



Last year’s large-scale documentary “Earth Planet 2” invested by the British Broadcasting Corporation was well-received after airing. Many of the animals’ unfamiliar faces were eye-opening, and the snakes siege the iguana’s cubs. Is to let many viewers look after hooked. However, according to British media reports, this scene was allegedly fraudulent.


This controversial scene took place on the Pacific island of Galapagos. Every year in June, the iguana's pups appear on time, and this is the best time for snakes to prey. In the documentary, the snake herd slammed the iguana's pups and the scene was horrified. Fortunately, this iguana larvae stubbornly resisted and eventually escaped. This splendid scene was honored by the British Academy of Film Awards in 2016 as "a moment that the audience must watch."


However, Elizabeth White, a producer of "Earth Planet 2", pointed out in an interview recently that due to the lack of cooperation between the iguana pups and the snakes when filming the documentaries, the footage was broadcast by two. The "sew" of the camera's shot is not the same as the iguana's siege and ultimately escaped by the snakes.




But for this statement, the BBC denied it. The British Broadcasting Corporation website reported on the 14th that documentaries did use two cameras at the time of shooting, but this was to present different perspectives of the iguana pups and snake herds. There was no such thing as “stitching”. In addition, the documentary film really only photographed the escape course of a baby iguana.




In fact, this is not the first time that the BBC has exposed a documentary suspected of fraud. In 2015, a video of the “volcanic thunderstorm” in southern Chile in the documentary “Patagonia: The Secret Paradise of the Earth” produced by the BBC was post-production synthesis. In response, the BBC stated that volcanic thunderstorms do exist but it is difficult to take a shot. 


In 2011, the story of the polar bear baby in the BBC "Icy Planet" was actually taken at a zoo in the Netherlands. Polar bear nests are fake and even snow is false.


