WPO, 新的技术产业


10个网页优化相关Google Code项目

ZeroClipboard、yourls、Minify、Thematic、Flexlib、Zen Coding、Sexybuttons、jQuery transmit、dompdf、stop-spam。



Over the last couple of years performance of web applications became more important to businesses as search engines (such as Google) factor in performance into their ranking. This ultimately leads to Performance == Better Visibility == More Users == More Revenue. Read more on Why Web Performance Optimization is as Important as SEO

The best way to measure the performance of your website is by looking at certain Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that tell you how fast or slow your web site is to the end user. Driven by efforts from web performance specialists such as Steve Souders and companies like Google and Yahoo, the industry has learned that factors such as page load time, number of network roundtrips and transferred size are important performance indicators for a web page.

With the tracing capabilities of dynaTrace AJAX Edition it is possible to extend the list of existing KPI’s to also include metrics such as Time to First Impression, Time to Fully Loaded and Time Spent in JavaScript. The dynaTrace Best Practice on Web Performance Optimization (WPO) document describes a list of KPI’s that should be tracked on every page, how these KPI’s are calculated, what dynaTrace considers as good, acceptable and not acceptable and what you can do to improve these KPI’s.

















