Another IOC Container Library Using Delegate.
Basic Usage
IContainer container = new Container(); container.Register(null, c => new Person() { Id = 3, Name = "张三" }); var p = container.Resolve<Person>(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(p, typeof(Person)); Assert.AreEqual(3, p.Id); Assert.AreEqual("张三", p.Name);
Singleton Lifetime:
IContainer container = new Container(); container.Register(new SingleLifetime(), c => new Person() { Id = 4, Name = "李四" }); var p = container.Resolve<Person>(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(p, typeof(Person)); Assert.AreSame(p, container.Resolve<Person>()); Assert.AreEqual(4, p.Id); Assert.AreEqual("李四", p.Name);
And, has other lifetime, Waiting for you to explore.
Use it with iterative method:
IContainer container = new Container(); container.Register(null, c => new Person() { Id = 3, Name = "张三" }) .RegisterNamed(null, "x", c => new Person() { Id = 4, Name = c.Resolve<Person>().Name }); var p = container.ResolveNamed<Person>("x"); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(p, typeof(Person)); Assert.AreEqual(4, p.Id); Assert.AreEqual("张三", p.Name);
Auto Register:
IContainer container = new Container(); container.OnResolveError += ContainerExtensions.DefaultRegister(); var p = container.Resolve<Person>(); Assert.IsNotNull(p);
Auto Interface Register:
IContainer container = new Container(); var interfaceRegister = ContainerExtensions.InterfaceRegister(); container.OnResolveError += interfaceRegister; var im = container.Resolve<IPerson>(); Assert.IsNotNull(im); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(im, typeof(IPerson));
Auto Generic Register:
IContainer container = new Container(); container.Register(null, c => 16); container.OnResolveError += ContainerExtensions.GenericRegister(typeof(IList<>), typeof(List<>)); var g = container.Resolve<IList<string>>(); Assert.IsNotNull(g); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(g, typeof(IList<string>));
And other, will be coming...
Look it on CodePlex, Thank you.