On Writing Well 13

Chapter 13 Writing about Places



The dismal truth is that it's very hard.

1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词忧郁的;凄凉的;令人沮丧的 Something that is dismal is bad in a sad or depressing way.

My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal...


It was a dismal failure.这是个让人沮丧的失败。

dismally ;He failed dismally in his opening match.他在揭幕战中惨败。

仿: Failed of entering a promising university, he felt his future is dismal.

2.keep a tight rein on

As a writer your must keep a tight rein on your subjective self-the traveler touched by new sights and sounds and smells-and keep an objective eye on the reader.

to control something in a very strict way

例:The company needs to keep a tight hold on costs this month.

仿:He keeps a tight rein on his children.


Also resist straining for the luminous lyrical phrase to describe the wondrous waterfall.

to try very hard to do something using all your strength or ability

搭配:strain (something) to do something/strain for

例:She was straining to keep her head above the water.

Bill choked and gasped, straining for air.

strain your ears/eyes (=try very hard to hear or see)

I strained my ears, listening for any sound in the silence of the cave.

仿:The drowning man strained to keep his head above the water.


It makes you ache for the sight of a rebelliuos curve or the irregular

to want to do or have something very much

搭配 ache for/ache to do something

例:I’m aching for sleep.

He ached to reach out and hold her close.

仿:She is aching for the shopping spree's coming.


One realizes there are two breeds in Turkey: those who carry and those who sit.

a particular kind of person or type of thing:

搭配:breed of a new breed of international criminal

例:Real cowboys are a dying breed (=not many exist anymore).

仿:Tesla is a new breed of electrical car.


描写一个地方,作者告诉我们需要遵循两个原则:style ,substance




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