Flux Pattern


  • View:视图层(界面)
  • Action:视图层发出的消息或事件,如点击按钮
  • Dispatcher:派发器,用来接受Actions、执行回调函数
  • Store:数据层,用来存放应用状态,一旦发生变动,就要通知Views更新界面

  •  用户操作(访问)View
  • View发出用户的Action给Dispatcher
  • Dispatcher接收到Action,通知Store更新数据(比如更新Store里checkbox的选中状态)
  • Store更新后,通知View进行界面刷新
  • View收到通知后,更新界面。

       现在有一个菜单叫MenuView 和一个目内容页叫ContentView,对应存储菜单数据的叫MenuStore、存储内容页数据的叫ContentStore,一个分发器Dispatcher、定义了两个动作叫MenuAction和ContentAction。我们现在模拟菜单的点击(itemClicked)看看数据是如何流转的,最后又是如何更新在界面上的。
Flux Pattern_第1张图片
 * Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web
 * applications. Flux eschews MVC in favor of a unidirectional data flow. When a user interacts with
 * a React view, the view propagates an action through a central dispatcher, to the various stores
 * that hold the application's data and business logic, which updates all of the views that are
 * affected.

* This example has two views: menu and content. They represent typical main menu and content area * of a web page. When menu item is clicked it triggers events through the dispatcher. The events * are received and handled by the stores updating their data as needed. The stores then notify the * views that they should rerender themselves. *

* http://facebook.github.io/flux/docs/overview.html * */ public class App { /** * Program entry point * * @param args command line args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // initialize and wire the system MenuStore menuStore = new MenuStore(); Dispatcher.getInstance().registerStore(menuStore); ContentStore contentStore = new ContentStore(); Dispatcher.getInstance().registerStore(contentStore); MenuView menuView = new MenuView(); menuStore.registerView(menuView); ContentView contentView = new ContentView(); contentStore.registerView(contentView); // render initial view menuView.render(); contentView.render(); // user clicks another menu item // this triggers action dispatching and eventually causes views to render with new content menuView.itemClicked(MenuItem.COMPANY); } }

 * Views define the representation of data.
public interface View {

  void storeChanged(Store store);

  void render();

 * MenuView is a concrete view.
public class MenuView implements View {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MenuView.class);

  private MenuItem selected = MenuItem.HOME;

  public void storeChanged(Store store) {
    MenuStore menuStore = (MenuStore) store;
    selected = menuStore.getSelected();

  public void render() {
    for (MenuItem item : MenuItem.values()) {
      if (selected.equals(item)) {
        LOGGER.info("* {}", item);
      } else {

  public void itemClicked(MenuItem item) {
 * ContentView is a concrete view.
public class ContentView implements View {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentView.class);

  private Content content = Content.PRODUCTS;

  public void storeChanged(Store store) {
    ContentStore contentStore = (ContentStore) store;
    content = contentStore.getContent();

  public void render() {

 * Store is a data model.
public abstract class Store {

  private List views = new LinkedList<>();

  public abstract void onAction(Action action);

  public void registerView(View view) {

  protected void notifyChange() {
    views.stream().forEach(view -> view.storeChanged(this));
 * MenuStore is a concrete store.
public class MenuStore extends Store {

  private MenuItem selected = MenuItem.HOME;

  public void onAction(Action action) {
    if (action.getType().equals(ActionType.MENU_ITEM_SELECTED)) {
      MenuAction menuAction = (MenuAction) action;
      selected = menuAction.getMenuItem();

  public MenuItem getSelected() {
    return selected;
 * ContentStore is a concrete store.
public class ContentStore extends Store {

  private Content content = Content.PRODUCTS;

  public void onAction(Action action) {
    if (action.getType().equals(ActionType.CONTENT_CHANGED)) {
      ContentAction contentAction = (ContentAction) action;
      content = contentAction.getContent();

  public Content getContent() {
    return content;

 * Action is the data payload dispatched to the stores when something happens.
public abstract class Action {

  private ActionType type;

  public Action(ActionType type) {
    this.type = type;

  public ActionType getType() {
    return type;

 * MenuAction is a concrete action.
public class MenuAction extends Action {

  private MenuItem menuItem;

  public MenuAction(MenuItem menuItem) {
    this.menuItem = menuItem;

  public MenuItem getMenuItem() {
    return menuItem;

 * ContentAction is a concrete action.
public class ContentAction extends Action {

  private Content content;

  public ContentAction(Content content) {
    this.content = content;

  public Content getContent() {
    return content;

 * Menu items.
public enum MenuItem {

  HOME("Home"), PRODUCTS("Products"), COMPANY("Company");

  private String title;

  MenuItem(String title) {
    this.title = title;

  public String toString() {
    return title;
 * Content items.
public enum Content {

  PRODUCTS("Products - This page lists the company's products."), COMPANY(
      "Company - This page displays information about the company.");

  private String title;

  private Content(String title) {
    this.title = title;

  public String toString() {
    return title;

