从USB驱动器上运行软件即可对便携式软件产生兴趣。 对于不需要安装的程序,要说的很多。 索取一份PortableApps.com平台的副本,您就可以不必查找所有使用的便携式版本的便携式版本。


Run through the installation to get the software up and running, and you will gain access to an interesting take on the traditional app store. It works like a combination of Ninite and Allmyapps, enabling you to select the apps you want to download from the directory and taking care of the rest for you.

运行安装过程以启动并运行软件,您将可以访问传统应用商店中的有趣内容。 它的工作方式类似于Ninite和Allmyapps的组合,使您可以从目录中选择要下载的应用程序,并为您完成其余工作。


Once downloaded, you can use the supplied launcher to access the apps you have ‘installed’.


What have you found to be the best source of software? Do you use the Store or are you more reliant on download sites?

您发现什么是最佳的软件来源? 您使用商店还是更依赖下载站点?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/138016/the-windows-store-isnt-the-only-place-to-find-apps-here-are-a-couple-of-alternatives/

