万用生活英语口语——Lesson11在数码用品店 Digital Appliance

A: Morning, sir. What can I do for you?

B: Yes, I'm looking for a digital camera.

A: We carry all the well known makes here:Sony, Canon, Samsung, Aigo and other famous manufactures.

B: What is the price of this one?

A: This set sells for 2000 Yuan. You have good taste, sir. It's the new Canon set for this year.

B: What size screen is it?

A: It's a 2.4inch screen.

B: May I see the set in operation, please?

A: Certainly.You can see the photo is very clear and no fading.

B: What can I do if I get the set home and Find out it doesn't work well?

A: You can always exchange it for another set. All sets in our shop carry a three years' guarantee.If anything goes wrong, you can always call us. Our digital camera expert will repair it for free.

B: Can I buy it in installments?

A: Yes, of course. If I can be assured that you're working and have a steady job, you can use our installment purchase plan.

B: What's the down payment and how long do I have to pay it off?

A: We ask for a40% down payment. Pay the balance in monthly payments spread out over a year or half a year.

B: I know.Thank you.





A:这台售价2000 元。你的眼光真好,先生。这是佳能今年推出的新机。


A: 2.4 英寸。








A:售价的 40%的首付。余款在一年或半年内每月分期缴还。


digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtl] adj.数字的;数据的;手指的;     

appliance [əˈplaɪəns] n.器具,器械,装置;家用电器

carry [ˈkæri] vt.&vi. 具有;运送;搬运;           

make [mek] n.制造;生产量;性格;形状,样式

Aigo n.音译为“爱国者”,著名数码产品品牌,   

manufacture [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃɚ] n.制造,产品;工业,工厂

set for为…而安排                               

set [sɛt] vt.设置;放置,安置;使处于某种状况;

operation[ˌɑ:pəˈreɪʃn] n.手术;操作,经营;       

fading ['feɪdɪŋ] n.褪色,枯萎,衰退

guarantee[ˌɡærənˈti] n.保证,担保;保证人,     

expert [ˈekspɜ:rt] n.专家,能手;权威;

installment[ɪn'stɔ:lmənt] n.分期付款,         

assured [əˈʃʊrd] n.被保险人;保险受益人;深信无疑;非常肯定

steady [ˈstɛdi] adj.稳定的,不变的;镇定的,     

purchase[ˈpɜ:rtʃəs] v.n购买;采购;换得;

payment [ˈpemənt] n.付款,支付;报酬,报答;偿还;

spread out [sprɛd aʊt]分散;伸展,延长;铺设;衍

spread[sprɛd] vt.&vi.展开;伸开;(使)传播;

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