

  • 前言
  • 一、获取多家公司的百度新闻并生成数据报告
  • 二、批量获取多家公司多页的百度新闻
    • 1.批量获取数据
    • 2.数据清洗
    • 3.将1.2.合并
  • 三、批量获取多家公司的新浪财经新闻
  • 总结




from urllib import request,parse
import random
import time
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
import re

class BaiduNewsSpider(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.url = 'https://www.baidu.com/s?tn=news7rtt=1&bsst=1&cl=2&wd={}'
        self.i = 0

    # 请求
    def get_html(self,url):
        headers = {
     'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36'}
        req = request.Request(url=url, headers=headers)
        res = request.urlopen(req)
        html = res.read().decode()
        # 获取完之后直接调用解析函数
        return html

    # 解析
    def parse_html(self,html):
        # re_bds = '


' # pattern = re.compile(re_bds,re.S) # r_list = pattern.findall(html) # self.write_html(r_list) pass # 保存 def write_html(self,filename,html): with open(filename,'w') as f: f.write(html) self.i += 1 # 主函数 def run(self): companys = ['华能信托','阿里巴巴','百度集团','万科集团','腾讯','京东'] for i in companys: try: wd = parse.quote(i) url = self.url.format(wd) html = self.get_html(url) filename = '{}"百度新闻".html'.format(i) self.write_html(filename, html) # 随机休眠 time.sleep(random.uniform(1,2)) print(i + '百度新闻爬取成功') except: print(i + '百度新闻爬取失败') print('数量:', self.i) if __name__=='__main__': start = time.time() spider = BaiduNewsSpider() spider.run() end = time.time()




from urllib import request,parse
import random
import time
import re

class BaiduNewsSpider(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.url = 'https://www.baidu.com/s?tn=news7rtt=4&bsst=1&cl=2&wd={}&pn={}'
        # 按时间排序https://www.baidu.com/s?tn=news&rtt=4&bsst=1&cl=2&wd=%E4%B8%87%E7%A7%91%E9%9B%86%E5%9B%A2&medium=0
        self.i = 0

    # 请求
    def get_html(self,url):
        headers = {
     'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36'}
        req = request.Request(url=url, headers=headers)
        res = request.urlopen(req)
        html = res.read().decode()
        # 获取完之后直接调用解析函数
        return html

    # 解析
    def parse_html(self,html):
        # #r_list:[('月光宝盒''周星驰''1994'),(),()
        # re_bds = '


' # pattern = re.compile(re_bds,re.S) # r_list = pattern.findall(html) # # 直接调用写入函数 # self.write_html(r_list) pass # 保存 def write_html(self,filename,html): with open(filename,'w') as f: f.write(html) self.i += 1 # 主函数 def run(self): companys = ['华能信托','阿里巴巴','百度集团','万科集团','腾讯','京东'] for company in companys: wd = parse.quote(company) for i in range(1, 4): pn = (i - 1) * 10 url = self.url.format(wd, pn) html = self.get_html(url) filename = '{}百度新闻-第{}页.html'.format(company, i) self.write_html(filename, html) print('第%d页抓取成功' % i) # 每爬取1个页面随机休眠1-3秒 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) print(company + '百度新闻爬取成功') print('数量:', self.i) if __name__=='__main__': start = time.time() spider = BaiduNewsSpider() spider.run() end = time.time()



import requests
import re
headers = {
     'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36'}
url = 'https://www.sogou.com/sogou?query=%E9%98%BF%E9%87%8C%E5%B7%B4%E5%B7%B4&interation=1728053249&pid=sogou-wsse-9fc36fa768a74fa9&ie=utf8&w=&sut=6046&sst0=1612509795700&lkt=1%2C1612509795594%2C1612509795594'
# timeout访问超时设置,访问超过指定时间就报出异常,访问结束
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers,timeout=10).text

# 正则表达式获取数据
re_bds = '

.*?.*?(.*?)' pattern = re.compile(re_bds, re.S) r_list = pattern.findall(res) # 数据清洗 item = { } for r in r_list: item['id'] = re.sub('<.*?>', '', r[0].strip()) item['网址'] = re.sub('<.*?>', '', r[1].strip()) item['标题'] = re.sub('<.*?>', '', r[2].strip()) item['发布时间'] = re.sub('<.*?>', '', r[3].strip()) print(item) print('*' * 50)



from urllib import request,parse
import requests
import random
import time
import re

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36'}

def Sougou(company):
    url = 'https://www.sogou.com/sogou?ie=utf8&p=40230447&interation=1728053249&interV=&pid=sogou-wsse-8f646834ef1adefa&query=' + company + 'shid=djt1'
    url = url.format(parse.quote(company))
    res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10).text
    # 编写正则表达式提取数据
    p_title = '

.*?(.*?)' title = re.compile(p_title, re.S).findall(res) p_href = '

.*?' href = re.compile(p_href, re.S).findall(res) p_date = '

.*?.*?(.*?)' date = re.compile(p_date, re.S).findall(res) print(title,href,date) # 数据清洗及打印输出 for i in range(len(title)): title[i] = re.sub('<.*?>','',title[i]) title[i] = re.sub('&.*?;', '', title[i]) date[i] = re.sub('<.*?>', '', date[i]) print(str(i+1) + '.' + title[i] +'-' + date[i]) print(href[i]) companys = ['华能信托','阿里巴巴','百度集团','万科集团','腾讯','京东'] for i in companys: Sougou(i) # 每爬取1个页面随机休眠1-3秒 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) print(i + '百度新闻爬取成功')


from urllib import request,parse
import requests
import random
import time
import re

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36'}

def Sina(company):
    url = 'https://search.sina.com.cn/?q={}&c=news&from=channel'
    url = url.format(parse.quote(company))
    res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10).text
    # print(res)

    # 编写正则表达式提取数据
    p_title = '

(.*?)' title = re.compile(p_title, re.S).findall(res) p_href = '

' href = re.compile(p_href, re.S).findall(res) p_date = '


' date = re.compile(p_date, re.S).findall(res) #print(title,href,date) # 数据清洗及打印输出 for i in range(len(title)): title[i] = re.sub('<.*?>','',title[i]) title[i] = re.sub('&.*?;', '', title[i]) date[i] = re.sub('<.*?>', '', date[i]) print(str(i+1) + '.' + title[i] +'-' + date[i]) print(href[i]) companys = ['华能信托','阿里巴巴','百度集团','万科集团','腾讯','京东'] for i in companys: Sina(i) # 每爬取1个页面随机休眠1-3秒 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) print(i + '新浪财经新闻爬取成功')


