


About a month ago, Google dropped StarOffice from the Google Pack, a downloadable package of free Internet and productivity software for Windows users. StarOffice is a desktop office suite based on the open source OpenOffice.org program and distribute by Sun, and we theorized that Google was laying the ground work for a future push to get users to dump their desktop software in favor of Google’s own web-based application offerings.

大约一个月前,Google从Google Pack中 删除了StarSuite , 后者是可供Windows用户下载的免费Internet和生产力软件软件包。 StarSuite是一个桌面办公套件,基于Sun发行的开源OpenOffice.org程序,并且我们认为Google为未来的发展奠定了基础,以推动用户抛弃其桌面软件,转而支持Google自己的基于Web的软件。应用程序产品。

“If pushing people toward their own suite of tools is what Google is playing it, we expect that there is a possibility that we’ll see Firefox dropped from the Google Pack eventually as well and replaced with Chrome (at least once that browser is out of beta),” we predicted.

“如果Google正在努力使人们朝着自己的工具套件发展,那么我们预计,最终我们也有可能看到Firefox也从Google Pack降级,并被Chrome取代(至少在该浏览器退出后, Beta版),”我们预测。

That prediction has almost come true. Google removed the beta label from their Chrome web browser last week, and now, they’ve demoted Firefox in the Pack. They haven’t outright removed the web’s #2 browser — which makes sense because the integrated Google Toolbar and their status as the default search engine in Firefox is worth tens of millions of dollars each year — but they have pushed Firefox aside in favor of Chrome.

该预测几乎成真。 Google上周从其Chrome网络浏览器中 删除了beta标签 ,现在,他们已将Firefox降级。 他们并没有彻底删除Web的#2浏览器-这很有意义,因为集成的Google工具栏及其作为Firefox中默认搜索引擎的地位每年价值数千万美元-但他们已将Firefox推到一边,而不是Chrome 。


Above: The default software checked as part of the Google Pack download no longer includes Firefox.

上方:在Google Pack下载中检查的默认软件不再包含Firefox。

Firefox used to be the default, recommended browser in the Google Pack, but over the weekend, Google-watching blogger Garett Rogers noticed that Google replaced Firefox with Chrome as the default download. Firefox is still technically part of the pack, but it is unchecked by default and its description has been pushed way down the information page.

Firefox曾经是Google Pack中默认的推荐浏览器,但是在周末,观看Google的博主Garett Rogers注意到 Google用Chrome取代了Firefox作为默认下载。 从技术上讲,Firefox仍然是该软件包的一部分,但默认情况下未选中Firefox,并且其说明已在信​​息页面下推。

It makes sense for Google to push people toward Chrome because it is built specifically for running web applications. The more people using Chrome, the better the user experience for those people running Google brand web applications like Gmail, Reader, Docs and Spreadsheets, and others.

Google专门为运行Web应用程序而构建,因此将人们推向Chrome很有用。 使用Chrome的人越多,对于运行Google品牌网络应用程序(例如Gmail,阅读器,文档和电子表格等)的人们来说,用户体验就越好。

As we’ve noted, Chrome is an important part of Google’s three-pronged Web OS strategy. Along with Gears (offline data store) and Native Client (local CPU resources for web apps), Chrome gives Google a compelling platform for the delivery of web applications. Google needs to push more people onto Chrome in order to legitimately have a shot at winning the Web OS war that is brewing between them and companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, and to a lesser extent Facebook.

如前所述,Chrome是Google的三管齐下的Web操作系统战略的重要组成部分。 Chrome与Gears(离线数据存储)和Native Client(用于Web应用程序的本地CPU资源)一起,为Google提供了一个引人注目的平台,用于交付Web应用程序。 Google必须吸引更多的人使用Chrome,才能合法地赢得Web OS战争的胜利,这场战争正在他们与Microsoft,Adobe,Apple和程度较小的Facebook之类的公司之间展开。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-turns-its-back-on-firefox/

