Harry Potter and chamber of secrets day22 3.2

1. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical cold, gray eyes.


I think one kind of face style is very beautiful , pointed face.

2. drumming his fingers on the counter..  


He likes drumming his fingers on the desk when he thinks.

3. looking sulky and bad-tempered.


Don't looks sulky, be happier.

4. with a quelling look at his son.


He always has a quelling face, I don't know whether he is nervous.

5. prudent


I don't think it's a prudent action.

6. the Ministry grows ever more meddlesome.


Sometimes people don't like a meddlesome man.

7. I am in something of a hurry


I am in something of a tired, so I will go to sleep.


Malfoy and his father came into the shop. Malfoy said some bad words of Harry but his father thought it was not predent. Mr. Malfoy wanted to sell something to Mr. Borgin, which maybe trouble him.

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