Day2 11/07/2017




释义:v. release after a security has been paid v./n. 保释,帮助某人脱离困境

近义词:recognizance, free  词组:admit to bail 允许保释

造句:She felt ready to bail out of the corporate rat race.

2】count on

释义:v. to look forward to as certain 依赖;指望

造句:You can count on them to do good, important things most of the time.


释义:adj. pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness 站不住脚的;瘸的

近义词:week 搭配:lame duck 无用的人 投机者

造句:The  TV licensing teams hear a lot of lame excuses.


1】And what made it really irritating was that now this guy was Rowley's new hero.

仿写:What makes us feel extremely exciting is that the examnation is going to be put off till the next week.


Today, there are two things that make me happy. First of all, I went to an interview which is applied to magazines that I loved for years. The interviewer was not as strict as my expected. But the position which I applied for was more tiring than my expected. I went into the next round. And second of all, I received an invitation to the WeChat public original application, so hard work is essential for anyone to achieve their goals.

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