
DS28E01-100有四个存储区:数据存储器(EEPROM)(共分4页,每页32个字节)、密钥存储器(secret)(8字节)、含有特定功能和用户字节的寄存器页(register page和易失性暂存器(scratchpad)(8字节)



The DS28E01-100 has four memory areas: data memo-
ry, secrets memory, register page with special function
registers and user bytes, and a volatile scratchpad. The
data memory is organized as four pages of 32 bytes.
Secret and scratchpad are 8 bytes each. The scratch-
pad acts as a buffer when writing to the data memory,
loading the initial secret, or when writing to the register



地址0088h至009Fh也被称为寄存器页,含有特定功能寄存器、用户字节以及工厂字节。一旦编程为AAh 或55h,这




三个寄存器:      TA1(目标地址寄存器)       TA2(用于扩展 , 现在未用)       E/S(状态寄存器, 0101,1111=OK)

在向DS28E01-100写数据时,必须把暂存器用作中间存储器。首先,主控制器发Write Scratchpad命令并指定目标地
址,然后将数据写入暂存器。注意,数据必须写入存储器的8 字节边界(因为暂存器只有8字节)内,也就是说,目标地址的三个最低有效位
T2–T0 必须等于000b。



The DS28E01-100 employs three address registers:
TA1, TA2, and E/S (Figure 7). These registers are com-
mon to many other 1-Wire devices, but operate slightly
differently with the DS28E01-100. Registers TA1 and
TA2 must be loaded with the target address to which
the data is written or from which data is read. Register
E/S is a read-only transfer-status register used to verify
data integrity with write commands. Since the scratch-
pad of the DS28E01-100 is designed to accept data in
blocks of 8 bytes only, the lower 3 bits of TA1 are

forced to 0 and the lower 3 bits of the E/S register (end-
ing offset) always read 1. This indicates that all the data
in the scratchpad is used for a subsequent copying into
main memory or secret. Bit 5 of the E/S register, called
PF or partial byte flag, is a logic 1 if the number of data
bits sent by the master is not an integer multiple of
eight or if the data in the scratchpad is not valid due to
a loss of power. A valid write to the scratchpad clears
the PF bit. Bits 3, 4, and 6 have no function; they always
read 1. The partial flag supports the master checking
the data integrity after a write command. The highest

valued bit of the E/S register, called authorization
accepted (AA), acts as a flag to indicate that the data
stored in the scratchpad has already been copied to
the target memory address. Writing data to the scratch-
pad clears this flag.

DS28E01-100 使用三个地址寄存器:TA1、TA2和E/S(图7)。这些寄存器普遍用于许多其它1-Wire器件,但在
DS28E01-100中的工作略有不同。寄存器TA1和TA2存放的是写入数据或读取数据的目标地址。寄存器E/S 是一个只
的低三位总为0,E/S 寄存器的低三位(结束偏移量)总是1。这意味着暂存器中的所有数据随后都要复制到主存储
器或密钥存储器中。E/S寄存器的第5位称为PF 或字节不全标志,该位如果为逻辑1,则意味着主机发送的数据位数
不是8的整数倍,或者暂存器中的数据由于掉电的关系而成为无效数据。有效的写暂存器操作将清除PF 位。第3、
AA 或授权许可标记,用以指示暂存器中的数据已复制到目标存储器地址。向暂存器中写入数据将清除该标志。
