zfs send -i 与-I 参数对比

-i snapshot

Generate an incremental stream from the first snapshot to  the second snapshot.  The  incremental source (the first snapshot) can be specified as the last component  of  the snapshot  name      (for  example, the part after the "@"), and it is assumed to be from the same file system as the second snapshot.  If the destination is a clone, the source  may  be  the origin snapshot,  which  must  be  fully  specified(for  example,      "pool/fs@origin", not just "@origin").

-I snapshot

Generate a stream package that sends all intermediary snapshots from  the  first snapshot to the second snapshot. For example,  "-I @a fs@d" is similar to 

"-i @a fs@b; 

-i @b fs@c;

-i@c fs@d".

 The incremental source snapshot may be specified as with  the -i option.

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