酒店入住 6

酒店入住 6_第1张图片

Good morning! Welcome to Marriott Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?

Good morning! My name is David Qiu. I have a reservation for a single room for 2 nights.

Alright, Mr. Qiu. Let me pull up your reservation. 好的,邱先生,让我把你的预订调出来。

I can't seem to find a record of your booking. Is the reservation under your name? 我好像找不到你预订的记录。预订是在您的名下吗?

Yes, I guess so.   是的,我想是的。

Can I see your driver's license or passport? I want to make sure I input the right name. 我能看一下你的驾照或护照吗?我想确认我把名字输对了。

Sure! Here's my passport.   当然,这是我的护照。

Did you book the room directly through us or did you use a travel agent?


Well, I am not quite sure. Actually my daughter made the reservation for us.


But I have the reservation number if that helps.  不过我有预订号,如果有用的话。

Yes, sure! Can I see that, please?   是对,当然,我可以看看吗?

But I have the reservation number if that helps.  不过我有预订号,如果有用的话。

Yes, sure! Can I see that, please?   是对,当然,我可以看看吗?

Sure! Here you are.  当然,在这。

Alright, I've got you all checked in to your room. 我已经把你入住手续办妥了。

This is your room key. And you are in Room 653. The elevator is on the right.  Take the elevator up to the 6th floor. 这是你的房间钥匙。你在653房。电梯在右边。坐电梯到六楼。

get  .... done (过去分词) 把....做完

room key   房间钥匙

elevator    电梯    =  lift   (英国)

take the elevator    乘坐电梯 

the 1st (first) floor  一层/一楼

the 2nd (second) floor 二楼

the 3rd  (third) floor   三楼 

the 4th / 5th / 6th .... 4/5/6 楼 

Alright, I've got you all checked in to your room. 我已经把你入住手续办妥了。

This is your room key. And you are in Room 653. The elevator is on the right.  Take the elevator up to the 6th floor. 这是你的房间钥匙。你在653房。电梯在右边。坐电梯到六楼。

酒店入住 6_第2张图片

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