

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS))被设计为加强Web安全传输(HTTP/HTTPS/)的协议(事实上还有SMTP/NNTP等) ,默认使用443端口

SSH(Secure Shell)更多的则被设计为加强Telnet/FTP安全的传输协议,默认地,它使用22端口.



| HTTP |


| SSL |


| TCP |


| IP |




HTTP层:将用户需求翻译成HTTP请求,如GET   /index.htm    HTTP/1.1    Host

SSL层: 借助下层协议的的信道,安全的协商出一份加密密钥,并用此密钥来加密HTTP请求。

TCP层:与web server的443端口建立连接,传递SSL处理后的数据。



SSL协议分为两部分:Handshake Protocol和Record Protocol,。

其中Handshake Protocol用来协商密钥,协议的大部分内容就是通信双方如何利用它来安全的协商出一份密钥。

Record Protocol则定义了传输的格式。


ssl是通讯链路的附加层。可以包含很多协议。https, ftps, .....

ssh只是加密的shell,最初是用来替代telnet的。通过port forward,也可以让其他协议通过ssh的隧道而起到加密的效果。

SSL是一种国际标准的加密及身份认证通信协议,您用的浏览器就支持此协议。SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)最初是由美国Netscape公司研究出来的,后来成为了Internet网上安全通讯与交易的标准。SSL协议使用通讯双方的客户证书以及CA根证书,允许客户/服务器应用以一种不能被偷听的方式通讯,在通讯双方间建立起了一条安全的、可信任的通讯通道。它具备以下基本特征:信息保密性、信息完整性、相互鉴定。 主要用于提高应用程序之间数据的安全系数。SSL协议的整个概念可以被总结为:一个保证任何安装了安全套接字的客户和服务器间事务安全的协议,它涉及所有TC/IP应用程序。

SSH的英文全称是Secure Shell。通过使用SSH,你可以把所有传输的数据进行加密,这样“中间人”这种攻击方式就不可能实现了,而且也能够防止DNS和IP欺骗。还有一个额外的好处就是传输的数据是经过压缩的,所以可以加快传输的速度。SSH有很多功能,它既可以代替telnet,又可以为ftp、pop、甚至ppp提供一个安全的“通道”。SSH是由客户端和服务端的软件组成的,有两个不兼容的版本分别是:1.x和2.x。用SSH 2.x的客户程序是不能连接到SSH 1.x的服务程序上去的。OpenSSH 2.x同时支持SSH 1.x和2.x。






SSH (Secure Shell) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) can both be used to secure communications across the Internet. This page tries to explain the differences between the two in easily understood terms.

SSL was designed to secure web sessions; it can do more, but that's the original intent.

SSH was designed to replace telnet and FTP; it can do more, but that's the original intent.

SSL is a drop-in with a number of uses. It front-ends HTTP to give you HTTPS. It can also do this for POP3, SMTP, IMAP, and just about any other well-behaved TCP application. It's real easy for most programmers who are creating network applications from scratch to just grab an SSL implementation and bundle it with their app to provide encryption when communicating across the network via TCP. Check out:

SSH is a swiss-army-knife designed to do a lot of different things, most of which revolve around setting up a secure tunnel between hosts. Some implementations of SSH rely on SSL libraries - this is because SSH and SSL use many of the same encryption algorithms (i.e. TripleDES).

SSH is not based on SSL in the sense that HTTPS is based on SSL. SSH does much more than SSL, and they don't talk to each other - the two are different protocols, but have some overlap in how they accomplish similiar goals.

SSL by itself gives you nothing - just a handshake and encryption. You need an application to drive SSL to get real work done.

SSH by itself does a whole lot of useful stuff that allows users to perform real work. Two aspects of SSH are the console login (telnet replacement) and secure file transfers (ftp replacement), but you also get an ability to tunnel (secure) additional applications, enabling a user to run HTTP, FTP, POP3, and just about anything else THROUGH an SSH tunnel.

Without interesting traffic from an application, SSL does nothing. Without interesting traffic from an application, SSH brings up an encrypted tunnel between two hosts which allows you to get real work done through an interactive login shell, file transfers, etc.

Last comment: HTTPS does not extend SSL, it uses SSL to do HTTP securely. SSH does much more than SSL, and you can tunnel HTTPS through it! Just because both SSL and SSH can do TripleDES doesn't mean one is based on the other.

