025/100 #3 things of a nice day#3.23

Last memo:(024/100 - 3.22) :

1、Primary accounting learning(at least 4h). ×会计初级学习(完成1小时)

2、Talk about “cloud” relevent sheet with Harry(IS) or Daniel(Application).和IS的Harry或者应用的Daniel讨论工业云相关的表格√(harry to Byron to Mario&Daniel)


1、arrange meeting amont IS&PD about industrail control system就工控系统报表协调信息服务部门和生产发展部门相关同事下周开会

2、raise ask HR for payroll of March三月工资数据

3、operational indicators of march 三月运营指标预测

你可能感兴趣的:(025/100 #3 things of a nice day#3.23)