1. 小蚯蚓又在努力的想办法卖咖啡了,安迪从楼梯间出来,看到她努力的样子,鼓励道:Constant practice leads to sure success!

2. 小蚯蚓为应勤的事流了不少眼泪,樊胜美心疼的看着熟睡的她,心想:you poor thing~

3. 赵医生一边观察病例,一边跟家属说: Penicillin cured him of pneumonia

4. 王柏川握着小美的手,深情的说:I hope our love will endure forever

5. 安迪夸赞小美即使家庭一片混乱,还仍然不忘照顾别人,不忘享受生活,永远保持着生活的姿态。She never feels inferior for her poor birth.

5.小美说她不怕吃苦,就怕看不到生活的希望. She is not sure that she could come alive all her dreams.

6. 去国外度假,安迪“偶遇”小包总,小包总担当了一名outstanding international tour guide

7.剧中大家一言不合就去安迪家喝酒:It is the best way to cure boredom is to drink wine in Andy's home

8. 关关独立主持了一场英文会议,才知道 Her good English is ensured once she cracked her pronunciation.

9.第一季中关关因为代替别人签字而受到领导的责怪,关关觉得很委屈,但领导却怒斥:Don't give me your excuses.

10.樊胜美终于在事业中找到了努力的价值,生活的价值,意识到:Business is the salt of life

