Hello MarkDown

Inline Code

code: `Inline`

Block Code

use inline Code


use print (The block must be preceded by a blank line)

print('This is a code block')
print('The block must be preceded  by a blank line')
print('Then indent at least 4 spaces or 1 tab')
print('Nesting does nothing. Your code is displayed Literally')

strong text
code:**strong text**

 use **description** or __description__ 
_ has the same function as *

Emphasize text
code:*Emphasize text* or _Emphasize text_

 use *description* or _description_ 
_ has the same function as *

Hello MarkDown

Hello MarkDown

Hello MarkDown

Hello MarkDown

Hello MarkDown
Hello MarkDown
use #description
the more #  the smaller(the max number of # is 6)
Links and Email

touch me
code: [Baidu](http://www.baidu.com)
explain:the text in the [] is what you will show, the link in () is the address where you would goto

touch me
code: [touch me][arbitrary_id]

Touch Me
code: [Touch Me][]
[Touch Me]:http://www.baidu.com

[email protected]


Hello MarkDown_第1张图片
Hello MarkDown

code:![Hello MarkDown](http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/2042240-334f961f7366b8fd.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)
explain:the text in the [] will show below the image
the link in the () is the imageUrl


Unordered List

  • Unordered lists start each item with a * (ps:there must be a space behind the *)
  • * Hello MarkDown
  • * Hello MarkDown
  • + Hello MarkDown
  • - Hello MarkDown
+ or - has the same function as *
but + or - will cause bigger lineSpace like the example above

Nested List

  • Nested List example

    1. Hello MarkDown
    2. Hello MarkDown
    3. Hello MarkDown
    4. Hello MarkDown
    5. Hello MarkDown
  • explain

    1. Press the spacebar twice or press the TAB key to make a nested list
    2. Start each item (number-period-space) like 1. It doesn't matter what number you use, it will according the order like 1 2 3 4 5 6
    3. Make a space line at the last line of the list to end the list
Block queto

Angle brackets > are used for block quotes.
Technically not every line needs to start with a > as long as
there are no empty lines between paragraphs.
Looks kinda ugly though.

Block quotes can be nested.

Multiple Levels

Most markdown syntaxes work inside block quotes.

  • Lists
  • Links
  • Etc.
> Angle brackets `>` are used for block quotes.  
Technically not every line needs to start with a `>` as long as
there are no empty lines between paragraphs.  
> Looks kinda ugly though.
> > Block quotes can be nested.  
> > > Multiple Levels
> Most markdown syntaxes work inside block quotes.
> * Lists
> * [Links](http://www.baidu.com)
> * Etc.
Horizontal Line

type three *** or --- will result a horizontal Line


Name Sex Age
Jack male 18
Rose female 19
Name  |  Sex |Age
Jack   |  male  |18
Rose  |  female  |19

The table must be preceded by a blank line
or there will be two tables

Category No. Color
Dog 168 Black
Cat 9999 White
Duck 66666 Yellow
|Category | No. | Color|
|Dog | 168 | Black|

The left- and right-most pipes (|) are only aesthetic, and can be omitted. The spaces don’t matter, either. Alignment depends solely on:marks.

你可能感兴趣的:(Hello MarkDown)