《Cracking the Coding Interview》——第18章:难题——题目10

2014-04-29 04:22


解法:Leetcode中有Word Ladder,这题基本思路一致。


 1 // 18.10 Given a list of words, all of same length. Given a source and a destionation words, you have to check if there exists a path between the two. Every time you may change only one letter in the word.

 2 // This is my code from leetcode problem set: word ladder

 3 #include <string>

 4 #include <unordered_map>

 5 #include <unordered_set>

 6 #include <vector>

 7 using namespace std;


 9 class Solution {

10 public:

11     vector<vector<string> > findLadders(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict) {

12         unordered_map<string, vector<string> > back_trace;

13         vector<unordered_set<string> > level(2);


15         dict.insert(start);

16         dict.insert(end);


18         int flag, nflag;

19         flag = 0;

20         nflag = !flag;

21         level[flag].insert(start);


23         unordered_set<string>::iterator usit;

24         char ch, old_ch;

25         string word;

26         while (true) {

27             flag = !flag;

28             nflag = !nflag;

29             level[flag].clear();

30             for (usit = level[nflag].begin(); usit != level[nflag].end(); ++usit) {

31                 dict.erase(*usit);

32             }

33             for (usit = level[nflag].begin(); usit != level[nflag].end(); ++usit) {

34                 word = *usit;

35                 for (size_t i = 0; i < word.size(); ++i) {

36                     old_ch = word[i];

37                     for (ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ++ch) {

38                         if (ch == old_ch) {

39                             continue;

40                         }

41                         word[i] = ch;

42                         if (dict.find(word) != dict.end()) {

43                             back_trace[word].push_back(*usit);

44                             level[flag].insert(word);

45                         }

46                     }

47                     word[i] = old_ch;

48                 }

49             }

50             if (level[flag].empty() || level[flag].count(end) > 0) {

51                 // found or not found

52                 break;

53             }

54         }


56         single_result.clear();

57         for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {

58             result[i].clear();

59         }

60         result.clear();


62         if (!back_trace.empty()) {

63             recorverPath(back_trace, end);

64         }


66         return result;

67     }

68 private:

69     vector<vector<string> > result;

70     vector<string> single_result;


72     void recorverPath(unordered_map<string, vector<string> > &back_trace, string cur) {

73         if (back_trace.count(cur) == 0) {

74             // this word has no back trace, it is unreachable.

75             vector<string> single_path(single_result);


77             single_path.push_back(cur);

78             reverse(single_path.begin(), single_path.end());

79             result.push_back(single_path);

80             return;

81         }


83         const vector<string> &v = back_trace[cur];

84         vector<string>::const_iterator usit;


86         single_result.push_back(cur);

87         for (usit = v.begin(); usit != v.end(); ++usit) {

88             recorverPath(back_trace, *usit);

89         }

90         single_result.pop_back();

91     }

92 };

