局部路径规划器的实现:有限状态机+conformal lattice

局部路径规划(Local Motion planning)

    • 1. 路径生成 Path generation
    • 2. 碰撞检测 Path collision checking
    • 3. 行为规划 Behavioural planning
    • 4. 速度变化 Velocity profile generation

基于车道追踪,避障,车辆跟随,停车标志几个场景,说明下local planner的基本实现原理

1. 路径生成 Path generation

  1. 目标点(goal point): ego vehicle前面离视野距离(look- ahead distance)最近的路标点
    def get_goal_index(self, waypoints, ego_state, closest_len, closest_index):
        # Find the farthest point along the path that is within the
        # lookahead distance of the ego vehicle.
        # Take the distance from the ego vehicle to the closest waypoint into consideration.
        arc_length = closest_len
        wp_index = closest_index
        # In this case, reaching the closest waypoint is already far enough for the planner.
        # No need to check additional waypoints.
        if arc_length > self._lookahead:
            return wp_index

        # We are already at the end of the path.
        if wp_index == len(waypoints) - 1:
            return wp_index

        # Otherwise, find our next waypoint.
        while wp_index < len(waypoints) - 2:
            arc_length += self.arc_length_between_2_points(waypoints[wp_index], waypoints[wp_index + 1])
            if arc_length >= self._lookahead:
            wp_index += 1 

        return wp_index
  1. 目标状态集(Goal state set): 沿着垂直于路面的方向径向横移目标点产生的集合
    def get_goal_state_set(self, goal_index, goal_state, waypoints, ego_state):
        # Compute the final heading based on the next index.
        # If the goal index is the last in the set of waypoints, use
        # the previous index instead.
        # To do this, compute the delta_x and delta_y values between
        # consecutive waypoints, then use the np.arctan2() function.
        if goal_index == len(waypoints)-1:
            p1 = goal_index - 1
            p2 = goal_index
        elif goal_index >= 0:
            p1 = goal_index
            p2 = goal_index + 1

        delta = np.subtract(waypoints[p2],waypoints[p1])
        heading = np.arctan2(delta[1],delta[0])

        # Compute the center goal state in the local frame using 
        # the ego state. The following code will transform the input
        # goal state to the ego vehicle's local frame.
        # The goal state will be of the form (x, y, v).
        goal_pos_local = copy.copy(goal_state)

        # Translate so the ego state is at the origin in the new frame.
        # This is done by subtracting the ego_state from the goal_state_local.
        goal_pos_local[0] -= ego_state[0] 
        goal_pos_local[1] -= ego_state[1]

        # Rotate such that the ego state has zero heading in the new frame.
        # Recall that the general rotation matrix is [cos(theta) -sin(theta)
        #                                             sin(theta)  cos(theta)]
        # and that we are rotating by -ego_state[2] to ensure the ego vehicle's
        # current yaw corresponds to theta = 0 in the new local frame.
        theta = -ego_state[2]
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[cos(theta), -sin(theta)],
        goal = rotation_matrix@np.transpose(goal_pos_local[0:2])

        # Compute the goal yaw in the local frame by subtracting off the 
        # current ego yaw from the heading variable.
        goal_t = heading + theta

        # Velocity is preserved after the transformation.
        goal_v = goal_state[2]

        # Keep the goal heading within [-pi, pi] so the optimizer behaves well.
        if goal_t > pi:
            goal_t -= 2*pi
        elif goal_t < -pi:
            goal_t += 2*pi

        # Compute and apply the offset for each path such that
        # all of the paths have the same heading of the goal state, 
        # but are laterally offset with respect to the goal heading.
        goal_state_set = []        

        for i in range(self._num_paths):
            offset = (i - self._num_paths // 2) * self._path_offset
            # Compute the projection of the lateral offset along the x
            # and y axis. To do this, multiply the offset by cos(goal_theta + pi/2)
            # and sin(goal_theta + pi/2), respectively.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
            x_offset = offset * cos(goal_t + pi/2)
            y_offset = offset * sin(goal_t + pi/2)

            goal_state_set.append([goal[0] + x_offset, goal[1] + y_offset, goal_t, goal_v])
        return goal_state_set  
  1. 坐标变换:将目标状态集从global frame 转换到ego vehicle frame,使得ego vehicle处于原点,并且heading angle = 0,便于后续计算
  2. Sprial Optimizer: 计算出从ego state到goal state set的多条待选择路径
    局部路径规划器的实现:有限状态机+conformal lattice_第1张图片
    def plan_paths(self, goal_state_set):
        paths = []
        path_validity = []
        for goal_state in goal_state_set:
            path = self._path_optimizer.optimize_spiral(goal_state[0], goal_state[1], goal_state[2])
            if np.linalg.norm([path[0][-1] - goal_state[0], path[1][-1] - goal_state[1], path[2][-1] - goal_state[2]]) > 0.1:

        return paths, path_validity

2. 碰撞检测 Path collision checking

  1. Circle based collision checking: 假设汽车由几个均匀的圆组成,并且模拟这些圆经过生成的多条路径。如果在某路径(标红)中,有障碍物落在圆内则判定为collision,将此路径从待选路径中删去。

原因 1. 判定方式简单 只需比较障碍点到圆心的距离和半径r之间的关系 2. 保守 不会漏掉任何可能的碰撞
局部路径规划器的实现:有限状态机+conformal lattice_第2张图片
局部路径规划器的实现:有限状态机+conformal lattice_第3张图片

   def collision_check(self, paths, obstacles):
        collision_check_array = np.zeros(len(paths), dtype=bool)
        for i in range(len(paths)):
            collision_free = True
            path = paths[i]

            # Iterate over the points in the path.
            for j in range(len(path[0])):
                # Compute the circle locations along this point in the path.
                # The circle offsets are given by self._circle_offsets.
                # The circle offsets need to placed at each point along the path,
                # with the offset rotated by the yaw of the vehicle.
                # Each path is of the form [[x_values], [y_values], [theta_values]],
                # where each of x_values, y_values, and theta_values are in sequential
                # order.

                # Thus, we need to compute:
                # circle_x = point_x + circle_offset*cos(yaw)
                # circle_y = point_y circle_offset*sin(yaw)
                # for each point along the path.
                # point_x is given by path[0][j], and point _y is given by path[1][j]. 
                # TODO YOUR CODE HERE. 
                circle_locations = np.zeros((len(self._circle_offsets), 2))                
                for c in range(len(self._circle_offsets)):
                    circle_locations[c, 0] = path[0][j] + self._circle_offsets[c] * np.cos(path[2][j])
                    circle_locations[c, 1] = path[1][j] + self._circle_offsets[c] * np.sin(path[2][j])

                # Assumes each obstacle is approximated by a collection of points
                # of the form [x, y].
                # Here, we will iterate through the obstacle points, and check if any of
                # the obstacle points lies within any of our circles.
                for k in range(len(obstacles)):
                    collision_dists = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(obstacles[k], circle_locations)
                    collision_dists = np.subtract(collision_dists, self._circle_radii)
                    collision_free = collision_free and not np.any(collision_dists < 0)

                    if not collision_free:
                if not collision_free:

            collision_check_array[i] = collision_free

        return collision_check_array

  1. Optimal path(black):由cost function确定
    在这里可以设为距离目标中心的距离,这样可以让车辆尽快回到车道内;前提是之前的circle based collision checking中要的circle半径需要大一点,给一定的余量,删去离obstacle太近的path,以免发生碰撞
    局部路径规划器的实现:有限状态机+conformal lattice_第4张图片
    def calculate_path_score(self, path, goal_state):
        # So we have a path (multiple points) and a goal.
        # At this point the on;y thing i can think off is to compare how close you are to the GOAL at the end of the path.                          
        last_pt_idx = len(path[0]) - 1
        last_pt = np.array([path[0][last_pt_idx],path[1][last_pt_idx]])
        score =  np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(last_pt, goal_state[:2]))

        return score

3. 行为规划 Behavioural planning

这里只针对stop sign,所以有限状态机(Finite State Machine)只包含三个状态:匀速,减速,静止

匀速:如果视野(Lookahead distance)中没有发现stop sign, 目标速度:V_goal = speed limit = min(Vref,Vlead);目标点:P = P_cur + Dis_Lookahead。若发现stop sign,状态转为减速

    def transition_state(self, waypoints, ego_state, closed_loop_speed):
        # In this state, continue tracking the lane by finding the
        # goal index in the waypoint list that is within the lookahead
        # distance. Then, check to see if the waypoint path intersects
        # with any stop lines. If it does, then ensure that the goal
        # state enforces the car to be stopped before the stop line.
        # You should use the get_closest_index(), get_goal_index(), and
        # check_for_stop_signs() helper functions.
        if self._state == FOLLOW_LANE:
            # First, find the closest index to the ego vehicle.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
            closest_len, closest_index = get_closest_index(waypoints, ego_state, self._previous_closest_index)

            # Next, find the goal index that lies within the lookahead distance along the
            # waypoints.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
            goal_index = self.get_goal_index(waypoints, ego_state, closest_len, closest_index)

            # Finally, check the index set between closest_index and goal_index for stop signs,
            # and compute the goal state accordingly.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE            
            goal_index, stop_sign_found = self.check_for_stop_signs(waypoints, closest_index, goal_index)
            self._goal_index = goal_index
            self._goal_state = self.get_goal_state(goal_index, waypoints)
            self._previous_closest_index = closest_index

            # If stop sign found, set the goal to zero speed, then transition to 
            # the deceleration state.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
            if stop_sign_found:
                self._goal_state[2] = 0.0
                self._state = DECELERATE_TO_STOP

减速:发现stop sign, 开始减速以在它前面停下,预留出缓冲速度, 目标速度:V_goal = STOP_THRESHOLD_SPEED;目标点(goal point):P = P_stop。

        elif self._state == DECELERATE_TO_STOP:
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE            
            distance_to_stop_sign = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(self._goal_state[:2], ego_state[:2]))
            print('Goal state, Ego State, Distance: ', self._goal_state, ego_state, distance_to_stop_sign) 
            # if (closed_loop_speed <= STOP_THRESHOLD_SPEED) and (distance_to_stop_sign <= STOP_THRESHOLD_DISTANCE): # If Fully stopped we start the count
            #     self._state = STAY_STOPPED
            # elif (closed_loop_speed <= STOP_THRESHOLD_SPEED):
            #     self._state = FOLLOW_LANE
            if (closed_loop_speed <= STOP_THRESHOLD_SPEED):
                self._state = STAY_STOPPED


        elif self._state == STAY_STOPPED:
            # We have stayed stopped for the required number of cycles.
            # Allow the ego vehicle to leave the stop sign. Once it has
            # passed the stop sign, return to lane following.
            # You should use the get_closest_index(), get_goal_index(), and 
            # check_for_stop_signs() helper functions.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE            
            if self._stop_count == STOP_COUNTS:
                closest_len, closest_index = get_closest_index(waypoints, ego_state, self._previous_closest_index)               
                goal_index = self.get_goal_index(waypoints, ego_state, closest_len, closest_index)

                # We've stopped for the required amount of time, so the new goal 
                # index for the stop line is not relevant. Use the goal index that 
                # is the lookahead distance away.
                # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
                _, stop_sign_found = self.check_for_stop_signs(waypoints, closest_index, goal_index)
                self._goal_index = goal_index
                self._goal_state = self.get_goal_state(goal_index, waypoints)
                self._previous_closest_index = closest_index

                # If the stop sign is no longer along our path, we can now transition
                # back to our lane following state.
                # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
                if not stop_sign_found:                
                    self._stop_count = 0                    
                    self._state = FOLLOW_LANE

            # Otherwise, continue counting.
            # TODO YOUR CODE HERE
                self._stop_count +=1

4. 速度变化 Velocity profile generation

这一部分确定ego vehicle行驶过程中的速度

  1. 确定目标速度
    取决于ego vehicle的行为
    decelerating to stop/stay stop: 目标速度为0
    其他情况V_goal = speed limit = min(Vref,Vlead)
    Vref: 道路的限速
    Vlead: lead vehicle的速度
  2. 生成于最优路径相对应的Velocity profile
    已知当前速度和位置,目标速度和位置,加速度, 计算处路径各点应有的速度(Velocity profile)

局部路径规划器的实现:有限状态机+conformal lattice_第5张图片

