

您一直在等待的完整SwiftUI 2文档 (The Complete SwiftUI 2 Documentation You’ve Been Waiting For)

At the start of 2020, I wrote a long Medium article called “The Complete SwiftUI Documentation You’ve Been Waiting For.”

在2020年初,我写了一篇很长的中型文章,名为“ 您一直在等待的完整SwiftUI文档 。”

This was my way of sharing what I learned when I tried to fill in the gaps left by the insufficient documentation provided by Apple.


Although my article seemed to help a lot of people, I also wrote it eight months late.


Now that Apple’s 2020 developer conference is over, SwiftUI has been given some new capabilities, so hopefully, this update will make my documentation more helpful than ever before. This will be released as a series, with one chapter per article. The names of these chapters correspond with the chapter names in Apple’s SwiftUI documentation. They can be read in any order, so that’s why I’m not numbering them.

现在,Apple的2020年开发人员大会已经结束,SwiftUI已获得一些新功能,因此希望此更新将使我的文档比以往任何时候都更有帮助。 这将作为系列发布,每篇文章一个章节。 这些章节的名称与Apple的SwiftUI文档中的章节名称相对应。 可以按任何顺序读取它们,所以这就是为什么我不给它们编号。

As I promised, the current chapter isn’t as long as “Views and Controls,” which was longer than my original documentation!


  • View Layout and Presentation


  • Views and Controls


  • App Structure and Behavior

  • Drawing and Animation

  • Framework Integration

  • State and Data Flow

  • Gestures

  • Preview


I encourage you to contact me in a response below if you spot any mistakes or a subject you think I should cover in more detail.


LazyHStack and LazyVStack (New in 2.0)LazyVGrid (New in 2.0)LazyHGrid (New in 2.0)GridItem (New in 2.0)List (Updated in 2.0)ForEach & DynamicViewContent (Updated in 2.0)ScrollViewReader (New in 2.0)ScrollViewProxy (New in 2.0)Group (Updated in 2.0)Groupbox (Updated), OutlineGroup (NEW), & DisclosureGroup (NEW)NavigationView (Updated in 2.0)TabView (Updated in 2.0)

LazyHStack和LazyVStack(2.0中的新增功能) (LazyHStack and LazyVStack (New in 2.0))

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One thing that was pretty ambiguous in the first iteration of SwiftUI was whether the rows of a List are queued or not.


When you scroll on a UITableView, cells that leave the bottom or top of the screen are added to a queue, meaning that every cell in the table does not have to be stored in memory at once. When a cell is about to be scrolled into view, a method like func dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String) -> UITableViewCell? is called. The cells are considered to be reusable, since they can be destroyed and recreated, and removing them from the queue is called dequeueing.

UITableView上滚动时,离开屏幕底部或顶部的单元格将添加到队列中,这意味着表中的每个单元格不必一次存储在内存中。 当一个单元格要滚动到视图中时,类似func dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: String) -> UITableViewCell? 叫做。 单元被认为是可重用的,因为它们可以被销毁和重新创建,并且将它们从队列中删除称为出队

Anyway, it turns out that List does reuse cells. But if you want to use a ScrollView instead, you’re back to everything loading at once and not queuing when they leave the top or bottom of the screen. You might be okay with using List instead of a verticalScrollView, but what happens if you want to scroll horizontally?

无论如何,事实证明List 确实重用了cell 。 但是,如果您要使用ScrollView ,则可以返回到一次加载的所有内容,并且当它们离开屏幕顶部或底部时不会排队。 使用List而不是垂直的ScrollView可能会没事,但是如果要水平滚动会怎样?

If you try it, you’ll notice that List has no option to scroll horizontally.


struct ContentView: View {
  @State var text = ""
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      WhatJustHappenedView(text: text)
      ScrollView(.horizontal) {
        MyLazyHStack(text: $text)
      .frame(height: 50)
      ScrollView(.vertical) {
        MyLazyVStack(text: $text)

struct WhatJustHappenedView: View {
  let text: String
  @State var toggleIsOn = true
  var body: some View {
    Group {
      Toggle(isOn: $toggleIsOn) {
        Text("Show what just happened")
      if toggleIsOn {
        Text("What just happened?")

struct MyLazyHStack: View {
  @Binding var text: String
  var body: some View {
    LazyHStack {
      ForEach(0..<150, id: \.self) {
        index in
        Text("LazyHStack \(index)")
          .onAppear {
            text = "LazyHStack \(index) appeared"
          .onDisappear {
            text = "LazyHStack \(index) disappeared"

struct MyLazyVStack: View {
  @Binding var text: String
  var body: some View {
    LazyVStack {
      ForEach(0..<150, id: \.self) {
        index in
        Text("LazyVStack \(index)")
          .onAppear {
            text = "LazyVStack \(index) appeared"
          .onDisappear {
            text = "LazyVStack \(index) disappeared"

In my example, we have an aptly named WhatJustHappenedView, which prints the most recent queueing event. If the stacks weren’t lazy, every Text cell inside them would appear once at the beginning, and they would never disappear when they are queued.

在我的示例中,我们有一个恰当地命名为WhatJustHappenedView ,它打印最近的排队事件。 如果堆栈不是惰性的,则其中的每个Text单元格将在开始时出现一次,并且在排队时它们永远不会消失。

Instead, we see the events that prove that our memory is being allocated dynamically and not all at once.


LazyVGrid(2.0中的新增功能) (LazyVGrid (New in 2.0))

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You can apply the same logic of the LazyVStack and LazyHStack section above to a grid. What if we want to lay views out in rows and columns in SwiftUI? In the original version, there was no way to go about this other than manually coding your own logic, of course! The LazyVGrid bears a lot of visual similarity to the UICollectionView from UIKit, but it’s a lot easier to implement. You can construct these grids using an array of GridItem objects, which can act as rows in your layout.

您可以将上面的LazyVStackLazyHStack部分的相同逻辑应用于网格。 如果我们想在SwiftUI中按行和列布局视图怎么办? 当然,在原始版本中,除了手动编码自己的逻辑外,别无他法! UICollectionView与UIKit中的LazyVGrid具有很多视觉相似性,但是实现起来容易UICollectionView 。 您可以使用GridItem对象数组构造这些网格,这些对象可以在布局中充当行。

To make it easier to see the effect of changing properties of your grids, I’ve created a convenient way to lay out six steppers called SteppersView. I’m going to be providing examples that are sized using .fixed, .adaptive, and .relative sizing types. These are all cases of the enum GridItem.Size, and while .fixed requires only one CGFloat value, the other two require a minimum and maximum for the system to choose a value between.

为了更轻松地查看更改网格属性的效果,我创建了一种方便的方法来布置六个名为SteppersView的步进器。 我将要提供使用大小的例子.fixed.adaptive.relative大小类型。 这些都是枚举GridItem.Size所有情况,而.fixed仅需要一个CGFloat值,而其他两个则需要最小值和最大值,系统才能在其中选择一个值。

First we have .fixed, which gives an explicit width to the columns of the LazyVGrid:

首先,我们有.fixed ,这给出了一个明确的宽度到的列LazyVGrid

// Requires SteppersView which can be found here:
// https://gist.github.com/sturdysturge/eed04e007cef3222729663d9eed0d7d6

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
  @State var column1Width: CGFloat = 20.0
  @State var column2Width: CGFloat = 20.0
  @State var column3Width: CGFloat = 20.0
  @State var column1Spacing: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column2Spacing: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column3Spacing: CGFloat = 50.0
  let rows = 50
  let columns = 3
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        control1A: ("Column 1 Width", $column1Width),
        control1B: ("Column 1 Spacing", $column1Spacing),
        control2A: ("Column 2 Width", $column2Width),
        control2B: ("Column 2 Spacing", $column2Spacing),
        control3A: ("Column 3 Width", $column3Width),
        control3B: ("Column 3 Spacing", $column3Spacing)
      ScrollView(.vertical) {
        LazyVGrid(columns: [
          GridItem(.fixed(column1Width), spacing: column1Spacing),
          GridItem(.fixed(column2Width), spacing: column2Spacing),
          GridItem(.fixed(column3Width), spacing: column3Spacing)
        ], alignment: .center, spacing: 19) {
          ForEach(0..<(columns * rows), id: \.self) {
            index in
              .frame(height: 25)
      .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

Now we have .flexible, which allows the columns to grow to the maximum width they have available. This is similar to using the .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) modifier on any other view. Although columns can grow or shrink according to the requirements of those around them, they cannot change the number of columns in a row. This means that we still end up with an appropriate number of rows, as is seen if you scroll to the bottom and see that the bottom row has the same number as all previous rows.

现在我们有了.flexible ,它可以使列增长到可用的最大宽度。 这类似于在其他任何视图上使用.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)修饰符。 尽管可以根据周围的列的要求来增加或缩小列,但是它们不能更改一行中的列数。 这意味着我们仍然可以得到适当数量的行,就像您滚动到底部并看到最底部的行与所有先前的行具有相同的行数一样。

// Requires SteppersView which can be found here:
// https://gist.github.com/sturdysturge/eed04e007cef3222729663d9eed0d7d6

import SwiftUI

struct LazyVGridFlexibleView: View {
  @State var column1MinWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column2MinWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column3MinWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column1MaxWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column2MaxWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column3MaxWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  let rows = 50
  let columns = 3
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        control1A: ("Column 1 Min Width", $column1MinWidth),
        control1B: ("Column 1 Max Width", $column1MaxWidth),
        control2A: ("Column 2 Min Width", $column2MinWidth),
        control2B: ("Column 2 Max Width", $column2MaxWidth),
        control3A: ("Column 3 Min Width", $column3MinWidth),
        control3B: ("Column 3 Max Width", $column3MaxWidth)
      ScrollView(.vertical) {
        LazyVGrid(columns: [
          GridItem(.flexible(minimum: column1MinWidth, maximum: column1MaxWidth)),
          GridItem(.flexible(minimum: column2MinWidth, maximum: column2MaxWidth)),
          GridItem(.flexible(minimum: column3MinWidth, maximum: column3MaxWidth)),
        ]) {
          ForEach(0..<(columns * rows), id: \.self) {
            index in
              .frame(height: 25)
      .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

GridItem.Size.adaptive is different from .flexible in one simple way. While these cells still have a minimum and maximum width, they will not prevent cells from the row below moving up in order to occupy available space. This is assuming that the available space is larger than the minimum width that the cells can occupy, of course. The difference here can be observed most clearly when scrolling to the bottom, as it is easy to achieve a situation in which the last row has less cells in it than the previous rows.

GridItem.Size.adaptive.flexible以一种简单的方式不同。 尽管这些单元格仍具有最小和最大宽度,但它们不会阻止下一行的单元格向上移动以占用可用空间。 当然,这是假定可用空间大于单元格可以占用的最小宽度。 滚动到底部时,可以最清楚地观察到此处的差异,因为很容易实现最后一行中的单元格少于前一行的情况。

This is because the number of cells we calculated using columns * rows is no longer an accurate representation of the cells, as there are more items per row than previously expected.

这是因为我们使用columns * rows计算的单元格数量不再是单元格的准确表示,因为每行中的项目比以前预期的要多。

// Requires SteppersView which can be found here:
// https://gist.github.com/sturdysturge/eed04e007cef3222729663d9eed0d7d6

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
  @State var column1MinWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column2MinWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column3MinWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column1MaxWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column2MaxWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var column3MaxWidth: CGFloat = 50.0
  let rows = 50
  let columns = 3
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        control1A: ("Column 1 Min Width", $column1MinWidth),
        control1B: ("Column 1 Max Width", $column1MaxWidth),
        control2A: ("Column 2 Min Width", $column2MinWidth),
        control2B: ("Column 2 Max Width", $column2MaxWidth),
        control3A: ("Column 3 Min Width", $column3MinWidth),
        control3B: ("Column 3 Max Width", $column3MaxWidth)
      ScrollView(.vertical) {
        LazyVGrid(columns: [
          GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: column1MinWidth, maximum: column1MaxWidth)),
          GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: column2MinWidth, maximum: column2MaxWidth)),
          GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: column3MinWidth, maximum: column3MaxWidth)),
        ]) {
          ForEach(0..<(columns * rows), id: \.self) {
            index in
              .frame(height: 25)
      .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

LazyHGrid(2.0中的新增功能) (LazyHGrid (New in 2.0))

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Like LazyVGrid above, the examples here require controls so that you can play around with them in the subsequent examples. All of the examples use six different steppers, so I’ve provided SteppersView, which allows you to lay them out for each example.

与上面的LazyVGrid一样,此处的示例也需要控件,以便您可以在后续示例中使用它们。 所有示例都使用六个不同的步进器,因此我提供了SteppersView ,它允许您为每个示例布置它们。

// Requires StepperView which can be found here:
// https://gist.github.com/sturdysturge/eed04e007cef3222729663d9eed0d7d6

import SwiftUI

struct LazyHGridFixedView: View {
  @State var row1Height: CGFloat = 20.0
  @State var row2Height: CGFloat = 20.0
  @State var row3Height: CGFloat = 20.0
  @State var row1Spacing: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row2Spacing: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row3Spacing: CGFloat = 50.0
  let columns = 50
  let rows = 3
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        control1A: ("Row 1 Height", $row1Height),
        control1B: ("Row 1 Spacing", $row1Spacing),
        control2A: ("Row 2 Height", $row2Height),
        control2B: ("Row 2 Spacing", $row2Spacing),
        control3A: ("Row 3 Height", $row3Height),
        control3B: ("Row 3 Spacing", $row3Spacing)
      ScrollView(.horizontal) {
        LazyHGrid(rows: [
          GridItem(.fixed(row1Height), spacing: row1Spacing),
          GridItem(.fixed(row2Height), spacing: row2Spacing),
          GridItem(.fixed(row3Height), spacing: row3Spacing)
        ], alignment: .center, spacing: 19) {
          ForEach(0..<(columns * rows), id: \.self) {
            index in
              .frame(width: 25)
      .frame(maxHeight: .infinity)

Now we have .flexible, which allows the rows to grow to the maximum height they have available. This is similar to using the .frame(maxHeight: .infinity) modifier on any other view. Although columns can grow or shrink according to the requirements of those around them, they cannot change the number of rows in a column. This means that we still end up with an appropriate number of columns, as is seen if you scroll to the right and see that the last column has the same number as all previous columns.

现在我们有了.flexible ,它可以使行增长到可用的最大高度。 这类似于在其他任何视图上使用.frame(maxHeight: .infinity)修饰符。 尽管可以根据周围的列的要求来增加或缩小列,但是它们不能更改列中的行数。 这意味着我们仍然可以得到适当数量的列,就像您向右滚动并看到最后一列具有与所有先前列相同的列数一样。

// Requires SteppersView which can be found here:
// https://gist.github.com/sturdysturge/eed04e007cef3222729663d9eed0d7d6

import SwiftUI

struct LazyHGridAdaptiveView: View {
  @State var row1MinHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row2MinHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row3MinHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row1MaxHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row2MaxHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row3MaxHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  let columns = 50
  let rows = 3
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        control1A: ("Row 1 Min Height", $row1MinHeight),
        control1B: ("Row 1 Max Height", $row1MaxHeight),
        control2A: ("Row 2 Min Height", $row2MinHeight),
        control2B: ("Row 2 Max Height", $row2MaxHeight),
        control3A: ("Row 3 Min Height", $row3MinHeight),
        control3B: ("Row 3 Max Height", $row3MaxHeight)
      ScrollView(.horizontal) {
        LazyHGrid(rows: [
          GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: row1MinHeight, maximum: row1MaxHeight)),
          GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: row2MinHeight, maximum: row2MaxHeight)),
          GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: row3MinHeight, maximum: row3MaxHeight)),
        ], alignment: .center, spacing: 19) {
          ForEach(0..<(columns * rows), id: \.self) {
            index in
              .frame(width: 25)
      .frame(maxHeight: .infinity)

GridItem.Size.adaptive is different from .flexible in one simple way. While these cells still have a minimum and maximum height, they will not prevent cells from the column to the right moving left in order to occupy available space. This is assuming that the available space is larger than the minimum height that the cells can occupy, of course. The difference here can be observed most clearly when scrolling to the right, as it is easy to achieve a situation in which the last column has less cells in it than the previous columns.

GridItem.Size.adaptive.flexible以一种简单的方式不同。 尽管这些单元格仍具有最小和最大高度,但它们不会阻止从列到右侧的单元格向左移动以占用可用空间。 当然,这是假定可用空间大于单元格可以占用的最小高度。 向右滚动时,可以最清楚地观察到此处的差异,因为很容易实现最后一列的单元格少于前一列的情况。

This is because the number of cells we calculated using columns * rows is no longer an accurate representation of the cells, as there are more items per column than previously expected.

这是因为我们使用columns * rows计算的单元格数量不再是单元格的准确表示,因为每列中的项比以前预期的要多。

// Requires SteppersView which can be found here:
// https://gist.github.com/sturdysturge/eed04e007cef3222729663d9eed0d7d6

import SwiftUI

struct LazyHGridFlexibleView: View {
  @State var row1MinHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row2MinHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row3MinHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row1MaxHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row2MaxHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  @State var row3MaxHeight: CGFloat = 50.0
  let columns = 50
  let rows = 3
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        control1A: ("Row 1 Min Height", $row1MinHeight),
        control1B: ("Row 1 Max Height", $row1MaxHeight),
        control2A: ("Row 2 Min Height", $row2MinHeight),
        control2B: ("Row 2 Max Height", $row2MaxHeight),
        control3A: ("Row 3 Min Height", $row3MinHeight),
        control3B: ("Row 3 Max Height", $row3MaxHeight)
      ScrollView(.horizontal) {
        LazyHGrid(rows: [
          GridItem(.flexible(minimum: row1MinHeight, maximum: row1MaxHeight)),
          GridItem(.flexible(minimum: row2MinHeight, maximum: row2MaxHeight)),
          GridItem(.flexible(minimum: row3MinHeight, maximum: row3MaxHeight))
        ], alignment: .center, spacing: 19) {
          ForEach(0..<(columns * rows), id: \.self) {
            index in
              .frame(width: 25)
      .frame(maxHeight: .infinity)

GridItem(2.0中的新增功能) (GridItem (New in 2.0))

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You can see some great examples of GridItem in action above, in LazyHGrid and LazyVGrid.


A GridItem must be given a size, but spacing and alignment are optional.


The GridItem.Size enum has three cases:


  • case adaptive(minimum: CGFloat, maximum: CGFloat)

    case adaptive(minimum: CGFloat, maximum: CGFloat)

  • case fixed(CGFloat)

    case fixed(CGFloat)

  • case flexible(minimum: CGFloat, maximum: CGFloat)

    case flexible(minimum: CGFloat, maximum: CGFloat)

Bear in mind that failing to give a value for the spacing property allows your columns (in LazyVGrid) or your rows (in LazyHGrid) to potentially end up touching one another if they are not given enough space.

请记住,如果不给LazyVGrid属性指定值,则如果没有足够的空间,则您的列(在LazyVGrid )或行(在LazyHGrid )可能最终彼此接触。

Being explicit about spacing gives you more control about how you want them to adapt, assuming that the size they were given was not of type .fixed.


列表(在2.0中更新) (List (Updated in 2.0))

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List, the vertical ScrollView that allows lazy loading of content only when it is visible on the screen, has some new initialisers in 2.0.

List是一种垂直ScrollView ,仅在屏幕上可见时才允许延迟加载内容,它在2.0中具有一些新的初始化程序。

  • init(Data, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

    init(Data, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

  • init(Data, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding>?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

    init(Data, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding>?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

  • init(Data, id: KeyPath, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding>?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

    init(Data, id: KeyPath, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding>?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

  • init(Data, id: KeyPath, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

    init(Data, id: KeyPath, children: KeyPath, selection: Binding?, rowContent: (Data.Element) -> RowContent)

These initialisers all have one thing in common. They were all available when SwiftUI launched, but they were only available on tvOS and watchOS.

这些初始化程序有一个共同点。 它们在SwiftUI启动时都可用,但是仅在tvOS和watchOS上可用。

All of these initialisers have now been added iOS, macOS and Mac Catalyst.

所有这些初始化程序现已添加到iOS,macOS和Mac Catalyst。

ForEach和DynamicViewContent(在2.0中更新) (ForEach & DynamicViewContent (Updated in 2.0))

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In the “Views and Controls” chapter of this documentation, I talked about the new UTType structure that had replaced a rather confusing method. Instead of being able to create objects that represent data types, we had to resort to passing an array of strings that represented data types.

在本文档的“ 视图和控件 ”一章中,我谈到了新的UTType结构,该结构已替代了一个相当混乱的方法。 除了能够创建代表数据类型的对象外,我们不得不诉诸于传递代表数据类型的字符串数组。

This is not obvious in the initialiser for ForEach, but it conforms to the DynamicViewContent protocol. This happens when the generic Content conforms to View, which confusingly isn’t required by the ForEach structure itself. Every initialiser exists in an extension that does require that Content conforms to View though, so don’t go thinking you can use ForEach for any other purpose.

这在ForEach的初始化程序中并不明显,但它符合DynamicViewContent协议。 当通用Content符合View ,就会发生这种情况,而ForEach结构本身并不需要混淆性的要求。 每个扩展程序都存在于一个扩展中,该扩展确实要求Content符合View ,所以不要以为您可以将ForEach用于任何其他目的。

DynamicViewContent requires a Collection of data, the particular type of which is inferred by the data that it is given. What does it do, you ask. It provides methods such as onDelete, which gives you the ability to run a closure when the user deletes a row of a List. While onDelete hasn’t changed since last year, onInsert has. This occurs when an item is dragged using the onDrag modifier, as List uses onInsert instead of the more conventional onDrop modifier.

DynamicViewContent需要数据Collection ,其特定类型由给出的数据推断。 您会问,它是做什么的。 它提供了诸如onDelete方法,该方法使您能够在用户删除List的一行时运行闭包。 虽然onDelete还没有从去年开始改变, onInsert了。 当使用onDrag修改器拖动项目时会发生这种情况,因为List使用onInsert而不是更常规的onDrop修改器。

More information on drag and drop was contained in the “Views and Controls” chapter, so the main thing to point out is that onInsert now takes a UTType structure instead of the previous array of strings representing the UTTypes. This allows us to specify what kind of data can be dragged and dropped into a List, as otherwise we would not know whether we can add that data to the underlying Collection or not.

有关拖放的更多信息包含在“视图和控件”一章中,因此主要要指出的是, onInsert现在采用UTType结构,而不是之前的表示UTType的字符串数组。 这使我们可以指定可以将哪种数据拖放到List ,否则我们将不知道是否可以将该数据添加到基础Collection

But that’s not all that’s changed.


If you look at the new initialiser for ForEach, you might notice something is different:


init(_ data: Data, id: KeyPath, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Data.Element) -> Content)

Like the body: some View property of a View struct, the initialiser now takes a @ViewBuilder closure. Why does this matter? This is is effectively like wrapping our layout in a Group in the first iteration of SwiftUI. We did this because we wanted to be able to return one concrete type that conforms to the view protocol, and adding multiple values in the closure made it impossible to do that.

就像body: some View View结构的body: some View属性一样,初始化程序现在使用@ViewBuilder闭包。 为什么这么重要? 这实际上就像在SwiftUI的第一次迭代中将布局包装在Group中一样。 之所以这样做,是因为我们希望能够返回一种符合视图协议的具体类型,并且在闭包中添加多个值使其无法实现。

Now you can add whatever you want inside a ForEach, as long as it is less than ten views in size.


Obviously this excludes the underlying data, so you could for instance have a List row with ten views in it, but that row is one of 100 or more rows that get their data from an array or other data structure.


The power of ForEach is the ability to effectively treat as many items as you want as if they were one view in your hierarchy.


ScrollViewReader(2.0中的新增功能) (ScrollViewReader (New in 2.0))

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There is some similarity between the existing GeometryReader and the new ScrollViewReader.


They are both closures that pass in a single parameter.


A GeometryReader passes a GeometryProxy which has two properties: safeAreaInsets: EdgeInsets and size: CGSize. This proxy comes with a method that will return a CGRect for the frame, but it requires a coordinate space in which to calculate this frame. The most obvious one is .global, as this gives a frame that is relative to the entire screen. But you can create custom coordinateSpace with a name that you specify, allowing you to get a frame relative to another View in the hierarchy.

一个GeometryReader传递一个GeometryProxy ,它具有两个属性: safeAreaInsets: EdgeInsetssize: CGSize 。 该代理附带有一种方法,该方法将为框架返回CGRect ,但是它需要一个坐标空间来计算该框架。 最明显的是.global ,因为它提供了相对于整个屏幕的框架。 但是你可以创建自定义 coordinateSpace 与您指定的名称 ,让您获得相对于层次结构中的另一个View的框架。

ScrollViewProxy has no properties, but it has a single method that performs an action instead of returning a value. When we specify an id for Views in a ScrollView, we can provide any Hashable type. With this we are telling Swift which part of our type is unique so that it can differentiate between instances of that type.

ScrollViewProxy没有属性,但它具有执行操作而不是返回值的单个方法。 当我们在ScrollView为Views指定一个id ,我们可以提供任何Hashable类型。 这样我们告诉Swift我们类型的哪一部分是唯一的,以便可以区分该类型的实例。

In my example, I’m just using the index for each row in my List as an ID.


Many provided Swift types already conform to Hashable, so this is easier than making a Hashable type yourself. Here’s how to conform to the Hashable protocol if you’re interested, and you’ll see there that it isn’t a lot of effort at all. Now that I can identify the rows of my List, I provided a TextField that you can type a number into and a Button that will send the ScrollView to that row automatically.

许多提供的Swift类型已经符合Hashable,因此这比自己制作Hashable类型要容易。 如果您感兴趣的话,这里是如何遵循Hashable协议的方法 ,您会发现它根本不需要花费很多精力。 现在,我可以识别List的行了,我提供了一个TextField可以在其中键入数字)和一个Button ,它将ScrollView自动发送到该行。

struct Contentview: View {
  @State var target = 0
  var body: some View {
    ScrollViewReader { proxy in
      VStack {
        Group {
          Text("Type a number using lower case words like 'thirty-four' and press return on the keyboard")
          HStack {
            TargetTextField(target: $target)
            GoToButton(target: target, proxy: proxy)
        List {
          ForEach(0..<100, id: \.self) {
            index in
            Text("Item \(index)")
          Button("Back to top") {

struct GoToButton: View {
  let target: Int
  let proxy: ScrollViewProxy
  var body: some View {
    Button("Go to \(target)") {
      UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)
      withAnimation {

struct TargetTextField: View {
  static var formatter: NumberFormatter {
    let formatter = NumberFormatter()
    formatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
    return formatter
  @Binding var target: Int
  var body: some View {
    TextField("Enter a number", value: $target, formatter: Self.formatter)

I’ve made my example more difficult to use by using a NumberFormatter which uses a numberStyle called spellOut. This requires you to spell your numbers as lowercase words, putting a hyphen between a number like thirty-four and omitting words like and. Have a play around with it, and if you get bored of it, you can always change the NumberFormatter to something more sensible if you prefer.

我做了我的例子比较难用用NumberFormatter其采用了numberStyle称为spellOut 。 这需要你拼出你的号码为小写的话,把一个连字符数量之间像34和省略的话就像 。 试一试,如果您对它感到厌烦,可以随时将NumberFormatter更改为更明智的选择。

Notice that the scrolling is animated, but at the bottom of the List there is a Button that says “Back to top.” Unlike the GoToButton at the top, which puts its proxy.scrollTo(_:) inside a withAnimation block, this Button does not add an explicit animation. This is the default behaviour of the scrollTo(_:) action, instantly scrolling without any animation. Keep this in mind if you want to animate any changes to the scroll location.

请注意,滚动是动画的,但是在List的底部有一个按钮,显示“返回页首”。 与顶部的GoToButton不同,该Button将其proxy.scrollTo(_:)放在withAnimation块内,此Button不会添加显式动画。 这是scrollTo(_:)操作的默认行为,无需任何动画即可立即滚动。 如果要对滚动位置进行动画处理,请记住这一点。

Notice how I was able to pass the ScrollViewProxy as a parameter to GoToButton, so that the ability to change the scroll location can be passed between views.

请注意,我如何能够将ScrollViewProxy作为参数传递给GoToButton ,以便可以在视图之间传递更改滚动位置的功能。

ScrollViewProxy(2.0中的新增功能) (ScrollViewProxy (New in 2.0))

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See ScrollViewReader above, which passes a ScrollViewProxy as a parameter into its closure the same way as GeometryReader passes a GeometryProxy.

参见上面的ScrollViewReader ,它将ScrollViewProxy作为参数传递到它的闭包中,就像GeometryReader传递GeometryProxy

组(在2.0中更新) (Group (Updated in 2.0))

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Now that more structures take a @ViewBuilder closure, and therefore return a TupleView that contains up to ten children that all conform to View, you might think that Group no longer has much purpose.

现在,更多结构采用@ViewBuilder闭包,并因此返回一个TupleView ,其中包含最多十个都符合View的子级,您可能会认为Group不再具有太大的用途。

After all this “affordance for grouping view content,” as Apple calls it, did little else at that point.


But now we have new possibilities, as we can now group anything conforming to these protocols too:


  • Scene


  • Widget


  • Commands


  • ToolbarContent


I’ll go into a lot more detail about what these are in a later chapter called “App Structure and Behavior,” but the important thing to know is that Group has new capabilities.


In much the same way that @ViewBuilder allows Group to combine up to ten views, @_WidgetBuilder allows a combination of up to ten widgets. When macOS has commands that it will display in the menus at the top of the screen, up to ten can be added with @CommandBuilder.

@ViewBuilder允许Group最多组合十个视图,而@_WidgetBuilder可以组合十个小部件。 当macOS具有将显示在屏幕顶部菜单中的命令时, @CommandBuilder最多可以添加@CommandBuilder

Building a toolbar?


You guessed it:@ToolbarBuilder will allow up to ten children.

您猜对了: @ToolbarBuilder最多允许十个孩子。

Now that SwiftUI apps can be created without an AppDelegate, we use a structure that conforms to the App protocol, which in turn requires a body that conforms to the Scene protocol.


When multiple scenes are provided within a Group, @SceneBuilder allows us to add up to ten children.

当一个Group中提供多个场景时, @SceneBuilder允许我们最多添加十个孩子。

This differs from WindowGroup, which specifically provides views that will be given identically structured yet separate windows. Since WindowGroup conforms to the Scene protocol itself, it can be at the top of the hierarchy inside the body of an App structure. If a Group only has children that conform to the View protocol, it cannot be used in the same way.

这不同于WindowGroup ,后者专门提供了视图,这些视图将具有相同的结构,但具有独立的窗口。 由于WindowGroup符合Scene协议本身,因此它可以位于App结构主体内部的层次结构的顶部。 如果Group仅具有符合View协议的子级,则不能以相同的方式使用它。

In other words, a structure conforming to App can contain:


  • A Group made up of up to tenWindowGroup children


  • A group made up of up to ten Scene-conforming children


  • A WindowGroup made up of up to ten Group- or other View-conforming children


If this is confusing, don’t worry. It’ll be covered in way more detail in the “App Structure and Behavior” chapter.

如果这令人困惑,请不要担心。 “应用程序的结构和行为”一章将对此进行更详细的介绍。

Groupbox,OutlineGroup和DisclosureGroup (Groupbox, OutlineGroup, & DisclosureGroup)

Of these three, GroupBox is the only one that isn’t new in 2.0.

在这三个组件中, GroupBox是2.0版中唯一不新增的组件。

When Groupbox was made available when SwiftUI was originally released, it was only available on macOS, and the main change is that it is now cross-platform. This is an easy way of grouping content together with an optional label. OutlineGroup provides an ability to reveal additional information about an item that would otherwise be hidden. DisclosureGroup has a similar purpose, with the addition of a Binding that can control whether or not the additional information is shown.

在最初发布Groupbox时使Groupbox可用时,它仅在macOS上可用,主要的变化是现在它是跨平台的。 这是将内容与可选标签一起分组的一种简便方法。 OutlineGroup提供了显示有关可能会隐藏的项目的其他信息的功能。 DisclosureGroup具有类似的目的,增加了一个Binding ,它可以控制是否显示其他信息。

You can find examples of this, as well as the new OutlineGroup and DisclosureGroup, in “SwiftUI’s GroupBox, OutlineGroup, and DisclosureGroup in iOS 14” by Anupam Chugh.

您可以在 Anupam Chugh 撰写的 “ iOS 14中的SwiftUI的GroupBox,OutlineGroup和DisclosureGroup中 ”找到此示例以及新的OutlineGroupDisclosureGroup

NavigationView(在2.0中更新) (NavigationView (Updated in 2.0))

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I thought this was already available on watchOS, as I had previously released a watchOS app that lets you choose pictures of dogs from a List. But it turns out that despite using a NavigationLink in that app, I was not embedding it inside a NavigationView. This would compile for iOS and macOS, but it would not allow navigation due to the lack of NavigationView. Presumably something about the way watchOS always works on the basis of stacked navigation makes this unnecessary, but other platforms have no expectation that this would be the case.

我以为它已经在watchOS上可用了,因为我以前发布了一个watchOS应用程序,可以从List选择狗的图片。 但事实证明,尽管在该应用程序中使用了NavigationLink ,但我并未将其嵌入到NavigationView 。 这将针对iOS和macOS进行编译,但由于缺少NavigationView ,因此将不允许导航。 可能有关watchOS始终基于堆叠导航的工作方式的某些事情使此操作变得不必要,但是其他平台并不期望会出现这种情况。

WatchOS now has the ability to use .navigationViewStyle, but it seems the only provided value for it is StackNavigationViewStyle.

WatchOS现在可以使用.navigationViewStyle ,但是似乎唯一提供的值是StackNavigationViewStyle

The only other option on any platform isDoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle, and you can bet that's not coming to WatchOS any time soon!

在任何平台上,唯一的其他选项是DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle ,您可以打赌,很快就不会在WatchOS上使用它了!

TabView(在2.0中更新) (TabView (Updated in 2.0))

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I already mentioned this when I went through the new standard View Modifiers in the “Views and Controls” chapter. That was when I was covering the .tabItem modifier, which has changed in the same way as the TabView it applies to.

我在“ 视图和控件 ”一章中通过新的标准视图修改器时已经提到了这一点。 那是我讨论.tabItem修饰符的时候,该修饰符的更改方式与其应用于的TabView相同。

To recap what I said then, I’ll post Apple’s example with the addition of the @available attribute at the top.


@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 7.0, *)
struct TabItem: View {
  var body: some View {
    TabView {
        .tabItem {
          Image(systemName: "list.dash")
        .tabItem {
          Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")

struct View1: View {
  var body: some View {
    Text("View 1")

struct View2: View {
  var body: some View {
    Text("View 2")

Notice anything?


TabView, along with the modifier .tabItem that allows you to create the icon that represents that page on the tab bar, is new to watchOS. Although it was available on Mac, iOS, iPadOS and tvOS last year, it has only just come to the watch this year. What form could it possibly take, you might ask? It resembles a UIPageViewController from UIKit, with each page requiring you to swipe horizontally from one to the other. The although the .tabItem modifier exists, neither the Text nor the Image that Apple’s example provides are visible.

TabView和修改器.tabItem一起使您可以在选项卡栏上创建代表该页面的图标,这是watchOS的新增功能。 尽管它去年在Mac,iOS,iPadOS和tvOS上可用,但今年才出现。 您可能会问,它可能采用什么形式? 它类似于UIKit中的UIPageViewController ,每个页面都需要您从一个页面水平滑动到另一个页面。 尽管存在.tabItem修饰符,但Apple示例提供的TextImage都不可见。


Instead we get dots, much in the same way that UIPageViewController makes use of a UIPageControl, which Apple describes as "a horizontal series of dots, each of which corresponds to a page in the app’s document or other data-model entity.”

相反,我们得到点,就像UIPageViewController使用UIPageControl ,Apple将其描述为“水平的点序列,每个点对应于应用程序文档或其他数据模型实体中的页面”。

下一步 (Next Steps)

SwiftUI is only a year old as I’m writing this, and there are already a wealth of resources out there. My writing would not be possible without the following websites:

在我撰写本文时,SwiftUI才刚成立一年,并且那里已经有很多资源。 没有以下网站,我的写作将是不可能的:

  • LOSTMOA Blog


  • Hacking with Swift


  • Swift UI Lab

    Swift UI实验室

  • Swift with Majid


  • WWDC by Sundell


  • Swift by Sundell


If you’ve got a great resource to share with the community, let me know and I’ll gladly add it to this list.


As I said at the start of the article, If you have requests for more detail on a subject, or if you think I’ve made a mistake, let me know in a response below.


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/view-layout-and-presentation-in-swiftui-705b7d81f03

