VS2010 + OpenCL 1.1 @ Windows 7 + AMD HD6870



  • OS: Windows 7 
  • GPU: AMD Raedon HD 6870
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2010
  • Driver: ATI Catalyst™ 11.7 Driver Suite
  • OpenCL:  AMD APP SDK v2.5 with OpenCL™ 1.1 support
Windows Environment Variables
  • All have been seted during Installation
  • check %AMDAPPSDKROOT%(echo %AMDAPPSDKROOT%) and %PATH%(echo %PATH%)
Creat a Empty Project
  • Files -> New -> Project...
  • Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32 Console Application
  • Name your projects
Configuration Properties
  • Right click on the project -> Properties
  • Select "All Configurations" in [Configuration] at top left corner
  • Configuration Porperties -> C/C++ -> General -> Addtional Include Directories
  • add "$(AMDAPPSDKROOT)include"
  • Configuration Porperties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories
  • add "$(AMDAPPSDKROOT)lib\x86"
  • Configuration Porperties -> Linker -> Input-> Additional Dependencies
  • add "OpenCL.lib"
Run test program

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