讲解:C++ HOMEWORK 3c、c

Introduction按照注释要求完成各函数功能,调用test()后输出如截图所示/ Test function:param: no parameterspre: no paramerespost: prints out the contents of the skip list /RequirementCS261: HOMEWORK 3Due 05/19/2017 by 12pmSubmit one file via the TEACH website:General InstructionsIn this assignment, you will complete the implementation of a skip list, which consists of singly-linkedlists. The header file skipList.h , the implementation file skipList.c , and makefile are provided to you.Some functions in the implementation file skipList.c have been completed. The comments for eachfunction will help you understand what each function should be doing. Complete the remaining functionsin skipList.c . Note that the function that carries the largest number of points is supposed to merge twoskip lists without repeating data elements . You should use thC++代写 HOMEWORK 3代做留学生c语言、c编程作业帮做e available functions to implementmore complex ones. DO NOT change the provided functions and the header file. If you have any questionsregarding HW3, please email .Provided Files:• skipList.h• skipList.cScoring:1) void test(void); 10pts2) struct skipLink skipLinkAdd(struct skipLinkcurrent, TYPE e); 10pts3) void addSkipList(struct skipListslst, TYPE e);20pts4) void printSkipList(struct skipListslst);20pts5) void mergeSkipList(struct skipListslst1, struct skipList slst2);40ptsWhat to turn inYou will submit the completed file skipList.c . Please use this file-naming convention. Make sureyour code compiles with the provided makefile on the ENGR server. Zero tolerance for compiling errors.Design a number of test examples to thoroughly check for any errors in your code.转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2019030852505443.html

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