相邻音节要读出音节的滑动:tr - tree / dr - drink /children, milk
r两种发音:不卷舌 vs 卷舌
语调:falling intonation:ask for new information / rising intonation:not sure what someone said and you want the person to repeat it
鼻音-m, n, ŋ:只有这三个音从鼻腔发声,软腭下降(!!!其他音都不要发出鼻音)
go-to words:对于不会发的单词,通过已经掌握的单词,替换音节来举一反三
区分un - [ʌn] vs. [ʌŋ]:hunt vs. hungry
代词弱读vs.重读:代词指代old information可以弱读;代词表达实意的的时候重读
词性变化对应音节变化:breath -> breathe; bath -> bathe
提取原声节奏:da da, da da da,先学习节奏whole picture,再填词。 Thanks for / thinking of me.
同一个音节重复两次时不要省略:thirtieth ['θɝtɪɪθ]不要省略ɪ
元音 vs. 辅音:air flow是否被阻碍
清辅音 vs. 浊辅音:声带震动、送气强弱、发声前后位置
t vs. d: 出现在词尾时要弱读,有意识地跟后面单词的连读
forgot about it / sort of / Diana / water, reporter (t->d)
did you
gonna/wanna/what’s your
cash or charge
some orange juice
college education
he’s an English teacher
Is it a …?
author of
in an hour
enjoy it
get up
sound it out
tell him
what was
car accident
弱化(句中非强调时):have[əv], your[jr], our[r],that[dæt]
v -> f: have to / of course
Glide consonants: add [j] and [w]
成人:grown up - 当做一个词来读
我的情况... my story is different. I can …, but I cannot
收到,知悉:roger it - copy it, got it
what he really wants to do is write -
write前面省略了to, 强调动作,而不是writing(名词)
如果我没有记错的话:If I remember correctly
问候某人:Give my regards to sb.
如何形容工作:job - decent, menial (low pay), demanding, rewarding,
it’s an interesting job, but stressful
I’m sorry. I have to run now. I gotta go / get going.
I’m late for … But I’m really glad I ran into you.
出身:be born to a rich father
接受它、随它去:live with it
也经历过:been there, done that
I’ve been your shoes. / I’ve done that.
领子:collar vs. color
turtle neck / crew neck / v neck
保密:zipper. zip up 拉上 / zip it 保密
打折:on sale
不过:though - I’d rather … (al)though the leather is smoother
Your pronunciation is good, though
That’s a good one, though.
She’s a knock-out, though.
熬夜:sleep late
放鸽子:stand .. up / (not) show up / no-show / ditch
等太久:waited and waited for ages
play cards
play her cards right
play the *** card
you're playing the "I love you" card
you're playing the "I have no time" card
I won't buy it / fall for it
put/lay cards on the table
想要或不想干啥:(don't) feel like doing something
晚饭吃了啥:what did you do for dinner? - what did you have for dinner?
顺利通过:sail through - I sailed through the exam.
沐浴阳光:sit in the sun / bask in the sun
闻起来怪怪的:smell funny / smell fishy (something is going)
听起来怪怪的:hissing sound / sizzle
恶心:It’s gross / disgusting
袋子装:sack / get sacked
醉酒(微醺->断片儿):tipsy, buzzed, hammered, drunk, wasted
难怪呢:no wonder
醒醒吧:be sensible / wise up / wake up
当然/没问题:Exactly / Totally / Absolutely / Sure / True / Sure thing
换位思考:put yourself in someone’s shoes
收听:stay tuned / tune in
对撞/追尾:head on collision / crash / wrong way collision
不擅长做某事:have trouble doing
很不错的partner / employee:the whole/total package / a good catch
充满活力、迎接挑战的人谁都想要:They want someone who’s energetic and enjoys challenges.
***的人还能***:Anyone who can speak perfect Chinese can speak English.
安排面试:arrange for an interview
付钱 带for / 不带for:pay for four photos / pay tuition
买四送一:buy four, get one free
停下来:knock it off / stop
完不成:we’ll never get finished
太乱了:messy / all over the place
英语不好不要再用poor了:limited / not that good / broken
exhausted / wiped (out) / worn out / burn out / fatigued / drained
beat / drowsy / dog tired / spent / fried / bushed
完好无损:unharmed / intact / safe and sound
[v] very
[ʒ] occasion
[p] problem 不要刻意重读
[i:] believe vs. [i] live
[ŋ] sing
[e] investigate
【Stress matters】
look out, set up, find out ... 重读在后面的介词
photographer 重读在to
take care 重读在take
A is more expensive than B.
this one or that one