如何学习iOS开发?iOS Developer Library足矣!





iOS Developer Library符合美国人的教育模式,从零开始,低门槛,步步为营,安静祥和(没有浮夸和浮躁)地讲述着如何开发,教会你正确的思维模式,这种思维模式甚至可以指导你解决其他问题、乃至指导你思考人生。

Ask yourself these questions as your define your concept:

Who is your audience? Your app content and experience will differ depending on whether you’re writing a children’s game, a to-do list app, or simply a test app for your own learning.

What is the purpose of your app? An app needs a clearly defined purpose. Part of defining the purpose is understanding what one thing will motivate users to use your app. 

What problem is your app trying to solve? A great app solves a single, well-defined problem instead of attempting solutions to multiple distinct problems. For example, the Settings app allows users to adjust all of the settings on their device. It provides a single interface for users to accomplish a related set of tasks. If your app is trying to solve unrelated problems, consider writing multiple apps.

What content will your app incorporate? Consider what type of content your app will present to users and how they’ll interact with it. Design the user interface to complement the type of content that’s presented in the app.




