The Stranger In The Woods|阿船在读书

这本书是作者作为一个采访者,去采访一个人叫Knight, 这个人在森林里独自隐居了将近20年的生活,除了每隔一段时间下山去偷点咖啡,偷点巧克力(太爱吃甜食最后牙坏了无法自拔,哈哈哈),或者偷很多书,也偷点家居用品,干净的衣服衬衫,原材料diy个什么的,从来没有被抓到过,确认是大神了,但大神最终还是被抓,因盗窃罪被判入狱。这样的一个终极隐士,怎样在森林里一个人过了20年?怎么样摆脱一个人的社交本能,不需要任何的帮助,也从不感觉到孤独?20年,是一个人的青春,是一个人的中年,是大半辈子的爱恨情仇。在深山的这些年他都有怎样的境遇奇闻,怎样看待这个世界?我带着满满的好奇去读这本书。



1. Knight seemed to weigh the precision of every word he used, careful as a poet.



2. Pursuers are the most modern type of hermits. Rather than fleeing society, like protesters, or living beholden to higher powers, like pilgrims. pursuers seek alone time for artistic freedom, scientific insight, or deeper self-understanding.


3. Yet almost every hermit communicates with the outside world. Following the Tao Te Ching, so many protester hermits in China wrote poems—including poet-monks knowns as Cold Mountain, Pickup, Big Shield, and Storehouse—that the genre was given its own name, shanshui.

他在隐居的生活中读了很多书,包括老子的《道德经》, 很多中国古代诗人僧侣以“山水”为题材的禅诗,他认为这都是隐士们与外界交流的方式和内容。

4. “If you’re born a human oddity,” says the introductory chapter of Very Special People, “every day of your life, starting in infancy, you are made aware that you are not as others are.” When you get older, it continues, things are likely to get worse. “You may hide from the world,” advises the book, “to avoid the punishment it inflicts on those who differ from the rest in mind or body.” 


5. “Solitude bestows an increase in something valuable. I can’t dismiss that idea. Solitude increased my perception. But here’s the tricky thing: when I applied my increased perception to myself, I lost my identity. There was no audience, no one to perform for. There was no need to define myself. I  became irrelevant.” 



6. My desires dropped away. I didn’t long for anything. I didn’t even have a name. To put it romantically, I was completely free.


7. New York University placed more than twenty Buddhist monks and nuns inside magnetic resonance imaging machines, tracking blood flow to their brains while they meditated. Other neuroscientists conducted similar studies. The results remain preliminary, but it appears that when the human brain experiences a self-consciously chosen silence, as opposed to sleep, the brain does not slow down. It remains as active as ever. What changes is where the brain is functioning. 


8. Language and hearing are seated in the cerebral cortex, the folded gray matter that covers the first couple of millimeters of the outer brain like wrapping paper. When one experiences silence, absent even reading, the cerebral cortex typically rests. Meanwhile, deeper and more ancient brain structures seem to be activated—the subcortical zones. People who live busy, noisy lives are rarely granted access to these areas. Silence, it appears, is not the opposite of sound. It is another world altogether, literally offering a deeper level of thought, a journey to the bedrock of the self. 


9. The world is a confusing place, meaningful and meaningless at one. 


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