Day 4-A Thousand Splendid Suns (CH13-15)

Part 1 Vocabulary

1. relish: If you relish the idea or thought of something, you feel pleasure that it is going to happen.期盼;憧憬;指望

relish the prospect / idea / thought / chance / opportunity

Then she was laughing to herself, and saying it over and over, relishing the words.

Eg: She is relishing the idea of traveling abroad alone.

2. pester: to behave in an annoying manner towards someone by doing or asking for something repeatedly 不断烦扰,纠缠

"Then stop pestering me!"

Eg: The kids have been pestering me to buy them new clothes.

3. wince: make a face indicating disgust or dislike

he took one look at her and winced with such distaste

Eg: She winced when she heard his pompous speech.

4. pounce (on): to jump or move quickly in order to catch or take hold of something 猛扑,猛冲,突然袭击

And as her heart pounded, her mind wondered what excuse he would use that night to pounce on her

Eg: Kevin pounced on Liam and started hitting him.

5. foolhardy: brave in a silly way, taking unnecessary risks 有勇无谋的,莽撞的

For his foolhardy faith that she was carrying a boy.

Eg: a foolhardy decision


A thief was relishing the prospect of spending his time abroad with the money he had stolen. He pestered his wife to escape with him, but was refused. Unfortunately, the police were waiting to pounce when he arrived at the airport. Wincing at the memory of being caught, the thief realized how a foolhardy decision he had made.

Part 2 Sentences

1. 雪景的描写

Now only a scattering of light, swirling flakes tickled her cheeks. The air was windless and smelled like burning coal. Kabul was eerily silent, quilted in white, tendrils of smoke snaking up here and there.   Snowing again.

Falling thick this time. It was piling in heaps on sidewalks, on roofs, gathering in patches on the bark of straggly trees.

the whirlpool of snow twisting and spinning outside the window.

2. 前后对比:幸福来得太突然,前后对比反差太强烈了。看的虐心。

Happiness rushed in like a gust of wind blowing a door wide open.

The grief washed over her, swept her up, tossed her upside down.

3. 女性受教育的重要性

A society has no chance of success if its women are uneducated.

Part 3 Summary

Mariam got pregnant, which made Rasheed delighted. Rasheed firmly believed that it would be a son as he had hoped. He even began to build a crib and invited his friends to celebrate. Mariam felt so happy at the thought of being a mother, her own home, her own husband. For her, her longing for a family would come true. Unfortunately, Mariam's miscarriage  turned everything upside down. Rasheed showed his indifference and cruelty  to Mariam. Their daily life patterns turned out exhausting and dreadful. No matter how considerate and careful Mariam was, Rasheed hardly took a look at her. Mariam dreaded going outside as she became envious and resentful of her neighborhood women's wealth of children.  Ransacked with guilty, Mariam was praying for forgiveness.

In the next four years, Mariam had six miscarriages, making Rasheed more remote and resentful. Nothing Mariam did pleased him and she was living in fear of his domestic violence. For Rasheed, Mariam was nothing but a burden to him. In April, 1978, a revolutionary war broke out in Kabul, a new communist  Afghanistan was born. Meanwhile,  Fariba gave brith to a baby girl, Laila. Unexpectedly, Rasheed stormed out of the house and got pebbles in his hands, forcing Mariam to chew them.

Part 4 随感

1. Rasheed  让我想到了《不要和陌生人说话》里冯远征演的那个丈夫,现在回想起那个眼神,都不寒而栗。

his shifting moods, his volatile temperament,  he would resolve with punches, slaps, kicks, and sometimes try to make amends for with polluted apologies and sometimes not.


Mariam saw clearly how much a woman could tolerate when she was afraid


2. 读书花了30多分钟,笔记2个小时左右。

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