COMP9021 Principles of Programming WEEK5

1. nbtutor module

nbtutor用来演示python指令的执行过程,但一些local, nonlocal,

pip install nbtutor
jupyter nbextension install --overwrite --py nbtutor
jupyter nbextension enable --py nbtutor


conda install -c conda-forge nbtutor

(3)Jupyter Notebook使用

load_ext nbtutor

注意:load_ext nbtutor要先执行,和import不一样;另外,安装好后要重启jupyter notebook

2. local, nonlocal, global variable

a = 0
m = 0
n = 0
x = 0
#以上都是global variable,且assign的过程和之前文章内容一样,python并不重新创建多个内存表示相同的内容(这里是0),而是把v_name指向v_storage。
#所以上述4条命令其实只有一个v_storage 0,而有4个v_name

print('PRINT 0:  a =', a,
      ' m =', m, ' n =', n,
      '        x =', x)
#>>> PRINT 0:  a = 0  m = 0  n = 0         x = 0

def f_1():
    m = 1
    global n
    n = 1
    x = 1
    y = 1
    z = 1
    #以上variable,除了n以外,都是f_1的local variable,随着f_1的存在而存在,一旦f_1不存在,这些assign也都没有意义。
    #variable n声明了global,所以不属于f_1
    print('PRINT 1:  a =', a,
          ' m =', m, ' n =', n,
          '        x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
    #输出4个f_1局部变量和2个全局变量a, n的值,编译逻辑是先找v_name在local的名称,如果没有则找global的v_name
    #>>> PRINT 1:  a = 0  m = 1  n = 1         x = 1  y = 1  z = 1

    def f_2():
        global m
        m = 2
        # Cannot write:
        # nonlocal n
        global n
        n = 2
        global p
        p = 2
        x = 2
        nonlocal y
        y = 2
        # Cannot write:
        # nonlocal u
        #因为上一层不存在variable u
        print('PRINT 2:  a =', a,
              ' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
              ' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
        #>>> PRINT 2:  a = 0  m = 2  n = 2  p = 2  x = 2  y = 2  z = 1

        def f_3():
            nonlocal x
            x = 3
            nonlocal y
            y = 3
            nonlocal z
            z = 3
            print('PRINT 3:  a =', a,
                  ' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
                  ' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
            #输出global的a, m, n, p,f_2的x,y,z
            #>>> PRINT 3:  a = 0  m = 2  n = 2  p = 2  x = 3  y = 3  z = 3

        print('PRINT 4:  a =', a,
              ' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
              ' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
        #这层属于f_2,所以输出global的a, m, n, p,f_2的x, y, z
        #>>> PRINT 4:  a = 0  m = 2  n = 2  p = 2  x = 3  y = 3  z = 3

    print('PRINT 5:  a =', a,
          ' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
          ' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
    #这层属于f_1,所以输出global的a, n, p,f_1的m, x, y, z
    #>>> PRINT 5:  a = 0  m = 1  n = 2  p = 2  x = 1  y = 3  z = 3

print('PRINT 6:  a =', a,
      ' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
      ' x =', x)
#PRINT 6:  a = 0  m = 2  n = 2  p = 2  x = 0

local是在当前object level;
nonlocal是向上找object level但是不能无限向上到global level;
global level是最外层

"The nonlocal statement causes the listed identifiers to refer to previously bound variables in the nearest enclosing scope. This is important because the default behavior for binding is to search the local namespace first. The statement allows encapsulated code to rebind variables outside of the local scope besides the global (module) scope.

Names listed in a nonlocal statement, unlike to those listed in a global statement, must refer to pre-existing bindings in an enclosing scope (the scope in which a new binding should be created cannot be determined unambiguously).

Names listed in a nonlocal statement must not collide with pre- existing bindings in the local scope"(

3. file operation

3.1 create directory

import os
import sys

original_directory = 'names'
new_directory = original_directory + '_classified'

if os.path.isdir(new_directory):
    print(f'{new_directory} already exists, leaving it there.')
male_directory = new_directory + '/males'
female_directory = new_directory + '/females'

import os,使用其中的常见函数:
Return True if path is an existing regular file. 注意这个函数是用来判断是不是file的;
Return True if path is an existing directory.注意这个函数是用来判断是不是directory的;

3.2 file operation

for filename in os.listdir(original_directory):
    if not filename.endswith('.txt'):
    with open(original_directory + '/' + filename) as names,\
                   open(male_directory + '/' + filename, 'w') as male_names,\
                            open(female_directory + '/' + filename, 'w') as female_names:
        for line in names:
            name, gender, count = line.split(',')
            if gender == 'F':
                print(name, ',', count, file = female_names, sep = '', end = '')
                print(name, ',', count, file = male_names, sep = '', end = '')

3.3 information retrieval

(1)review dict和defaultdict的区别

D = {}
D['paul'] = [1887]
{'paul': [1887, 1896]}
from collections import defaultdict
D = defaultdict(list)
defaultdict(list, {'paul': [1887, 1896]})


D = {}

如果使用dict,'paul'不属于D的key,则无法append,但是defaultdict可以。可以简单将defaultdict理解成创建了空key,value为实现定义类型的dict。例如,D = defaultdict(list),创建了一个key为空,value为空list的一个dict。


import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict

original_directory = 'names'

years_by_name = defaultdict(list)
#assign years_by_name类型是defaultdict,这个dict中的value都是list
for filename in os.listdir(original_directory):
    if not filename.endswith('.txt'):
    with open(original_directory + '/' + filename) as names:
        year = int(filename[3: 7])
        for line in names:
            name, gender, count = line.split(',')
            if gender == 'M':


import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict

original_directory = 'names'

years_by_name = defaultdict(list)
for filename in os.listdir(original_directory):
    if not filename.endswith('.txt'):
    with open(original_directory + '/' + filename) as names:
        year = int(filename[3: 7])
        for line in names:
            name, gender, count = line.split(',')
            if gender == 'M':

data = [(years_by_name[name][i + 1] - years_by_name[name][i], years_by_name[name][i], name)
        for name in years_by_name
        for i in range(len(years_by_name[name]) - 1) 
#list生成方法中使用了循环的嵌套,先循环years_by_name中的所有item,找到一个item后再循环key[value]中的所有list成员,这里注意因为要算gap,所以循环到length - 1,否则最后1个无法做gap计算。
#最终形成所有任意连续两个record之间的gap数据的一个list,list中每一个成员都是一个tuple,包含gap, year, name三个信息,命名为data

for (gap, year, name) in sorted(data, reverse = True)[: 10]:
    print(f'{name} was not given for {gap} may years, the last time '
          f'between {year} and {year + gap}')
Levy was not given for 119 may years, the last time between 1887 and 2006
Izzie was not given for 115 may years, the last time between 1891 and 2006
Izma was not given for 108 may years, the last time between 1899 and 2007
Leannah was not given for 107 may years, the last time between 1889 and 1996
Auguste was not given for 106 may years, the last time between 1892 and 1998
Saidee was not given for 102 may years, the last time between 1893 and 1995
Caledonia was not given for 101 may years, the last time between 1900 and 2001
Enora was not given for 100 may years, the last time between 1910 and 2010
Sella was not given for 97 may years, the last time between 1916 and 2013
Nolah was not given for 97 may years, the last time between 1907 and 2004

4. Vigenère cipher


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