Chinese Cinderella

今天终于把拖拖拉拉看了这么久的中国灰姑娘看完了,由于没有连续性的看,没有享受到那种一气呵成的感觉,好在故事happy ending.原来灰姑娘最早的版本竟然在中国的汉代,哈哈,太不可思议啦!其实这个故事属于作者严君玲的自传,一出生母亲就死了,在家排行老五,叫做五妹,从小就不被家人待见,被父亲遗忘,继母虐待,哥哥姐姐欺负,只有靠努力读书来获取父亲的一点点关注。五妹童年很波折,可怜,只有爷爷和姑姑对于她寄予厚望,在她绝望无助无辜可怜的时候鼓励她,爷爷和姑姑也是唯一她在这个世界上的慰藉。

“Don’t talk like that!” Ye Ye interrupted. “You mustn’t talk like that! You have your whole life ahead of you.  Everything is possible! I’ve tried to tell you  over and over that far from being garbage,  you are precious and special. Being top of  your class merely confirms this. But you can vanquish the demons only when you yourself are convinced of your own worth.

“The world is changing. You must rely on yourself and not end up married off like Big Sister. I have faith in you. Go  out there and compete in the most  difficult examinations. Create your  own destiny! Your Ye Ye is an old man now and his days are numbered. Who knows how long we have to talk like  this? But no matter what happens,  always remember that my hopes are with you. Trust me! Continue to work  hard! One day you’ll show the world  what you are really made of.”


你可能感兴趣的:(Chinese Cinderella)