1.V-TIf something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense.
I hope this will reinforce Indonesian determination to deal with this kind of threat.
2.V-TIf something reinforces an idea or point of view, it provides more evidence or support for it.
The delegation hopes to reinforce the idea that human rights are not purely internal matters.
3.V-TTo reinforce an object means to make it stronger or harder.
Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.
4.V-TTo reinforce an army or a police force means to make it stronger by increasing its size or providing it with more weapons. To reinforce a position or place means to make it stronger by sending more soldiers or weapons.
Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting.

N-COUNTAnastronomeris a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.
adj. astronomical天文的,天文学的;极大的 astronomic天文学的;星学的
adv. astronomically天文学上地;宇航学地;天体地
n. astronomy天文学 astronavigation太空航行;[航] 天文导航
1.N-VARThe deflection of something means making it change direction.
...the deflection of light as it passes through the slits in the grating.
2.N-COUNTIn sports, the deflection of a ball, kick, or shot is when the ball hits an object and then travels in a different direction.
adj. deflective偏斜的;偏倚的
n. deflector导向装置;偏针仪,导流板
1.N-UNCOUNTArtillery consists of large, powerful guns that are transported on wheels and used by an army.
Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.
2.N-SING-COLLThe artillery is the section of an army that is trained to use large, powerful guns.
From 1935 to 1937 he was in the artillery.
词组 heavy artillery重型火炮,重型炮兵 field artillery野战炮兵 artillery shell 炮弹

ADJhaving the earth at its centre
the Ptolemaic system postulated a geocentric universe
词组 geocentric coordinate system地心坐标系
词根:geocentric geochemistry地球化学
6.phlogiston/flɒˈdʒɪstɒn, -tən/
Na hypothetical substance formerly thought to be present in all combustible materials and to be released during burning 燃素;
As Eichengreen nicely noted, the gold standard is not phlogiston.
at the same instant
They spoke simultaneously.
词组 develop simultaneously并举
adj. simultaneous同时的;联立的;同时发生的
n. simultaneous同时译员 simultaneity同时;[计][力] 同时性;同时发生
simulcast同时联播 simultaneousness同时性
v. simulcast同时联播

1.N-VARThe apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of operation.
For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime.
2.N-VARApparatusis the equipment, such as tools and machines, which is used to do a particular job or activity.
One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.
N-COUNTAcathodeis the negative electrode in a cell such as a battery. Compare . 阴极
Each pixel consists of an anode and cathode separated by a thin, organic membrane.
词组 cathode ray阴极射线 cold cathode[电]冷阴极 cathode copper[冶金]阴极铜;电解铜
10.chain/tʃeɪn/ (chaining,chained,chains)
1.N-COUNTA chain consists of metal rings connected together in a line.
His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain.
2.N-COUNTAchain ofthings is a group of them existing or arranged in a line.
...a chain of islands known as the Windward Islands.
3.N-COUNTAchainofstores, hotels, or other businesses is a number of them owned by the same person or company.
...a large supermarket chain.
4.N-PLURALIf prisoners arein chains, they have thick rings of metal around their wrists or ankles to prevent them from escaping.
He'd spent four and a half years in windowless cells, much of the time in chains.
5.V-TIf a person or thingis chainedtosomething, they are fastened to it with a chain.
The dogs were chained to a fence.
6.PHRASAL VERBChain upmeans the same as .
They kept me chained up every night and released me each day.
7.N-SINGAchain ofevents is a series of them happening one after another.
...the bizarre chain of events that led to his departure in January 1938.
词组 supply chain供应链;供给链;供需链 supply chain management供应连锁管理
value chain价值链

1.N-COUNTAneclipseofthe sun is an occasion when the moon is between the earth and the sun, so that for a short time you cannot see part or all of the sun. Aneclipseofthe moon is an occasion when the earth is between the sun and the moon, so that for a short time you cannot see part or all of the moon. (日、月) 食
...an eclipse of the sun.
2.V-TIf one thingis eclipsedbya second thing that is bigger, newer, or more important than it, the first thing is no longer noticed because the second thing gets all the attention.
...the space programme has been eclipsed by other pressing needs.
词组 solar eclipsen. [天]日食 total solar eclipse日全食 total eclipse[天]日全食;月全食
1.V-TIf someoneassertsa fact or belief, they state it firmly.
Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.
2.N-VAR assertion
There is no concrete evidence to support assertions that the recession is truly over.
3.V-TIf you assert your authority, you make it clear by your behaviour that you have authority.
After the war, the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country.
4.N-UNCOUNT assertion
The decision is seen as an assertion of his authority within the company.
5.V-TIf youassertyour right or claim to something, you insist that you have the right to it.
The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.
6V-TIf youassertyourself, you speak and act in a forceful way, so that people take notice of you.
He's speaking up and asserting himself and doing things he enjoys.
adj. assertive肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的 asserted宣称的;声称的 assertable可断言的
adv. assertively独断地;断言地
n. assertion断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持
v. asserted宣称;声称(assert的过去分词)
N-COUNTAcrateris a very large hole in the ground, which has been caused by something hitting it or by an explosion.
The explosion, believed to be a car bomb, left a ten-foot crater in the street.
词组 crater laken. 火山口形成的深湖 explosion crater爆裂火口;爆破漏斗
N-COUNTAsupernovais an exploding star. 超新星
At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galax
supernova remnant超新星遗迹,超新星残骸
15.exquisite/ɪkˈskwɪzɪt, ˈɛkskwɪzɪt/

1.ADJSomething that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way.
The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.
2.ADV exquisitely
...exquisitely crafted dollshouses.
small and exquisite小巧玲珑;小而灵巧
exquisite craftsmanship技艺精湛

1.N-COUNTAnillustrationis an example or a story that is used to make a point clear.
An illustration of China's dynamism is that a new company is formed in Shanghai every 11
2.N-COUNTAnillustrationin a book is a picture, design, or diagram.
She looked like a princess in a nineteenth-century illustration.
adj. illustrative说明的;作例证的;解说的
n. illustrator插图画家;说明者;图解者
vi. illustrate举例
vt. illustrate阐明,举例说明;图解
1.V-TIf a court or someone in authorityquashesa decision or judgment, they officially reject it.
The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people.
2.V-TIf someonequashesrumours, they say or do something to demonstrate that the rumours are not true.
Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent in the dressing room.
3.V-TToquasha rebellion or protest means to stop it, often in a violent way.
Troops were displaying an obvious reluctance to get involved in quashing demonstrations.
同近义词:suppress rat on
N-COUNTAfleais a very small jumping insect that has no wings and feeds on the blood of humans or animals.
短语 flea in one's ear 刺耳话;严厉斥责,尖刻的责难;讥讽;断然的拒绝;令人不快的答复
flea market跳蚤市场;廉价市场 water flea[昆]水蚤(等于Cladocera)
N-UNCOUNTCombustionis the act of burning something or the process of burning.
The energy is released by combustion on the application of a match.
词组 spontaneous combustion自燃 internal combustion内燃
combustion engine内燃机;燃烧机
adj. combustible易燃的;易激动的;燃烧性的 combustive可燃烧的;能燃烧的
n. combustible可燃物;易燃物 combust燃料 combustibility燃烧性;[热] 可燃性combustibleness可燃性;易怒
vt. combust燃烧;消耗
20.stratum/ˈstrɑːtəm, ˈstræt-/

Stratais the plural of . stratum
1.N-COUNTAstratumof society is a group of people in it who are similar in their education, income, or social status.
It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.
2.N-COUNTStrata are different layers of rock.
Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.
词组 overlying strata覆层;表层;上覆地层 rock strata岩层 series of strata层系,岩系