DAY7 - B91542 - weekly review/复盘

1.I hope everything is smooth sailing at…

2.I am touching base here because…

3.I am writing in regards to/to confirm that…

4.I want to get in contact with you about…

5.I hate to trouble you for this but would you mind calling themon my behalf or passing their contact to me…

6.I am happy to go with any opening in your schedule

7.Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule…

8.I am wondering if you could be so kind to…

9.Much appreciation for your kind consideration and your time

10.If you heard of anyvacancy in this filed, would you mind referring me the information or pointingme in that direction. That would be much appreciation.

11.Any advice is welcome and …

12.Notify the wholecompany with your mistakes

13.Thank you so much forreferring me to the interpretation gig for the conference in HK. I wonder if I shouldcall someone to get a confirmation on their plan to engage me for the interpretservice. Also as the conference is in May, I probably should start the preparationfor the project if they are going to bring me on board

14.Just trying to check in with you regardingwhere we are on that project

15.Quite a big load tosort out…

16.Anyway, I have gonethrough the first part of the cluster and attached it here for your review.

17.Also I am thinking itwill be good to leave 2 day’s time for revision, before turning to X, just incase the integration of our works call for some major overhaul.

18.Being mindful of the fastapproaching due date I might have to push myself a bit to bring forward ourmeeting. What do you think of the project we are tackling?

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