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《女人皆如此,或戀愛學堂》(Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti,作品號K.588)為莫札特所作喜歌劇,劇本由洛倫佐·達·彭特(Lorenzo da Ponte)撰寫。莫札特有三部歌劇作品的劇本都由彭特所作(女人皆如此、唐·喬望尼與費加洛婚禮)。這齣劇是在神聖羅馬帝國皇帝約瑟夫二世(Emperor Joseph II)的建議下進行創作,原本規劃是由作曲家薩列里(Antonio Salieri)為這劇本譜曲,但不知何故,在他完成第一幕的部分後即中斷創作。這個標題「Così fan tutte」原意為「女人們皆如此做」,不過通常翻譯為「女人皆如此」,這段文字在劇中第二幕終曲前由三名男士所唱出。
在咖啡廳中,兩名軍官費蘭多與古烈摩互相炫燿他們的未婚妻(朵拉貝拉跟費奧迪麗姬)有多麼忠誠,這時阿方索先生加入他們的討論,並且跟他們打賭,只要一天的時間他就能證明這兩個女人有多善變。這項賭局成立,兩個軍官佯裝應召參戰,之後他們易容並勾引對方的未婚妻。場景移到兩個女士那邊,他們正在讚揚他們的未婚夫。阿方索來找他們並且告訴他們一個壞消息:他們的未婚夫調赴前線打仗,費蘭多與古烈摩很傷心的與他們的未婚妻道別(五重唱:喔,天啊!我覺得我的腳正在抵抗(Sento, o Dio, che questo piedo è restio))。當船啟程時,阿方索與兩姊妹祝福他們有平安的旅程(三重唱:希望風如此輕柔(Soave sia il vento))。之後阿方索獨自離開,開始抱怨女人的變化無常(噢,可憐的傢伙,為了女人下注100個金幣(Oh, poverini, per femmina giocar cento zecchini?))
場景轉到姊妹的房間。他們的女僕黛絲碧娜問他們發生了什麼事,多拉貝拉對於其未婚夫離開她感到相當悲傷(詠嘆調:無法撫平的痛苦(Smanie implacabili))。黛絲碧娜嘲笑這兩個姊妹,並且建議他們去找個新的愛人(詠嘆調:你們期待男人與軍人的忠誠嗎?(In uomini, in soldati, sperare fedeltá?))。他們離開後,阿方索出現。他怕黛絲碧娜會認岀已經易容的費蘭多與古烈摩,所以他就收買她希望能協助他贏得這場賭局。兩姊妹的未婚夫裝扮成大鬍子的阿爾巴尼亞人,而兩姊妹對於陌生人在他們家出現感到驚嚇。這兩個阿爾巴尼亞人企圖說服兩姊妹,古烈摩述說著他的優點(詠嘆調:別害羞(Non siate ritrosi)),但姊妹倆不為所動(詠嘆調:如同磐石堅忍不拔(Come scoglio immoto resta))。費蘭多離開,眼見愛人的忠貞,感到賭局勝利在望(詠嘆調:愛的氣息(Un aura amorosa))。
在兩姊妹的房間中,黛絲碧娜想要說服兩姊妹接受阿爾巴尼亞人的愛意(詠嘆調:一名芳齡十五的女子(Una donna a quindici anni))。在她離開後,多拉貝拉向費奧迪麗姬坦承她有些動心,而且她們兩個也都同意,短暫的戀愛將無害於他們與未婚夫的愛,而且也可以幫助她們度過這段孤獨寂寞的時光。(二重唱:Prenderó quel brunettino)
場景回到花園中,多拉貝拉正與假扮的古烈摩成對在花園裡談天,另外兩個也是如此,但有對方在場,對話總是感覺不自在。之後費蘭多與費奧迪麗姬離開,這時古烈摩想要對多拉貝拉求愛。她沒有強烈反抗,而且很快的就給他一個項鍊(裡頭有費蘭多的照片)當作定情物交換古烈摩給多拉貝拉心型的小盒子(二重唱:我把我的心交給你(Il core vi dono))。費蘭多追求費奧迪麗姬就沒有這麼順利(詠嘆調:啊!我看到了它(Ah, lo veggio);請原諒我,我的至愛(Per pietá, ben mio, perdona))。當費蘭多看到古烈摩有著他給多拉貝拉的項鍊時,他相當氣她這麼快的移情別戀。古烈摩起初對費蘭多感到同情(詠嘆調:Donne mie, la fate a tanti),但念頭一轉,洋洋得意,因為他的情人相當忠誠。
場景轉到姊妹的房間,這時多拉貝拉向費奧迪麗姬承認他的輕浮(詠嘆調:愛是個小偷嗎(É amore un ladroncello))。費奧迪麗姬對這樣的發展感到遺憾,並且決定要到軍中找他的愛人。在他離開前,費蘭多來找她,並且持續對她獻殷勤,最終費奧迪麗姬陷入他溫暖的懷抱中(二重唱:擁抱(Fra gli amplessi))。古烈摩知道事情的進展,簡直要發狂,而阿方索贏了這場賭局,並且告訴他們應該原諒他們的未婚妻,畢竟女人皆如此。
There are currently no scheduled performances of Così fan tutte. It was last on stage 25 February—16 March 2019 as part of the Winter 2018/19 season.
The Story
Ferrando and Guglielmo are convinced that their girlfriends Dorabella and Fiordiligi would never be unfaithful. Their friend Don Alfonso doubts this and persuades the men to try an experiment. Ferrando and Guglielmo must pretend to have been called away to war; they will then return in disguise and attempt to seduce their former girlfriends. If they don't succeed within 24 hours, Alfonso will pay them a large sum of money.
To begin with, all appears to go well: Fiordiligi and Dorabella spurn their 'suitors' and the men eagerly anticipate their winnings. But as Alfonso and his assistant Despina step up the pressure and the men try to woo each other's girlfriend, things get more complicated. Are the girls as loyal as the men thought? Are any of them the people they thought they were?
Così fan tutte contains some of Mozart's most beautiful arias and attractive ensembles, and is packed with both pathos and humour. German director Jan Philipp Gloger is inspired by Così's alternative title, 'the school for lovers', to set his production in a theatre, with Don Alfonso as an impresario who leads the four lovers on a role-playing journey full of picturesque settings. By the end, everyone has, in Gloger's words, learnt that 'love is not a God-given thing, but something that we have to fight for, find, define, create and dream newly, almost every day'.
Così fan tutte was Mozart's final collaboration with the Italian librettist Lorenzo da Ponte, who based his story on a variety of sources including Greek myths and Renaissance tales. Così was slower to find success than Mozart and Da Ponte's previous collaborations, Le nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni. Its first run of performances was cut short by the death of Emperor Joseph II, and in the 19th century many viewed its plot as immoral or even cruel. However, since the second half of the 20th century its wonderful music and Mozart and Da Ponte's witty, compassionate examination of young love have ensured its lasting popularity.