----------- Calendar : Day Selecter ------------
author : satellite @ cnvery
create : 2005-11-17
site : http://www.cnvery.net/
----------- Example ----------------------------
<input type='text' name='someDateField' size='13' readonly='readonly' onclick='javascript:calendar.setHook(this)' />
so easy:
and you can set the field readonly
function cnVeryCalendar()
var border_frame = '#468DDD';
var border_inner = '#f6f6f6';
var fore_frameCaption = '#ffffff';
var back_frameCaption = '#468DDD';
var fore_currentMonth = '#ff0000';
var back_weekName = '#e9e9e9';
var back_nullDay = '#fafafa';
var fore_dayMouseOver = '#ff6600';
var back_dayMouseOver = '#eeeeee';
var font_cnChar = 'font-family:宋体,sans-serif; font-size:12px;';
var font_numChar = 'font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-seirf; font-size:11px;';
var style_cell = 'line-height:14px; border-color:' + border_inner;
var today_decoration = "font-weight:bold; background:url('bbs/images/calendar_today.gif') center no-repeat;"
// "font-weight:bold"
var reciever;
var today = new Date();
var y = today.getFullYear();
var m = today.getMonth() + 1;
//Return Max Days In The Month
this.daysInMonth = function(y, m)
switch (m)
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 8:
case 10:
case 12:
return 31;
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
return 30;
case 2:
//Is Leep Year
if (y % 4 != 0)
return 28;
if (y % 100 == 0)
return y % 400 == 0 ? 29 : 28;
return 29;
//Generate Codes
this.generateCalendarTable = function()
var i;
var j = new Date(y, m-1, 1).getDay();
var k = this.daysInMonth(y, m);
var body = '';
//Frame Table Header
body += "<table align='center' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' width='100%' height='100%' style='border:1px " + border_frame + " solid; background:white;'>";
body += " <tr>";
body += " <td style='background:" + back_frameCaption + ";" + font_cnChar + "' height='20'>";
body += " <div style='color:" + fore_frameCaption + "; float:left'><b>日历控件</b></div>";
body += " <div style='float:right'>";
body += " <a href=""javascript:calendar.setValue('')"" style='color:" + fore_frameCaption + "; text-decoration:none;" + font_cnChar + "'>[擦除]</a> ";
body += " <a href='javascript:calendar.fadeOut()' style='color:" + fore_frameCaption + "; text-decoration:none;" + font_cnChar + "'>[关闭]</a>";
body += " </div>";
body += " </td>";
body += " </tr>";
body += " <tr>";
body += " <td style='padding-bottom:0px'>";
body += " <table align='center' width='99%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
body += " <tr>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + "'><a href='javascript:calendar.loadPreviousYear()' style='text-decoration:none; color:" + fore_dayMouseOver + "'><font face='webdings'>3</font></a>年<a href='javascript:calendar.loadNextYear()' style='text-decoration:none; color:" + fore_dayMouseOver + "'><font face='webdings'>4</font></a></td>";
body += " <td align='center' nowrap='nowrap' style='color:" + fore_currentMonth + ";" + font_cnChar + "'><b>"+ y + "年" + m + "月</b></td>";
body += " <td align='right' style='" + font_cnChar + "'><a href='javascript:calendar.loadPreviousMonth()' style='text-decoration:none; color:" + fore_dayMouseOver + "'><font face='webdings'>3</font></a>月<a href='javascript:calendar.loadNextMonth()' style='text-decoration:none; color:" + fore_dayMouseOver + "'><font face='webdings'>4</font></a></td>";
body += " </tr>";
body += " </table>";
body += " </td>";
body += " </tr>";
body += " <tr>";
body += " <td>";
//Calendar Table Header
body += "<table align='center' width='99%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' border='1' bordercolor='" + border_inner + "' style='border-collapse:collapse; table-layout:fixed;'>";
body += " <tr align='center' style='background:" + back_weekName + "'>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>日</td>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>一</td>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>二</td>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>三</td>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>四</td>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>五</td>";
body += " <td style='" + font_cnChar + style_cell + "'>六</td>";
body += " </tr>";
//Insert Null Days Before The First Day In Current Month
if (j != 0)
body += "<tr align='center'>";
body += ("<td style='background:" + back_nullDay + style_cell + "' colspan='" + j + "'></td>");
//Loop Each Days In Current Month
for (i=1; i<=k; i++)
//Row Begin
if ((i+j) % 7 == 1)
body += "<tr align='center'>";
//Cells Day By Day
body += "<td";
body += " onmouseover=""this.style.backgroundColor='" + back_dayMouseOver + "'; this.style.color='" + fore_dayMouseOver + "'""";
body += " onmouseout=""this.style.backgroundColor=''; this.style.color=''""";
body += " onclick=""calendar.setValue('" + y + "-" + m + "-" + i + "')""";
if (y == today.getFullYear() && m == today.getMonth()+1 && i == today.getDate())
body += "cursor:hand; " + today_decoration + "; " + font_numChar + style_cell + """";
body += " style='cursor:hand; " + font_numChar + style_cell + "'";
body += ">" + i + "</td>";
//Row End
if ((i+j) % 7 == 0)
body += ("</tr>");
//Append Null Days After The Last Day In Current Month
if ((i+j) % 7 != 0)
body += ("<td style='background:" + back_nullDay + style_cell + "' colspan='" + (8 - (i+j)%7) + "'></td>");
body += ("</tr>");
if (j < (36-k))
body += ("<tr><td colspan='7' style='background:" + back_nullDay + style_cell + "'> </td></tr>");
if (j == 0 && k == 28)
body += ("<tr><td colspan='7' style='background:" + back_nullDay + style_cell + "'> </td></tr>");
//End Calendar Table
body += "</table>";
//End Frame Table
body += "</td></tr></table>";
return body;
//Load Previous Year
this.loadPreviousYear = function()
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.innerHTML = this.generateCalendarTable();
this.loadNextYear = function()
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.innerHTML = this.generateCalendarTable();
this.loadPreviousMonth = function()
if (m < 1)
m = 12;
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.innerHTML = this.generateCalendarTable();
this.loadNextMonth = function()
if (m > 12)
m = 1;
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.innerHTML = this.generateCalendarTable();
//Get Position
this.getAbsolutePosition = function(element)
var point = { x: element.offsetLeft, y: element.offsetTop };
if (element.offsetParent)
var parentPoint = this.getAbsolutePosition(element.offsetParent);
point.x += parentPoint.x;
point.y += parentPoint.y;
return point;
//Pop Layer
this.setHook = function(dateField)
if (__cnVeryCalendarContainer.style.display != 'none' && reciever.id == dateField.id)
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.style.display = 'none';
reciever = dateField;
//-- 如果不想在第二次打开日历时回归为当前月,则把下面两行注释掉或删掉 --
y = today.getFullYear();
m = today.getMonth() + 1;
var point = this.getAbsolutePosition(dateField);
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.style.left = (point.x + dateField.offsetWidth + 5) + 'px';
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.style.top = point.y + 'px';
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.innerHTML = this.generateCalendarTable();
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.style.display = '';
//Hide Layer
this.fadeOut = function()
__cnVeryCalendarContainer.style.display = 'none';
//Click a Day Cell To Add The Value
this.setValue = function(date)
reciever.value = date;
//Render Instance
document.write("<div id='__cnVeryCalendarContainer' style='width:200px; height:190px; position:absolute; float:left; display:none; z-index:999'></div>");
var calendar = new cnVeryCalendar();
<input type="text" runat="server" id="txt_endDate" onfocus="calendar.setHook(this)" />
this.tb_enddate.Attributes.Add("onfocus", "calendar.setHook(this)");