21: The purpose of writing

1.The purpose of writing


I have been exploring the meaning of my daily writing. I just wrote for improving my writing ability in the beginning. This was the first phrase of my writing. I don't know how long it will last. 30 days or 60 days. I don't know. But my view of writing is changing as time goes by. So is the content. The content has been converted from what I do to what I think today. My purpose changed, too. Now I want to write to help people solve their problem. I can help myself figure out what do I really want at the same time.

I finished the second part of On Writing. I love idea by King which reads: **You learn by reading a lot and reading a lot, and the most valuable lessons of all are the ones you teach yourself. ** If I want to learn to write, I have to write a lot. If I want to improve my skills, I have to learn to teach myself.

I also find an interesting idea. I am not afraid of using English, but dictionary is the best friend if I want to understand and improve.

2. Three Moment of Joy


Moment 1: I started to read a new book 'The sense of writing'. Still about writing.

Moment 2: It took me about three hours to have a lunch with my mates. The meal was delicious. I met an American family and Chinese family. They sit around the same table. I like the enjoyable and harmonious atmosphere among them. The twins were so cute.

Moment 3: Growth is my most important life rule which I confirmed from the last episode of U can U B B.

21: The purpose of writing_第1张图片
a picture a word: jigsaw puzzle

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