
Lab& 03Due& Friday& by& 4pm & Points& 100 & Available& Jul& 11& at& 4pm& ­& Jul& 13& at& 4pm& 2& daysRepea�ng& Ac�onsIn& your& third& laboratory& assignment,& you& will& be& writing& a& custom& Jeroo& subclass,& but& this& time& one& that& candeal& with& unknown& distances& and& quantities.& Your& Jeroo& will& start& off& on& an& island& containing& a& line& of& flowersand& a& long,& straight& line& of& nets,& but& you& wont& know& how& many& flowers& or& where& the& line& of& nets& is& located(Keep& in& mind& that& the& line& of& flowers& will& always& start& at& (3,& 1)& and& the& line& of& nets& will& always& start& at& the& topof& your& island& but& the& amount& of& flowers& and& nets& will& vary& as& well& as& the& x­coordinate& of& your& line& of& nets).You& will& need& to& navigate& your& Jeroo& to& collect& all& of& the& flowers,& then& find& the& line& of& nets,& and& finally& use& theflowers& to& disable& as& many& of& the& nets& as& possible& (there& might& be& more& nets,& or& more& flowers,& but& you& wontknow).Star�ng& MaterialsDownload& the& zip& file& for& this& lab& and& unzip& it& into& your& CS1114& folder:& lab03.zip.& This& zip& file& contains& afolder& called& lab03& that& is& a& Greenfoot4Sofia& scenario.& This& is& the& scenario& well& be& working& with& today.Open& the& lab03& scenario& in& Greenfoot4Sofia.& In& includes& an& island& subclass& called& NetIsland& that& lookssomething& like& this:2018/7/13 Lab 03https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/70501/assignments/445354 2/6Your& goal& will& be& writing& a& Jeroo& subclass& that& can& pick& all& the& flowers& and& disable& as& many& nets& as& possible.Part& 1:& Crea�ng& ClassesProcedure1.& Reset& a& few& timesa.& When& you& open& the& project,& you& should& see& the& initial& layout& for& the& NetIsland& class.& Note& that& theexact& number& of& flowers,& the& x­coordinate& of& the& line& of& nets,& and& the& number& of& nets,& are& all& differentevery& time.b.& Press& the& Reset& button& in& Greenfoot4Sofia& to& replace& the& current& island& with& a& brand& new& instance& ofthe& class.& Do& this& several& times& to& see& some& of& the& variation& possible& in& the& layout& of& the& island.2.& Create& a& Jeroo& subclassa.& Right­click& on& the& Jeroo& class& and& create& a& new& subclass& called& NetRemover& (you& must& use& thisname).b.& Edit& the& source& code& for& your& jeroo& subclass.& Complete& all& of& the& comments.c.& Change& the& constructor& in& your& NetRemover& class& so& that& it& takes& two& parameters& representing& the& xand& y& coordinates& (refer& back& to& Lab& 02& if& you& need& a& reminder& about& how& to& do& this).2018/7/13 Lab 03https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/70501/assignments/445354 3/63.& Create& an& Island& subclassa.& Right­click& on& NetIsland& and& create& a& new& subclass& called& Lab03Solution& (you& must& use& this& name;be& careful& of& capitalization).b.& Edit& the& source& code& for& your& island& subclass.& Complete& all& of& the& comments.c.& Locate& the& body& of& the& constructor& for& your& new& island& subclass.& Add& a& line& to& create& a& newNetRemover& at& location& (3,& 1),& and& a& second& line& to& add& it& to& the& island.& Do& not& add& a& myProgram()method& to& the& island& subclass,& (i.e.& Lab03Solution).d.& Compile& your& code& and& run& it& to& check& that& the& world& appears& correctly,& with& one& Jeroo& at& the& startingposition.& Note:& after& compiling& your& island& subclass,& you& must& right­click& on& it& and& create& aninstance& before& it& will& show& in& the& main& area& of& the& screen.& If& you& dont& do& that,& youll& still& beseeing& the& NetIsland& class& rather& than& your& subclass,& and& none& of& your& changes& will& appear& to& haveany& effect.Part& 2:& Crea�ng& Methods& for& Your& Solu�onProcedure1.& Add& methods& to& your& jeroo& subclassa.& Create& a& stub& for& myProgram()& in& your& NetRemover& class& (recall& that& a& stub& is& an& empty& methodbody& that& serves& as& a& placeholder& for& behavior.& you& will& add& later).b.& Devise& a& plan& for& how& you& will& accomplish& the& task& in& this& lab­­collecting& the& flowers& and& disablingthe& nets.& Write& your& plan& in& the& form.& of& comments& in& your& Jeroos& myProgram()& method.c.& Think& carefully& about& which& of& your& steps& will& make& meaningful& methods.& Pick& good& names& foryour& methods.& As& an& example,& remember& that& we& wrote& this& method& in& class& (you& can& use& it& as& ageneral& pattern& for& creating& your& own& methods& for& this& lab):public void pickFlowers() { while (this.seesFlower(AHEAD)) { this.hop(); this.pick(); } } d.& Work& incrementally& to& write& and& check& your& solution.& Feel& free& to& write& stubs& for& your& ownmethods.e.& As& you& add& pieces& of& your& solution,& dont& forget& to& compile& your& code& and& run& it& to& confirm& that& itworks& as& you& expect.& Fix& any& problems& you& see.f.& Dont& forget& to& use& while& loops& when& you& need& to& repeat& an& action,& and& if-then-else& structureswhen& you& wish& to& choose& between& alternate& actions.& You& can& review& information& on& if-then-thenand& if-then& in& Chapter& 6& (http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs1114/booklet/chapter6.html)& ,& and& review2018/7/13 Lab 03https://canvas.vt.edu/courses/70501/assignments/445354 4/6information& on& while& loops& in& Chapter& 7& (http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs1114/booklet/chapter7.html)& .The& basic& form.& of& these& structures& is& shown& below& for& reference:// Use a while loop for repetition: while () { // actions here will be repeated as long as the is true } // Use an if-then for optional actions if () { // actions here will only be executed if the is true, // or skipped if the is false } // Use an if-then-else for choosing between two actions if () { // actions here will only be executed if the is true } else { // actions here will only be executed if the is false } Part& 3:& Submi�ng& Your& WorkProcedure1.& Submit& to& Web­CATa.& Make& sure& your& lab03& scenario& is& the& only& one& you& have& open,& and& submit& it& using& th& Controls& Submit...& menu& command.b.& Correct& any& issues& and& resubmit& your& work& until& you& are& happy& with& your& score.c.& If& you& are& unsure& why& points& are& being& deducted& in& your& assignment,& or& if& you& are& unsure& howto& address& a& particular& issue,& ask& a& neighbor& or& a& TA.Part& 4:& Developing& an& Error& CatalogIn& this& last& part& of& the& lab& assignment,& you& will& intentionally& introduce& errors& into& the& source& code& you& havebeen& working& with.& The& Java& compiler& (as& well& as& compilers& in& general)& is& not& perfect& by& any& means­­itcannot& always& make& intelligent& guesses& as& to& what& the& programmer& may& have& meant& when& he& or& she& makesan& error,& and& the& messages& that& the& compiler& produces& do& not& necessarily& always& point& to& the& obvious& cause本团队核心人员组成主要包括BAT一线工程师,精通德英语!我们主要业务范围是代做编程大作业、课程设计等等。我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写编程、代写程序、代写留学生程序作业语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:C/C++/C#代写Java代写IT代写Python代写辅导编程作业Matlab代写Haskell代写Processing代写Linux环境搭建Rust代写Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写MIPS代写Machine Learning 作业 代写Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导Web开发、网站开发、网站作业ASP.NET网站开发Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代Prolog代写Computer Computational method代做因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:[email protected] 微信:codehelp
