2018-10-16 pyqt5+opencv读取摄像头数据并显示



import cv2

import numpy as np

import time

import sys

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *

from PyQt5.QtCore import *

from PyQt5.QtGui import *

class Camera:

    def __init__(self, width=320, height=240):

        self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

        self.image= QImage()

        self.width = width

        self.height = height

        ret, frame = self.cap.read()

        frame = cv2.resize(frame, (self.width, self.height))

        self.h, self.w, self.bytesPerComponent = frame.shape

        self.bytesPerLine = self.bytesPerComponent * self.w

    def ReturnOneQPixmap(self):

        # get a frame

        ret, frame = self.cap.read()

        frame = cv2.resize(frame, (self.width, self.height))

        if ret:

            if frame.ndim == 3:

                rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

            elif frame.ndim == 2:

                rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

        self.image = QImage(rgb.data, self.w, self.h, self.bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888)

        return QPixmap.fromImage(self.image)

    def DestroyCamera(self):



class VideoBox(QWidget):

    def __init__(self):



        self.camera = Camera(320, 320)

        self.pictureLabel = QLabel()

        self.pictureLabel.setFixedSize(320, 240)


        self.combo = QComboBox()




        control_box = QHBoxLayout()

        control_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)


        layout = QVBoxLayout()




        self.video_timer = VideoTimer()


    def onActivatd(self, text):

        if text == 'Video':



        if text == 'Stop':



    def showframe(self):


class Communicate(QObject):

    signal = pyqtSignal(str)

class VideoTimer(QThread):

    def __init__(self, frequent=20):


        self.stopped = False

        self.frequent = frequent

        self.timeSignal = Communicate()

        self.mutex = QMutex()

    def run(self):

        with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):

            self.stopped = False

        while True:

            if self.stopped:



            time.sleep(1 / self.frequent)

    def stop(self):

        with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):

            self.stopped = True

    def is_stopped(self):

        with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):

            return self.stopped

    def set_fps(self, fps):

        self.frequent = fps

if __name__ == "__main__":

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

    box = VideoBox()

    # box.showFullScreen()



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