安装 pyzbar:https://pypi.org/project/zbar/
sudo apt-get install libzbar0
pip install pyzbar
安装 opencv
pip install opencv-python
import cv2
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
import numpy as np
def IsQrRate(rate):
return np.logical_and(rate>0.15, rate<1.9)
def IsQrColorRateX(image, flag):
# 默认处理的是二值化之后的图
nr = int(image.shape[0] / 2)
nc = image.shape[1]
bar = image[nr,:]
edge = np.where(bar[:-1]!=bar[1:])[0]
edge = np.array([-1] + list(edge) + [nc])
count = edge[1:] - edge[:-1] # 每个区域的长度
if len(count)<5: # 至少有5个区域,考虑到切割图象边界处可能会出现7个区域
return False
## 横向黑白比例1:1:3:1:1
maxCount = np.max(count)
maxIdx = np.argmax(count)
if maxIdx<2 or maxIdx>len(count)-3:
return False
rate = np.concatenate([count[maxIdx-2:maxIdx],count[maxIdx+1:maxIdx+3]],axis=0)/maxCount
rate = IsQrRate(rate)
return False not in rate
def IsQrColorRateY(image, flag):
# 默认处理的是二值化之后的图
nc = int(image.shape[1] / 2)
nr = image.shape[0]
bar = image[:,nc]
edge = np.where(bar[:-1]!=bar[1:])[0]
edge = np.array([-1] + list(edge) + [nr])
count = edge[1:] - edge[:-1] # 每个区域的长度
if len(count)<5: # 至少有5个区域,考虑到切割图象边界处可能会出现7个区域
return False
## 纵向黑白比例1:1:3:1:1
maxCount = np.max(count)
maxIdx = np.argmax(count)
if maxIdx<2 or maxIdx>len(count)-3:
return False
rate = np.concatenate([count[maxIdx-2:maxIdx],count[maxIdx+1:maxIdx+3]],axis=0)/maxCount
rate = IsQrRate(rate)
return False not in rate
# 判断是横纵两个方向比例
def IsQrColorRate(image, flag):
x = IsQrColorRateX(image, flag)
if not x:
return False
y = IsQrColorRateY(image, flag)
return y
# 二维码切割
def CropImage(img, rotatedRect):
points = cv2.boxPoints(rotatedRect)
R = np.sum(points**2, axis=1)
topLeftIdx = np.argmin(R)
topLeftR = np.min(R)
x1,y1 = points[(topLeftIdx + 1) % 4] - points[topLeftIdx]
x2,y2 = points[(topLeftIdx + 3) % 4] - points[topLeftIdx]
w = np.sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1).astype(np.int32)
h = np.sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2).astype(np.int32)
if img.ndim == 3:
crop = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8)
crop = np.zeros((h,w),dtype=np.uint8)
for j in range(h):
for i in range(w):
kx,ky = i/w, j/h
x = int(points[topLeftIdx][0]+ kx*x1 + ky*x2)
y = int(points[topLeftIdx][1]+ kx*y1 + ky*y2)
crop[j, i] = img[y, x]
return crop
# 判断是否为二维码定位角
def IsQrPoint(contour, img, i):
rotatedRect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
# 最小大小限定
if rotatedRect[1][0]<10 or rotatedRect[1][1]<10:
return False
# 将二维码从图中抠出来
imgCrop = CropImage(img, rotatedRect)
flag = i
# 黑白比例1:1:3:1:1
result = IsQrColorRate(imgCrop, flag)
return result
# 二维码解码
def QrDecode(img):
string = decode(img)
return string
def FindQr(imgSrc):
qrPoint = []
# 彩色图转灰度图
imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(imgSrc,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# 高斯平滑滤波
# 腐蚀
element1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(0,(3,3))
imgSobel = cv2.erode(imgBlur, element1)
# 二值化
ret, imgBinary = cv2.threshold(imgSobel, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
imgBinaryClone = np.copy(imgBinary)
# 查找轮廓
binary, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgBinary, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
imgSrcClone = np.copy(imgSrc)
for cont in contours:
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cont)
imgSrcClone = cv2.rectangle(imgSrcClone, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), color=(0,0,255), thickness=2)
# 筛选定位角:黑色定位角满足父轮廓有两个子轮廓
for i in range(len(contours)):
k = i
ic = 0
parentIdx = i
# 计算子轮廓深度
while hierarchy[0][k][2] != -1:
k = hierarchy[0][k][2]
ic = ic + 1
# 判断是否为定位角
if ic>=2:
isQr = IsQrPoint(contours[parentIdx], imgBinary, parentIdx)
print(parentIdx, isQr)
if isQr:
# 绘制二维码定位角
for point in qrPoint:
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(point)
cv2.rectangle(imgSrc, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (255,0,0), thickness=2)
# 根据相邻三个定位角确定二维码整体位置框
qrCenter = []
state = [0]*len(qrPoint)
qrBox = []
qrCode = []
# 计算定位角质心
for i in range(len(qrPoint)):
center = np.sum(qrPoint[i], axis=0) / qrPoint[i].shape[0]
# 判断是否构成一个二维码
for i in range(len(qrPoint)):
if state[i]:
for j in range(len(qrPoint)):
if j==i or state[j]:
for k in range(len(qrPoint)):
if k==j or k==i or state[k]:
Dij = (np.sum((qrCenter[i]-qrCenter[j])**2))
Dik = (np.sum((qrCenter[i]-qrCenter[k])**2))
Djk = (np.sum((qrCenter[k]-qrCenter[j])**2))
ratio = Dij / Dik
ratio1 = (Dij + Dik) / Djk
if ratio>0.6 and ratio<1.6 and ratio1>0.85 and ratio1<1.15:
contour = np.concatenate([qrPoint[i],qrPoint[j],qrPoint[k]], axis=0)
rotatedRect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
box = cv2.boxPoints(rotatedRect)
imgTemp = CropImage(imgGray, rotatedRect)
qrCodeTemp = QrDecode(imgTemp)[0].data
imgQR = cv2.drawContours(imgSrc, qrBox, -1, (0,0,255), thickness=2)
#cv2.namedWindow('QR Code', 0)
#cv2.resizeWindow('QR Code',1000, 600)
#cv2.imshow("QR Code",imgQR)
return qrCode
if __name__ == '__main__':
image = cv2.imread('./imgs/14.jpg')
height,width,_ = image.shape
print("%d X %d"%(height,width))
qrcode = FindQr(image)
print("Detected QR Code:")