
如果应用项目要做模块化, 必然绕不开为了模块间跳转解耦而做的处理, 我们都知道一般都会采用路由模式, 本篇主要解析阿里的开源路由框架ARouter, 源码地址可见Github,本篇分析版本为api1.3.1


感谢源码自带Demo, 我们直接从他的整个使用流程开始看起.忽略掉Log模式和Debug模式的开启, 首先我们需要初始化ARouter


它内部实际调用的是LogisticsCenter.init(Context context, ThreadPoolExecutor tpe)

public synchronized static void init(Context context, ThreadPoolExecutor tpe) throws HandlerException {
        mContext = context;
        executor = tpe;

        try {
            long startInit = System.currentTimeMillis();
            //billy.qi modified at 2017-12-06
            //load by plugin first
            if (registerByPlugin) {
      , "Load router map by arouter-auto-register plugin.");
            } else {
                Set routerMap;

                // It will rebuild router map every times when debuggable.
                if (ARouter.debuggable() || PackageUtils.isNewVersion(context)) {
          , "Run with debug mode or new install, rebuild router map.");
                    // These class was generated by arouter-compiler.
                    // 通过arouter-compiler生成
                    routerMap = ClassUtils.getFileNameByPackageName(mContext, ROUTE_ROOT_PAKCAGE);
                    if (!routerMap.isEmpty()) {
                        context.getSharedPreferences(AROUTER_SP_CACHE_KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putStringSet(AROUTER_SP_KEY_MAP, routerMap).apply();

                    // 当router map更新的时候保存新的版本号
                    PackageUtils.updateVersion(context);    // Save new version name when router map update finishes.
                } else {
          , "Load router map from cache.");
                    routerMap = new HashSet<>(context.getSharedPreferences(AROUTER_SP_CACHE_KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getStringSet(AROUTER_SP_KEY_MAP, new HashSet()));

      , "Find router map finished, map size = " + routerMap.size() + ", cost " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startInit) + " ms.");
                startInit = System.currentTimeMillis();

                for (String className : routerMap) {
                    if (className.startsWith(ROUTE_ROOT_PAKCAGE + DOT + SDK_NAME + SEPARATOR + SUFFIX_ROOT)) {
                        // This one of root elements, load root.
                        ((IRouteRoot) (Class.forName(className).getConstructor().newInstance())).loadInto(Warehouse.groupsIndex);
                    } else if (className.startsWith(ROUTE_ROOT_PAKCAGE + DOT + SDK_NAME + SEPARATOR + SUFFIX_INTERCEPTORS)) {
                        // Load interceptorMeta
                        ((IInterceptorGroup) (Class.forName(className).getConstructor().newInstance())).loadInto(Warehouse.interceptorsIndex);
                    } else if (className.startsWith(ROUTE_ROOT_PAKCAGE + DOT + SDK_NAME + SEPARATOR + SUFFIX_PROVIDERS)) {
                        // Load providerIndex
                        ((IProviderGroup) (Class.forName(className).getConstructor().newInstance())).loadInto(Warehouse.providersIndex);

  , "Load root element finished, cost " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startInit) + " ms.");

            if (Warehouse.groupsIndex.size() == 0) {
                logger.error(TAG, "No mapping files were found, check your configuration please!");

            if (ARouter.debuggable()) {
                logger.debug(TAG, String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "LogisticsCenter has already been loaded, GroupIndex[%d], InterceptorIndex[%d], ProviderIndex[%d]", Warehouse.groupsIndex.size(), Warehouse.interceptorsIndex.size(), Warehouse.providersIndex.size()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new HandlerException(TAG + "ARouter init logistics center exception! [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

这里loadRouterMap()方法就是将是否通过插件注册的tag初始化为false, 我们主要看正常流程下的注册, 所以关注点在else的代码块中.对于routerMap从上下文我们可以看出, 他是APT自动生成的类名集合.

Debug模式下, 当每次更新路由缓存的版本的时候, 都会从指定包名收集所有的className, 如果不为空 则更新磁盘缓存.

而非Debug模式下, 不做收集, 直接获取磁盘缓存, 如果没有则new一个空集合.

然后通过反射新建对应类实例并调用load方法.我们可以看下debug模式下, APT生成类文件下的load函数具体执行了什么

public class ARouter$$Group$$arouter implements IRouteGroup {
  public void loadInto(Map atlas) {
    atlas.put("/arouter/service/autowired",, AutowiredServiceImpl.class, "/arouter/service/autowired", "arouter", null, -1, -2147483648));
    atlas.put("/arouter/service/interceptor",, InterceptorServiceImpl.class, "/arouter/service/interceptor", "arouter", null, -1, -2147483648));

public class ARouter$$Providers$$arouterapi implements IProviderGroup {
  public void loadInto(Map providers) {
    providers.put("",, AutowiredServiceImpl.class, "/arouter/service/autowired", "arouter", null, -1, -2147483648));
    providers.put("",, InterceptorServiceImpl.class, "/arouter/service/interceptor", "arouter", null, -1, -2147483648));

public class ARouter$$Root$$arouterapi implements IRouteRoot {
  public void loadInto(Map> routes) {
    routes.put("arouter", ARouter$$Group$$arouter.class);

可以看出所有loadInto()方法执行的都是将注解的信息通过Map强引用做内存缓存管理.这里Warehouse.groupsIndex管理的是组的路由生成文件的内存, Warehouse.interceptorsIndex拦截器的索引管理, Warehouse.providersIndex服务(不是四大组件, 而是实现了继承IProvider接口的对象)索引管理.




首先需要build一个Postcard对象, 他包含了我们传递的跳转信息.

protected Postcard build(String path) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) {
            throw new HandlerException(Consts.TAG + "Parameter is invalid!");
        } else {
          // 判断是否重写跳转URL, 没有就使用原来的path构建Postcard
            PathReplaceService pService = ARouter.getInstance().navigation(PathReplaceService.class);
            if (null != pService) {
                path = pService.forString(path);
            return build(path, extractGroup(path));

protected Postcard build(String path, String group) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(path) || TextUtils.isEmpty(group)) {
            throw new HandlerException(Consts.TAG + "Parameter is invalid!");
        } else {
            PathReplaceService pService = ARouter.getInstance().navigation(PathReplaceService.class);
            if (null != pService) {
                path = pService.forString(path);
            return new Postcard(path, group);

然后通过postcard.navigation()做跳转工作, 在这个方法内首先会针对我们记载路由信息的postcard通过调用LogisticsCenter.completion(postcard);进行信息补充完善

public synchronized static void completion(Postcard postcard) {
        if (null == postcard) {
            throw new NoRouteFoundException(TAG + "No postcard!");

        // 通过path获取路由基础信息
        RouteMeta routeMeta = Warehouse.routes.get(postcard.getPath());
        // 如果没有获取到路由基础信息
        if (null == routeMeta) {    // Maybe its does't exist, or didn't load.
            // 则重新通过反射进行加载
            Class groupMeta = Warehouse.groupsIndex.get(postcard.getGroup());  // Load route meta.
            if (null == groupMeta) {
                throw new NoRouteFoundException(TAG + "There is no route match the path [" + postcard.getPath() + "], in group [" + postcard.getGroup() + "]");
            } else {
                // Load route and cache it into memory, then delete from metas.
                try {
                    if (ARouter.debuggable()) {
                        logger.debug(TAG, String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "The group [%s] starts loading, trigger by [%s]", postcard.getGroup(), postcard.getPath()));

                    IRouteGroup iGroupInstance = groupMeta.getConstructor().newInstance();

                    if (ARouter.debuggable()) {
                        logger.debug(TAG, String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "The group [%s] has already been loaded, trigger by [%s]", postcard.getGroup(), postcard.getPath()));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new HandlerException(TAG + "Fatal exception when loading group meta. [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

                // 递归进行路由的完善工作
                completion(postcard);   // Reload
        } else {
            // 完善postcard信息

            Uri rawUri = postcard.getUri();
            if (null != rawUri) {   // Try to set params into bundle.
                Map resultMap = TextUtils.splitQueryParameters(rawUri);
                Map paramsType = routeMeta.getParamsType();

                if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(paramsType)) {
                    // Set value by its type, just for params which annotation by @Param
                    for (Map.Entry params : paramsType.entrySet()) {

                    // Save params name which need auto inject.
                    postcard.getExtras().putStringArray(ARouter.AUTO_INJECT, paramsType.keySet().toArray(new String[]{}));

                // Save raw uri
                postcard.withString(ARouter.RAW_URI, rawUri.toString());

            switch (routeMeta.getType()) {
                case PROVIDER:  // if the route is provider, should find its instance
                    // Its provider, so it must implement IProvider
                    Class providerMeta = (Class) routeMeta.getDestination();
                    IProvider instance = Warehouse.providers.get(providerMeta);
                    switch (routeMeta.getType()) {
                case PROVIDER:  // if the route is provider, should find its instance
                    // Its provider, so it must implement IProvider
                    // 如果路由目标是一个provider
                    // 需要找到目标实例
                    Class providerMeta = (Class) routeMeta.getDestination();
                    IProvider instance = Warehouse.providers.get(providerMeta);
                    if (null == instance) { // There's no instance of this provider
                        IProvider provider;
                        try {
                            provider = providerMeta.getConstructor().newInstance();
                            Warehouse.providers.put(providerMeta, provider);
                            instance = provider;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            throw new HandlerException("Init provider failed! " + e.getMessage());
                    // provider不会触发拦截器
                    postcard.greenChannel();    // Provider should skip all of interceptors
                case FRAGMENT:
                    // fragment不会触发拦截器
                    postcard.greenChannel();    // Fragment needn't interceptors


     * Use router navigation.
     * @param context     
     * @param postcard    路由信息
     * @param requestCode RequestCode, 默认为-1
     * @param callback    申明的跳转回调
protected Object navigation(final Context context, final Postcard postcard, final int requestCode, final NavigationCallback callback) {
        try {
          // postcard信息完善
        } catch (NoRouteFoundException ex) {
            logger.warning(Consts.TAG, ex.getMessage());

            if (debuggable()) { // Show friendly tips for user.
                Toast.makeText(mContext, "There's no route matched!\n" +
                        " Path = [" + postcard.getPath() + "]\n" +
                        " Group = [" + postcard.getGroup() + "]", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            // 没有找到对应路由信息的回调通知, 如果没有回调, 会通过DegradeService服务进行通知, 但是要根据他发出的进行处理, 需要我们实现DegradeService的接口
            if (null != callback) {
            } else {    // No callback for this invoke, then we use the global degrade service.
                DegradeService degradeService = ARouter.getInstance().navigation(DegradeService.class);
                if (null != degradeService) {
                    degradeService.onLost(context, postcard);

            return null;

        // 回调通知onFound
        if (null != callback) {
        // 当需要处理拦截器内容的时候
        if (!postcard.isGreenChannel()) {   // It must be run in async thread, maybe interceptor cost too mush time made ANR.
            // 拦截器处理
            interceptorService.doInterceptions(postcard, new InterceptorCallback() {
                 * Continue process
                 * @param postcard route meta
                public void onContinue(Postcard postcard) {
                  // 继续跳转
                    _navigation(context, postcard, requestCode, callback);

                 * Interrupt process, pipeline will be destory when this method called.
                 * @param exception Reson of interrupt.
                public void onInterrupt(Throwable exception) {
                    if (null != callback) {
                      // 回调

          , "Navigation failed, termination by interceptor : " + exception.getMessage());
        } else {
            return _navigation(context, postcard, requestCode, callback);

        return null;

拦截器的处理是通过interceptorService代理来实现, 我们可以往里面看

@Route(path = "/arouter/service/interceptor")
public class InterceptorServiceImpl implements InterceptorService {
    private static boolean interceptorHasInit;
    private static final Object interceptorInitLock = new Object();

    public void doInterceptions(final Postcard postcard, final InterceptorCallback callback) {
        if (null != Warehouse.interceptors && Warehouse.interceptors.size() > 0) {


            if (!interceptorHasInit) {
                callback.onInterrupt(new HandlerException("Interceptors initialization takes too much time."));
            // 通过线程池进行异步管理执行
            LogisticsCenter.executor.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    CancelableCountDownLatch interceptorCounter = new CancelableCountDownLatch(Warehouse.interceptors.size());
                    try {
                        // 通过interceptorCounter倒数计数器, 一个个执行拥有的拦截器
                        _excute(0, interceptorCounter, postcard);
                        // 默认timeout时间是0.3s
                        interceptorCounter.await(postcard.getTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                        // 如果在postcard.getTimeout()时间内没有执行完
                        if (interceptorCounter.getCount() > 0) {    // Cancel the navigation this time, if it hasn't return anythings.
                            // 取消
                            callback.onInterrupt(new HandlerException("The interceptor processing timed out."));
                        } else if (null != postcard.getTag()) {    // Maybe some exception in the tag.
                            callback.onInterrupt(new HandlerException(postcard.getTag().toString()));
                        } else {
                            // 在没有超时和抛出异常的情况下, 则继续往后执行
                    } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {

     * Excute interceptor
     * @param index    current interceptor index
     * @param counter  interceptor counter
     * @param postcard routeMeta
    private static void _excute(final int index, final CancelableCountDownLatch counter, final Postcard postcard) {
        if (index < Warehouse.interceptors.size()) {
            IInterceptor iInterceptor = Warehouse.interceptors.get(index);
            iInterceptor.process(postcard, new InterceptorCallback() {
                public void onContinue(Postcard postcard) {
                    // Last interceptor excute over with no exception.
                    // 递归处理
                    _excute(index + 1, counter, postcard);  // When counter is down, it will be execute continue ,but index bigger than interceptors size, then U know.

                public void onInterrupt(Throwable exception) {
                    // Last interceptor excute over with fatal exception.

                    postcard.setTag(null == exception ? new HandlerException("No message.") : exception.getMessage());    // save the exception message for backup.
                    // Be attention, maybe the thread in callback has been changed,
                    // then the catch block(L207) will be invalid.
                    // The worst is the thread changed to main thread, then the app will be crash, if you throw this exception!
//                    if (!Looper.getMainLooper().equals(Looper.myLooper())) {    // You shouldn't throw the exception if the thread is main thread.
//                        throw new HandlerException(exception.getMessage());
//                    }

    public void init(final Context context) {
        LogisticsCenter.executor.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(Warehouse.interceptorsIndex)) {
                    for (Map.Entry> entry : Warehouse.interceptorsIndex.entrySet()) {
                        Class interceptorClass = entry.getValue();
                        try {
                            IInterceptor iInterceptor = interceptorClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            throw new HandlerException(TAG + "ARouter init interceptor error! name = [" + interceptorClass.getName() + "], reason = [" + ex.getMessage() + "]");

                    interceptorHasInit = true;

          , "ARouter interceptors init over.");

                    synchronized (interceptorInitLock) {

    private static void checkInterceptorsInitStatus() {
        synchronized (interceptorInitLock) {
            while (!interceptorHasInit) {
                try {
                    interceptorInitLock.wait(10 * 1000);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new HandlerException(TAG + "Interceptor init cost too much time error! reason = [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

ok, 在进行了拦截器处理(或者没有拦截器的情况下), 我们走到了_navigation(context, postcard, requestCode, callback), 到这里基本又是熟悉的配方了, 可以看到他最后通过startActivity来进行跳转.

private Object _navigation(final Context context, final Postcard postcard, final int requestCode, final NavigationCallback callback) {
        final Context currentContext = null == context ? mContext : context;

        switch (postcard.getType()) {
            case ACTIVITY:
                // Build intent
                final Intent intent = new Intent(currentContext, postcard.getDestination());

                // Set flags.
                int flags = postcard.getFlags();
                if (-1 != flags) {
                } else if (!(currentContext instanceof Activity)) {    // Non activity, need less one flag.

                // Navigation in main looper.
                new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        if (requestCode > 0) {  // Need start for result
                            ActivityCompat.startActivityForResult((Activity) currentContext, intent, requestCode, postcard.getOptionsBundle());
                        } else {
                            ActivityCompat.startActivity(currentContext, intent, postcard.getOptionsBundle());

                        if ((-1 != postcard.getEnterAnim() && -1 != postcard.getExitAnim()) && currentContext instanceof Activity) {    // Old version.
                            ((Activity) currentContext).overridePendingTransition(postcard.getEnterAnim(), postcard.getExitAnim());

                        if (null != callback) { // Navigation over.

            case PROVIDER:
                return postcard.getProvider();
            case BOARDCAST:
            case CONTENT_PROVIDER:
            case FRAGMENT:
                Class fragmentMeta = postcard.getDestination();
                try {
                    Object instance = fragmentMeta.getConstructor().newInstance();
                    if (instance instanceof Fragment) {
                        ((Fragment) instance).setArguments(postcard.getExtras());
                    } else if (instance instanceof {
                        (( instance).setArguments(postcard.getExtras());

                    return instance;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    logger.error(Consts.TAG, "Fetch fragment instance error, " + TextUtils.formatStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace()));
            case METHOD:
            case SERVICE:
                return null;

        return null;
