“平”说英语 (6)

“平”说英语  第六期 格物致知







  It is of top priority for thoseeager to carrying forward high-minded principles universally to keep theircountry in good governance. For a well-administered country, they shall managetheir family well in the first place. To maintain a harmonious family, theymust cultivate their moral character above all. Thus, to foster good morality,they have to be a man of the highest integrity primarily. For desirableintegrity, they must make their thoughts genuine firstly. And then, it’s of keyimportance to acquire knowledge if they are determined to purify theirthoughts. Ultimately, to obtain knowledge, they have no choice but be committedto approaching and studying the essence of things.




In my perspective, it’s necessary for us to be initially devoted topursuing the very source of knowledge to achieve fulfillment for the rest ofour lives.

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