is a template class that makes it easy to use data allocated in a different process, and is useful when making inter-process SendMessage
Imagine that you are sending a DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME
message to a Date/Time picker control in a different process.
SYSTEMTIME systim; //Populate systim HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); LPVOID lpData = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, NULL, sizeof SYSTEMTIME, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); WriteProcessMemory(hProc, lpData, (LPCVOID)&systim, sizeof SYSTEMTIME, NULL); DWORD dwResult = (DWORD)::SendMessage(hwnd, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, GDT_VALID, (LPARAM)&lpData); if(dwResult == 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); //... } VirtualFreeEx(hProc, lpData, NULL, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle(hProc);
SYSTEMTIME systim; //Populate systim CProcessData<SYSTEMTIME> data(pid); data.WriteData(systim); DWORD dwResult = (DWORD)::SendMessage(hwnd, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, GDT_VALID, (LPARAM)data.GetData()); if(dwResult == 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); //... }
Note only have you saved on lines of code, but you don't run the risk of forgetting to free the allocated memory or closing the process handle.
Imagine that you are retrieving toolbar info from a toolbar control in a different process.
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); LPVOID lpData = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, NULL, sizeof TBBUTTON, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); ::SendMessage(hwnd, TB_GETBUTTON, index, (LPARAM)lpData); TBBUTTON tb; ReadProcessMemory(hProc, lpData,(LPVOID)&tb, sizeof TBBUTTON, NULL) CUSTOMDATA cus; ReadProcessMemory(hProc, (LPCVOID)tb.dwData, (LPVOID)&cus, sizeof CUSTOMDATA, NULL) VirtualFreeEx(hProc,lpData,NULL,MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle(hProc);
CProcessData<TBBUTTON> data(pid); ::SendMessage(hwnd, TB_GETBUTTON, index, (LPARAM)data.GetData()); TBBUTTON tb; data.ReadData(&tb); CUSTOMDATA cus; data.ReadData<CUSTOMDATA>(&cus,(LPCVOID)tb.dwData);
Pretty neat, huh?
CProcessData(DWORD dwProcessId = 0, DWORD dwDesiredAccess = PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, DWORD flAllocationType = MEM_COMMIT, DWORD flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE)
If you pass in a dwProcessId
of 0, the current process Id is used. For the other arguments, see MSDN documentation for OpenProcess
and VirtualAllocEx
BOOL WriteData(const T& data)
copies data
to memory in the foreign process
BOOL ReadData(T* data)
reads back from the memory in the foreign process into data
template<typename TSUBTYPE> BOOL ReadData(TSUBTYPE* data, LPCVOID lpData)
Templated ReadData
that's used to read a specific data type from a memory address located in the foreign process.
[Listing has been formatted to fit within 600 pixels. Actual source code (included as a download) is formatted for wider screens]
/* Author : Nishant Sivakumar Date : June 9, 2005 Info : Template class that makes it easy to use data allocated in a different process. Useful when making inter-process SendMessage/PostMessage calls. Contact : nish#voidnish.com */ //ProcessData.h #pragma once template<typename T> class CProcessData { public: /* If you pass in a dwProcessId of 0, the current process Id is used. For the other arguments, see MSDN documentation for OpenProcess and VirtualAllocEx. */ CProcessData(DWORD dwProcessId = 0, DWORD dwDesiredAccess = PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, DWORD flAllocationType = MEM_COMMIT, DWORD flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE) { m_hProcess = OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess, FALSE, dwProcessId ? dwProcessId : GetCurrentProcessId()); ASSERT(m_hProcess); if(m_hProcess) { m_lpData = VirtualAllocEx(m_hProcess, NULL, sizeof T, flAllocationType, flProtect); ASSERT(m_lpData); } } ~CProcessData() { if(m_hProcess) { if(m_lpData) { VirtualFreeEx(m_hProcess, m_lpData, NULL, MEM_RELEASE); } CloseHandle(m_hProcess); } } //WriteData is used to copy data to memory in the foreign process BOOL WriteData(const T& data) { return (m_hProcess && m_lpData) ? WriteProcessMemory( m_hProcess, m_lpData, (LPCVOID)&data, sizeof T, NULL) : FALSE; } //ReadData reads back data from memory in the foreign process BOOL ReadData(T* data) { return (m_hProcess && m_lpData) ? ReadProcessMemory( m_hProcess, m_lpData, (LPVOID)data, sizeof T, NULL) : FALSE; } //Templated ReadData that's used to read a specific data type from //a memory address located in the foreign process template<typename TSUBTYPE> BOOL ReadData( TSUBTYPE* data, LPCVOID lpData) { return m_hProcess ? ReadProcessMemory(m_hProcess, lpData, (LPVOID)data, sizeof TSUBTYPE, NULL) : FALSE; } //Gets the address of the allocated memory in the foreign process const T* GetData() { return (m_hProcess && m_lpData) ? (T*)m_lpData : NULL; } private: T m_Data; HANDLE m_hProcess; LPVOID m_lpData; };
and CloseHandle
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