Age of Ambition 19

Age of Ambition 19_第1张图片

【赏析】21-SOULCRAFT 纷扰铜臭的世界,心灵如何安放? For new sources of meaning, they looked not only to religion but also to philosophy, psychology, and literature for new ways of orienting themselves in a world of ideological incoherence and unrelenting ambition. 物质富裕,而精神空虚。It was ruled by technocrats who publicly espoused a discredited ideology while, in practice, they placed their faith in economics and engineering with pitiless efficiency.


Put off 用法:①delay doing it. 推迟/ Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers.晚育的妇女常常会成为最佳母亲

②put someone off:You make them wait for something that they want. 使…等待; 把…搪塞过去/The old priest tried to put them off, saying that the hour was late.那位老牧师试图把他们搪塞过去,说时间太晚了。

③something puts you off something, it makes you dislike it,使反感/例:The high divorce figures seem to be putting people off marriage.高离婚率使人们对婚姻望而却步/His personal habits put them off.他的个人习惯让他们反感。

④If someone or something puts you off, they take your attention使分心/例:She asked me to be serious – said it put her off if I laughed.她要我严肃一点–说如果我大笑会让她分心。

2、I asked around 四处打听

3、he was a well-connected reporter 人脉广

4、 get on their knees

5、he lectured to fourteen thousand people (lecture的动词)

6、the timing is ripe 时机成熟

7、 he toured the country and inspired legions of followers

8、he set aside economics for philosophy

9、she came upon Sandel’s work

10、have a flair for= have a natural ability to do it well. 天赋/例:...a friend who has a flair for languages.…一位有语言天赋的朋友。

11、they were coming of age at a time when …达到法定年龄

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