Yes, Your Sleep Schedule is Making You Sick(4)对抗抑郁症,也许你只需调整睡眠时间(4)

But even if you don’t have depression, your circadian rhythm(生物钟) may cause trouble. Most people’s natural cycle is somewhat longer than the 24-hour solar day, which means that, left to our own devices, we would get quickly get out of sync with(与...不一致) the external world. That is exactly what happens when humans are isolated from external cues — say, in a lab setting or stuck in a mine.



*even if 即使;虽然

*depression /dɪ’preʃn/ n.沮丧;萧条

*somewhat /‘sʌmwɒt/ adv.稍微;有些;多少

*external /ɪk’stɜːnl/ adj.外来的;外部的;表面的

(形近词:eternal 永恒的)

*isolate /‘aɪsəleɪt/ vt.使孤立;隔离

*be stuck in 困住;陷于...

The reason we don’t all walk around in a state of perpetual jet lag, waking and sleeping at random, is that our circadian rhythm evolved to be tied to the solar day. In other words, our internal clock is easily influenced and kept in check by the daylight cycle.



*perpetual /pə’petʃʊəl/ adj.永久的;永恒的;一再往复的

*at random 随便地;任意地

*evolve /i’vɒlv/ v.(使)逐步形成;进化

*solar /‘səʊlə(r)/ adj.太阳的

*internal /ɪn’tɜːnl/ adj.国内的;内部的;身内的

I started thinking about this a few years ago, on a red-eye flight from New York to Rome, when I was rudely awakened somewhere over the Atlantic by the familiar airline ritual of opening the shades to blinding early-morning sunlight. What, I wondered, was this light doing to my brain?



*awaken /ə’weɪkən/ v.意识到;唤醒

Atlantic /æt’læntɪk/ n.大西洋

*wonder /‘wʌndə(r)/ v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑

你可能感兴趣的:(Yes, Your Sleep Schedule is Making You Sick(4)对抗抑郁症,也许你只需调整睡眠时间(4))