
Today is Sunday.

I have finished reading the second book of Amelia Bedelia, which's name is Amelia Bedelia Unleashed. It's not as interesting as the first one, however, there are many interesting expression in this book. It told a story about how she got a pet dog.

Here are some interesting idioms:

"Bolt out of the blue"  means a sudden and entirely unforeseen event.

"Be saved by the bell" means (of any person) spared from anticipated trouble by some extraneous event.

"Keep your eyes peeled" means  to watch closely or carefully; be alert.

"Put my foot down" means to take a firm stand; be decisive or determined.

"Blind date" is an arrangement made for you to spend a romantic day or evening with someone you have never met before.

"Puppy love" means the temporary infatuation of a boy or girl for another person. It is also called calf love.

"Knock one's socks off" means to have an overwhelming effect on someone.

"The coast is clear" means no danger or impediment exists; no persons are in the path or vicinity.

"Let the cat out of the bag" means to divulge a secret, especially inadvertently or carelessly.

Do you know what "Two for one" means?
