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Scene 05 Get demoted

ONE Phrases

1.fix 修理,固定,安装

  • fix the thing 修理

2.arthritis 关节炎

  • somepeople with arthritis 得关节炎的人

3.file 文件,档案;归档,挫

  • when I have nothing else to do, I file my nails
  • I'm filing a complaint. 我要正式起诉


adj. 欢乐,预约

  • you don't seem joyous to me today. 你看起来不开心

5.demoted 降级,贬职

  • you are getting demoted. 你要被降职了

6.night hours 夜班

TWO Lines

  1. they have a much better time with me anyway. 跟我在一起会更开心(剧中有讽刺joy的意思)
  2. don't bother your sister 不要烦你妹妹
  3. I'm joking with you 我在开玩笑
  4. we're having cutbacks. 我们在削减开支

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