Stardust 星尘DAY6

Words and Expressions


Juices flood his mouth.
flood作动词的本意是to cover a place with water, or to become covered with water。此处形容了汁水在Tristran嘴中四溢的状态。

这让我想到了water的动词用法,your eyes water指的是tears come out of your eye; make one's mouth water, 指的是馋的流口水,还可以讲mouth-watering, if food makes your mouth water, it smells or looks so good you want to eat it immediately.


But you know, that's it is just fried field-mushrumps, and never a patch on nothing proper...
形容词proper在英式口语中可以表示real, or of a good and generally accepted standard。比如,我们质疑英国到底有没有proper food,这里的proper 近义词是decent或者real。


Every lover is in his heart a madman, and in his head a minstrel.
minstrel是指中世纪的音乐艺人,a singer or a musician in the Middle Ages.



Better keep mun. But never lie.
mum adj.
keep mum means not to tell anyone about a secret.
【mum做形容词,来自1400-1500年,因为the sound made with closed lips而得来这层含义。】

Stardust 星尘DAY6_第1张图片


Tristran woke up in the morning and had breakfast with the little figure. Tristran found the fried field mushroom was quite delicious food. They set off together and talked to each other along the way. Tristran mentioned Victoria and the fallen star he was determined to get, but the little man suggested him keeping mum about this and told him that he was mad and foolish to do risk finding the fallen star. Tristran knew his way pretty well, he could tell where Paris was even though he had never been there before. The little man had met Dunstan in the past and it seemed aht he knew something about Tristran's origin that Tristran himself did not know about.

Another prince, Tertius, was killed by crafty Septimus. His dead body was ordered to be sent back to Stormhold Castle.

My Words

少年Tristran仍旧不改初心地走在寻找fallen star的路上。不知道为什么,看着看着总会有很心疼他的感觉,也许是我会从17岁的他身上看到曾经偏执喜欢别人的自己吧。当年的自己,也是放话说“哪怕他杀人放火我都不在乎,我就是喜欢他”。过了十几年,我们早已失去任何联络,只是特殊的时候还是会发出gone are the good old days的感慨。

他的“敌人”已经全部出现了,有为了争夺王位而不惜杀掉同胞的Stromhold王子们,有为了青春永驻要挖出星星的心吃掉的女巫婆。兵分三路,再朝着同样的目标前进。感恩的是,似乎Tristran会遇到一些“贵人”,也会解锁一些本来就属于他的magic power,我想随着故事的开展,Tristran的身世之谜也会慢慢解开。


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