
3月3日,来自Business Insider的报告显示中国电子商务巨头京东正在实施区块链来追踪其肉类销售供应链。


跟踪系统是与澳大利亚牛肉生产商HW Greenham&Sons Pty Ltd.合作打造的。

在中国,假冒商品总能逃过监管。 2016年8月,中国东南地区发现319头受禁毒药物污染,包括沙丁胺醇和盐酸克仑特罗的猪,食品安全问题总是出现也没有根治。区块链技术为提高消费者信心提供了一个解决方案,因为它可以在几秒钟内验证肉的来源。


“中国的消费者不仅想要优质的进口产品,他们希望知道他们可以相信他们的食品来源和方式,而区块链帮助我们实现这种愿望。” 陈章说。


去年,美国零售巨头沃尔玛与IBM合作建立了一个区块链平台,他们可以从他们的产品清单中识别并移除召回的食物。据Business Insider透露,JD,Walmart和IBM、清华大学都是中国区块链食品安全联盟的成员。

The Vice-Minister of the Russian Ministry for Telecom and Mass Communications (Minkomsvyaz) has stated that, in order for Blockchain technology to be adopted at the government level, it will be necessary to create a platform which does not involve mining, reports local news source RNS on March 1.

Vice-Minister Alexei Kozyrev stated at the beginning of the “Kritposredsa” forum, that the implementation of a Blockchain system would help solve the problem of long-term storage and protection of documents and forms of identification. He added that in order to meet these requirements, the platform should be “unified and universal”.

Kozyrev further explained his position:

“The existing solutions in Blockchain from an organizational point of view are very, very unstable. According to data from Tokendata, more than 50% of Blockchain platforms created have already gone bankrupt or disappeared.  If we’re talking about how the government will adopt Blockchain, then obviously we cannot count on platforms which were created by commercial organizations, because these platforms are very, very unreliable. In this way we understand, that we need to create our own platform for Blockchain technology.”

The Russian government has already moved forward with Blockchain initiatives late last year. In early December, the government of Moscow began a pilot test on using Blockchain to improve its local voting systems and improve transparency in its “Active Citizen” initiative.

On Dec. 19, 2017, Russia’s state-run bank, Sberbank, announced a partnership with Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) to implement document transfer and storage via Blockchain.
