scala 中创建集合需要内存,集合与集合之间的转换时,每次转换生成新的集合时,新的集合也需要内存。如果有一个非常大的初始集合,需要经过多次转换,每次转换都生成一个新的集合,才能得到最终的结果,那么这时,在集合转换过程中内存开销非常大。Scala 迭代器模式处理数据,很好的解决了内存占用大的问题。
Scala 迭代器模式处理数据每次将集合的转换转变成了迭代器之间的转换,迭代器是不需要占用内存存储的,迭代器只是一个指针,指向了最初的原始数据,这样,数据处理过程中内存占用非常小。
1. //非迭代器模式处理,浪费内存
2. val list1 = List[String]("hello java","hello python","hello scala")
3. val list2 = list1.flatMap(one=>{
one.split(" ")})
4. val list3 = list2.map(one=>{
5. list3.foreach(println)
7. println("********************")
9. //迭代器模式处理,内存小
10. val list = List[String]("hello java","hello python","hello scala")
11. val iter1 = list.iterator
12. val iter2 = iter1.flatMap(one=>{
one.split(" ")})
13. val iter3 = iter2.map(one=>{
14. while(iter3.hasNext){
15. val one = iter3.next()
16. println(one)
17. }
Trait 特质特性
1. trait Read {
2. val readType = "Read"
3. val gender = "m"
4. def read(name:String){
5. println(name+" is reading")
6. }
7. }
9. trait Listen {
10. val listenType = "Listen"
11. val gender = "m"
12. def listen(name:String){
13. println(name + " is listenning")
14. }
15. }
17. class Person() extends Read with Listen{
18. override val gender = "f"
19. }
21. object test {
22. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
23. val person = new Person()
24. person.read("zhangsan")
25. person.listen("lisi")
26. println(person.listenType)
27. println(person.readType)
28. println(person.gender)
30. }
31. }
1. object Lesson_Trait2 {
2. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
3. val p1 = new Point(1,2)
4. val p2 = new Point(1,3)
5. println(p1.isEqule(p2))
6. println(p1.isNotEqule(p2))
7. }
8. }
10. trait Equle{
11. def isEqule(x:Any) :Boolean
12. def isNotEqule(x : Any) = {
13. !isEqule(x)
14. }
15. }
17. class Point(x:Int, y:Int) extends Equle {
18. val xx = x
19. val yy = y
21. def isEqule(p:Any) = {
22. p.isInstanceOf[Point] && p.asInstanceOf[Point].xx==xx
23. }
25. }
1. object Lesson_Match {
2. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
3. val tuple = Tuple6(1,2,3f,4,"abc",55d)
4. val tupleIterator = tuple.productIterator
5. while(tupleIterator.hasNext){
6. matchTest(tupleIterator.next())
7. }
9. }
10. /**
11. * 注意点:
12. * 1.模式匹配不仅可以匹配值,还可以匹配类型
13. * 2.模式匹配中,如果匹配到对应的类型或值,就不再继续往下匹配
14. * 3.模式匹配中,都匹配不上时,会匹配到 case _ ,相当于default
15. */
16. def matchTest(x:Any) ={
17. x match {
18. case x:Int=> println("type is Int")
19. case 1 => println("result is 1")
20. case 2 => println("result is 2")
21. case 3=> println("result is 3")
22. case 4 => println("result is 4")
23. case x:String => println("type is String")
24. // case x :Double => println("type is Double")
25. case _ => println("no match")
26. }
27. }
29. }
如果一个方法中没有 match 只有 case,这个函数可以定义成 PartialFunction 偏函数。偏函数定义时,不能使用括号传参,默认定义 PartialFunction 中传入一个值,匹配上了对应的 case,返回一个值,只能匹配同种类型。
1. /**
2. * 一个函数中只有case 没有match ,可以定义成PartailFunction 偏函数
3. */
4. object Lesson_PartialFunction {
5. def MyTest : PartialFunction[String,String] = {
6. case "scala" =>{
7. case "hello"=>{
8. case _=> {
"no match ..."}
9. }
10. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
11. println(MyTest("scala"))
12. }
13. }
样例类(case classes)
1. case class Person1(name:String,age:Int)
3. object Lesson_CaseClass {
4. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
5. val p1 = new Person1("zhangsan",10)
6. val p2 = Person1("lisi",20)
7. val p3 = Person1("wangwu",30)
9. val list = List(p1,p2,p3)
10. list.foreach {
x => {
11. x match {
12. case Person1("zhangsan",10) => println("zhangsan")
13. case Person1("lisi",20) => println("lisi")
14. case _ => println("no match")
15. }
16. } }
18. }
19. }
隐式转换是在 Scala 编译器进行类型匹配时,如果找不到合适的类型,那么隐式转换会让编译器在作用范围内自动推导出来合适的类型。
1). 同类型的参数的隐式值只能在作用域内出现一次,同一个作用域内不能定义多个类型一样的隐式值。
2). implicit 关键字必须放在隐式参数定义的开头
3). 一个方法只有一个参数是隐式转换参数时,那么可以直接定义 implicit 关键字修饰的参数,调用时直接创建类型不传入参数即可。
4). 一个方法如果有多个参数,要实现部分参数的隐式转换,必须使用柯里化这种方式,隐式关键字出现在后面,只能出现一次
1. object Lesson_ImplicitValue {
3. def Student(age:Int)(implicit name:String,i:Int)= {
4. println( s"student :$name ,age = $age ,score = $i")
5. }
6. def Teacher(implicit name:String) ={
7. println(s"teacher name is = $name")
8. }
10. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
11. implicit val zs = "zhangsan"
12. implicit val sr = 100
14. Student(18)
15. Teacher
16. }
17. }
1. class Animal(name:String){
2. def canFly(): Unit ={
3. println(s"$name can fly...")
4. }
5. }
6. class Rabbit(xname:String){
7. val name = xname
8. }
9. object Lesson_ImplicitFunction {
11. implicit def rabbitToAnimal(rabbit:Rabbit):Animal = {
12. new Animal(rabbit.name)
13. }
15. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
16. val rabbit = new Rabbit("RABBIT")
17. rabbit.canFly()
18. }
19. }
1. class Rabbit(s:String){
2. val name = s
3. }
5. object Lesson_ImplicitClass {
7. implicit class Animal(rabbit:Rabbit){
8. val tp = "Animal"
9. def canFly() ={
10. println(rabbit.name +" can fly...")
11. }
12. }
14. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
15. val rabbit = new Rabbit("rabbit")
16. rabbit.canFly()
17. println(rabbit.tp)
18. }
19. }
1. import scala.actors.Actor
3. class myActor extends Actor{
5. def act(){
6. while(true){
7. receive {
8. case x:String => println("get String ="+ x)
9. case x:Int => println("get Int")
10. case _ => println("get default")
11. }
12. }
13. }
14. }
16. object Lesson_Actor {
17. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
19. //创建actor的消息接收和传递
20. val actor =new myActor()
21. //启动
22. actor.start()
23. //发送消息写法
24. actor ! "i love you !"
26. }
27. }
1. case class Message(actor:Actor,msg:Any)
3. class Actor1 extends Actor{
4. def act(){
5. while(true){
6. receive{
7. case msg :Message => {
8. println("i sava msg! = "+ msg.msg)
10. msg.actor!"i love you too !"
11. }
12. case msg :String => println(msg)
13. case _ => println("default msg!")
14. }
15. }
16. }
17. }
19. class Actor2(actor :Actor) extends Actor{
20. actor ! Message(this,"i love you !")
21. def act(){
22. while(true){
23. receive{
24. case msg :String => {
25. if(msg.equals("i love you too !")){
26. println(msg)
27. actor! "could we have a date !"
28. }
29. }
30. case _ => println("default msg!")
31. }
32. }
33. }
34. }
36. object Lesson_Actor2 {
37. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
38. val actor1 = new Actor1()
39. actor1.start()
40. val actor2 = new Actor2(actor1)
41. actor2.start()
42. }
43. }
1. val conf = new SparkConf()
2. conf.setMaster("local")
3. conf.setAppName("scala-wc")
4. val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
5. val lines = sc.textFile("./data/words")
6. val words = lines.flatMap(line=>{
line.split(" ")})
7. val pairWords = words.map(word=>{
new Tuple2(word,1)})
8. val result = pairWords.reduceByKey((v1:Int,v2:Int)=>{
9. result.foreach(println)
1. SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
2. conf.setMaster("local");
3. conf.setAppName("java-wc");
4. JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
5. JavaRDD<String> lines = sc.textFile("./data/words");
6. JavaRDD<String> words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
7. @Override
8. public Iterator<String> call(String s) throws Exception {
9. String[] split = s.split(" ");
10. return Arrays.asList(split).iterator();
11. }
12. });
13. JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> pairWords = words.mapToPair(new PairFunction<String, String, Integer>() {
14. @Override
15. public Tuple2<String, Integer> call(String word) throws Exception {
16. return new Tuple2<>(word, 1);
17. }
18. });
19. JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> result = pairWords.reduceByKey(new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
20. @Override
21. public Integer call(Integer v1, Integer v2) throws Exception {
22. return v1 + v2;
23. }
24. });
25. result.foreach(new VoidFunction<Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {
26. @Override
27. public void call(Tuple2<String, Integer> tuple2) throws Exception {
28. System.out.println(tuple2);
29. }
30. });
31. sc.stop();