Netcdf (一)


1 NetCDF
NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. Distributions are provided for Java and C/C++/Fortran. See the netCDF web site for more information.
NetCDF全称为network Common Data Format( “网络通用数据格式”),是一个软件库与机器无关的数据格式,支持创建,访问基于数组的科研数据。分别提供了对Java和C / C++ / Fortran语言。
   从数学上来说,netcdf存储的数据就是一个多自变量的单值函数。用公式来说就是f(x,y,z,...)=value, 函数的自变量x,y,z等在netcdf中叫做维(dimension)或坐标轴(axix),函数值value在netcdf中叫做变量(Variables)。而自变量和函数值在物理学上的一些性质,比如计量单位(量纲)、物理学名称在netcdf中就叫属性(Attributes)。
1.2 数组理解
	int a[][] = {{1,2},{2,3}};
	int c[][] = new int[2][];
	int d[][] = new int[2][3];
	/*********多维数组声明和初始化是从高维到低维 以下都是语法错误的:
	 *int b[2][] = {{1,2},{2,3}};
	 *int c[][] = new int[][];
	 *int c[][] = new int[][4];
如:int c[][] = new int[2][];
	c[0] = new int[3];
	c[1] = new int[3];
2 参考网站
2.1 Unidata
2.2.1 About 
Unidata is a diverse community of over 160 institutions vested in the common goal of sharing data, and tools to access and visualize that data. For 20 years Unidata has been providing data, tools, and support to enhance earth-system education and research. In an era of increasing data complexity, accessibility, and multidisciplinary integration, Unidata provides a rich set of services and tools.
2.2.2 DATA
The Unidata Program helps researchers and educators acquire and use earth-related data. Most of the data are provided in "real time" or "near-real time" — that is, the data are sent to participants almost as soon as the observations are made. Unidata is a data facilitator, not a data archive center. We provide a mechanism whereby educators and researchers, by participating in our Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system, may subscribe to streams of current data that interest them.
Unidata项目帮助研究人员和教育工作者获得和使用地球相关的数据。大部分数据为实时数据或者临近数据,将数据发送到需要参与的对象。 Unidata是数据处理,而不是数据存储中心。
Available Data Types:(现有数据类型)
Forecast Model Output:出型预报
Satellite Data:卫星数据
Radar Data:雷达数据
Lightning Data:闪电数据
Wind Profiler Data:风分析的数据
Aircraft-Borne (ACARS):航空传播数据
GPS Meteo. (SuomiNet):GPS数据
3 NetCDF文件结构
3.1 变量(Variables)
从上面的例子可以看出,netcdf中的变量就是一个N维数组,数组的维数就是实际问题中的自变量个数,数组的值就是观测得到的物理值。变量(数组值)在netcdf中的存储类型有六种,ascii字符(char) ,字节(byte), 短整型(short), 整型(int), 浮点(float), 双精度(double)。
3.2 维(dimension)
3.3 属性(Attribute)
temperature:units = "celsius" ;
前面的temperature是一个已经定义好的变量(Variable),即温度,冒号后面的units就是属性名,表示物理单位,=后面的就是units这个属性的值,为“celsius” ,即摄氏度,整个一行代码的意思就是温度这个物理量的单位为celsius。
3.4 表现形式(Representations)
Representations of netCDF CF(Climate and Forecast) Dimension and Variable Information:
CDL text, ncML, ncML with coordinate system extensions, and ncML-GML
3.4.1 CDL
     netcdf example_1plus  {  // CDL with CF addions     
     dimensions:         // dimension names and lengths are declared first
             lat = 5, lon = 10, level = 4, time = unlimited;
     variables:          // variable types, names, shapes, attributes
             short   time(time);
                         time:standard_name  = "time";
                         time:units      = "hours since 1996-1-1";
             int     lat(lat), lon(lon), level(level);
                         lat:units       = "degrees_north";
                         lat:standard_name = "latitude";
                         lon:units       = "degrees_east";
                         lon:long_name = "longitude";
                         level:standard_name     = "air_pressure";
                         level:units     = "millibars";
             float   temp(time,level,lat,lon);
                         temp:long_name     = "temperature";
                         temp:standard_name     = "air_temperature";
                         temp:units         = "celsius";
             float   rh(time,lat,lon);
                         rh:long_name = "relative humidity";
                         rh:valid_range = 0.0, 1.0;      // min and max

             // global attributes
                         :source = "Fictional Model Output";
                         :Conventions = "CF-1.0";
     data:                // optional data assignments
             level   = 1000, 850, 700, 500;
             lat     = 20, 30, 40, 50, 60;
             lon     = -160,-140,-118,-96,-84,-52,-45,-35,-25,-15;
             time    = 12;
             rh      =.5,.2,.4,.2,.3,.2,.4,.5,.6,.7,
      0  time为12,表示lon为-160,lat为60的三维数据
3.4.2 NCML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="" location="T:/GALEON/SimpleSamples/">
  <dimension name="lat" length="5" />
  <dimension name="lon" length="10" />
  <dimension name="level" length="4" />
  <dimension name="time" length="1" isUnlimited="true" />
  <attribute name="source" type="String" value="Fictional Model Output" />
  <attribute name="Conventions" type="String" value="CF-1.0" />
  <variable name="time" shape="time" type="short">
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="time" />
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="hours since 1996-1-1" />
  <variable name="lat" shape="lat" type="int">
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="degrees_north" />
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="latitude" />
  <variable name="lon" shape="lon" type="int">
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="degrees_east" />
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="longitude" />
  <variable name="level" shape="level" type="int">
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="air_pressure" />
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="millibars" />
  <variable name="temp" shape="time level lat lon" type="float">
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="temperature" />
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="air_temperature" />
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="celsius" />
  <variable name="rh" shape="time lat lon" type="float">
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="relative humidity" />
    <attribute name="valid_range" type="double" value="0.0 1.0" />
3.4.3 NCML-CS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" uri="T:/GALEON/SimpleSamples/">
  <dimension name="lat" length="5" />
  <dimension name="lon" length="10" />
  <dimension name="level" length="4" />
  <dimension name="time" length="1" isUnlimited="true" />
  <attribute name="source" type="String" value="Fictional Model Output" />
  <attribute name="Conventions" type="String" value="CF-1.0" />
  <coordinateAxis name="time" shape="time" type="short" units="hours since 1996-1-1" axisType="Time">
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="time" />
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="hours since 1996-1-1" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" type="String" value="Time" />
  <coordinateAxis name="lat" shape="lat" type="int" units="degrees_north" axisType="Lat">
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="degrees_north" />
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="latitude" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" type="String" value="Lat" />
  <coordinateAxis name="lon" shape="lon" type="int" units="degrees_east" axisType="Lon">
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="degrees_east" />
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="longitude" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" type="String" value="Lon" />
  <coordinateAxis name="level" shape="level" type="int" units="millibars" axisType="Pressure">
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="air_pressure" />
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="millibars" />
    <attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" type="String" value="Pressure" />
  <variable name="temp" shape="time level lat lon" type="float" coordinateSystems="time-level-lat-lon">
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="temperature" />
    <attribute name="standard_name" type="String" value="air_temperature" />
    <attribute name="units" type="String" value="celsius" />
  <variable name="rh" shape="time lat lon" type="float" coordinateSystems="time-lat-lon">
    <attribute name="long_name" type="String" value="relative humidity" />
    <attribute name="valid_range" type="double" value="0.0 1.0" />
  <coordinateSystem name="time-level-lat-lon">
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="time" />
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="level" />
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="lat" />
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="lon" />
  <coordinateSystem name="time-lat-lon">
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="time" />
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="lat" />
    <coordinateAxisRef ref="lon" />


