2018-04-01 开胃学习数学系列 - 随机数生成

True and pseudo random numbers

True random number generators (T-RNG) observe random physical processes 真随机数发生器(T-RNG)观察随机物理过程:

  • often involves quantum effects: radioactive decay, electrical/thermal noise etc. 通常涉及量子效应:放射性衰减,电/热噪声等
  • costly and slow 代价高昂,速度慢
  • mostly used in cryptography that requires a high level of security 主要用于需要高度安全性的密码学

Pseudo random number generators (P-RNG) are computer software that

  • produce number sequence that only appears to be random 产生看起来随机的序列
  • cheap and fast 便宜又快捷
  • can be initialized (seeded) to different states 可以被初始化(播种)到不同的状态
  • states can be stored and recovered, convenient for MC 状态可以存储和恢复,方便MC

Pseudo random number generators 伪随机数生成器

  • Building good P-RNG requires highly specialized skills:
  • must pass rigorous statistical tests 必须通过严格的统计测试
  • numerical scientists have devoted their careers to build good P-RNGs
  • always use a good P-RNG libarary and never write your own
    使用一个好的P-RNG libarary并且永远不要自己写一个
  • random() in Excel is implemented incorrectly, don't use it for anything serious

Mersenne Twister (MT19937)

The most popular P-RNG:

  • often the default P-RNG for MC :the default choice of Python's numpy.random.uniform
  • very long cycle of 2^ 19937 − 1 and execellent statistical properties
  • suitable for MC applications, but not good for cryptography
  • very fast: ~100M random numbers per second on a modern PC

Non-uniform random numbers

2018-04-01 开胃学习数学系列 - 随机数生成_第1张图片


Normal random number is the most important of all:

  • most quant Finance models are driven by Brownian motions
  • fast and accurate inversion of normal CDF weren't known till recently

Box-muller is a classic method to transform independent uniform RNs to independent normal RNs:

  • takes 2 independent uniforms and produce 2 independent normals
  • its polar form is faster and more stable, which is behind Python's numpy.random.normal
  • the polar form is a rejection algorithm: the number of output normal RNs is less than the input uniforms
    • about 21% of input uniforms are rejected (wasted)

Normal inversion

Numerical inversion of normal CDF is an effective alternative to genrate normal random numbers:

  • fast and accurate numerical inversion of the normal CDF were discovered recently
  • based on polynomial approximation, accuracy is ~$10^{-9}$
  • every uniform RN produce a normal RN output, more convenient than the polar Box-muller
  • works well with low discrepency sequences (next lecture)
    Normal inversion is often preferred over the Box-muller.

How to create correlated normal RNs from independent normals RNs?

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